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OSI Essence Miner

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[     ________        _________  .___         ___________       _____          ]
[     \_____  \      /   _____/  |   |        \_   _____/      /     \         ]
[      /   |   \     \_____  \   |   |         |    __)_      /  \ /  \        ]
[     /    |    \    /        \  |   |         |        \    /    Y    \       ]
[     \_______  / /\/_______  / /\___| /\     /_______  / /\ \____|__  / /\    ]
[             \/  \/        \/  \/     \/     /       \/  \/         \/  \/    ]
[                  O.S.I. Official SCAR Include - Essence Miner         v1.00  ]
[                                                                              ]
[           Contributors : Wanted, Timer.                                      ]
[           Description  : Automates mining and banking rune essence in RS2.   ]
[           Website      : http://scar-divi.com/                               ]
[           Directions   : See website for usage instructions.                 ]
[                                                                              ]




Mines essence in varrock east and banks in varrock east bank.




Rotating player ability

Optional SMART (minimizable autoing client)

Random detection

Door opening

Pouches (place in any inventory spot, automatically detected)

Elaborate progress reports


Future Features Coming Soon:



Extensive Antiban

Random Solving

Damaged pouch detection



Latest SCAR Divi from http://scar-divi.com

Latest OSI (File -> Includes manager ->install OSI. || Tools -> Reload Plugins)

Account with rune mysteries

Pickaxe (dragon pick not supported currently)



Set up SCAR and OSI (see requirements)

Download the script https://github.com/OSI1/OSI-Essence-Miner/zipball/master

Extract to your SCAR scripts folder

Open script in SCAR

Enter setup (declare players etc..)

Run script





Please post feedback and progress reports!





Edited by Freddy
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Could you make a set up video or something im new to scar and im sure others are too since all reflection bots are down.


Whenever i try to start i get this error, i have OSI etc.


Compiling error 1023 Unknown identifier "InvFull"


Update your OSI, forgot to transfer OSI over to the SVN that the includes manager uses.


Should work now :)

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Every time i try to install the OSI it stops at 99% and freezes SCAR O.o

Also it says that a new version of SCAR is available but won't let me download it, and the version i have i jst downloaded from the site.


Restart SCAR, install 3.29.01 with the autoupdater and try again.

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I have reinstalled OSI several times, reloaded plugins each time and tried to restart SCAR, yet it doesn't work. Sorry for the q.q but I really want this :P

(I get the "unknown identifier "InfFull"" message btw)

Edited by peredv
added info
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I reinstalled SCAR and it lets me update OSI etc. but i still get the same error when i try to start the script.


(4:59:28 PM) (L) Frédéric: the include system updates every 15 minutes


Wait 15 minutes I guess? Or update manually.




Nvm 1 minute


(4:59:39 PM) (L) Frédéric: it should push the changes to the includes manager in 1 minute
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I'm running the bot now, and I gotta say, nice work!

It's not very anti-banny yet tho, just looking at the mouse-movements would prob. give you away as a bot, but I'm using it on a side account, and I'll let it run for a while. Hoping nothing will stuck! Cya tomorrow

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hey wanted, i read through your walking methods like walktobank and walktomine and stuff. I dont understand it at all:/ and i need walking methods to my script soooo can u help me understand it please?


Yea probably, I'll make a tutorial sooner or later.


Talk to me on MSN I guess if you can't wait a few months lol

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haha im on MSN now annnd when i run the script i set up my character with the user and pass and pin and i put the loads to "999999999999" so it just goes until i tell it to stop bascailly and it does 1 load and logs out :/


Whats your player setup look like? Don't post your user pass obviously.

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with Players[0] do


Name := 'MyUserName'; // Characters full RS login username.

Pass := 'MyPassword'; // Characters RS password.

Pin := ''; // Bank pin if needed

LampSkill := 'Mining'; // Skill to choose for genie lamp

WorldInfo := [False, -1, False]; // Either [Members, WorldNo] or for random world [Members, -1, PVP]

Active := True; // Use player?

Loc := 'Not yet started autoing.'; // Advanced users

Integers[Player_Loads_To_Do] := 999999999999; // Loads to do before rotating to next player.

Integers[Player_Ess_To_Mine] := 999999999999; // Max amount of essence to mine



NOTE: Im on MSN, can u get on please

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NOTE: Im on MSN, can u get on please


I've been online all day. hmm


It's because your using numbers too big


The max int is just over 2,000,000,000 so just make it 999999 not something that big because it goes back to zero and does all sorts of weird stuff because the computer can't handle it.

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