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Helping you credit the anonymous scripters

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Hi! :)


I see you have hard time finding out who are the people you've taken the functions and procedures originally, so I decided to help you name the many Anonymous people in the include.


procedure SetAngle(Highest : Boolean);
By: Raymond, edit by NaumanAkhlaQ
Description: Sets the mainscreen at highest\lowest angle (Depends on the boolean)
procedure SetAngle(Highest : Boolean);
 if (not LoggedIn) then exit;
 KeyDown((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 Sleep(1000 + Random(300));
 KeyUp((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 Wait(500 + Random(100));

procedure SetAngle(Highest: Boolean);
Contributors: Naum, Anonymous, Wanted.
Description: Tilts the camera angle.
Date Created: August 6th, 2011. By Naum. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: November 4th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 675.

procedure SetAngle(Highest: Boolean);
 KeyDown((Integer(not (Highest)) * 2) + 38);
 WaitRR(1000, 1500);
 KeyUp((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 WaitRR(400, 600);


function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
Contributors: Anonymous, Wanted.
Description: Returns true if point is on the minimap.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: November 18th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 679.

function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
 X, Y: Integer;
 Dis: TPoint;
 X := (MM.X - 647);
 Y := (MM.Y - 84);
 Dis := Point((MMCX - MM.X) * -1, (MMCY - MM.Y) * -1);
 Result := Point(Round((259.5 + X) + Dis.X * 10), Round((170.0 + Y)+ Dis.Y * 6.5));
 if (not (PointInBox(Result, Box(MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)))) then
   Result := Point(0, 0);

function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
By: N1ke!
Description: Turns a Minimap point into a close MS point.
function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
 X, Y: Integer;
 Dis: TPoint;
 X := ((MM.X - 647));
 Y := ((MM.Y - 84));

 Dis := Point( (MMCX - MM.X)*-1, (MMCY - MM.Y)*-1);
 Result := Point(Round((259.5 + X)+ Dis.X*10), Round((170.0 + Y)+ Dis.Y*6.5));

 If not IntInBox(Result.X, Result.Y, IntToBox(MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)) then
   Result := Point(-1, -1);


function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
Contributors: Dynamite, Wanted.
Description: Returns current tab.
Date Created: August 31st, 2011. By Dynamite & Wanted. RS2 Build 662.
Last Modification: August 31st, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 662.

function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
 for Result := 0 to 15 do
   if (GetColor(535 + ((Result mod 8) * 30), 169 + ((Result div 8) * 298)) = 3775974) then

function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
By: ZephyrsFury
Description: Returns current tab.
function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
 tP: TPoint;
 Result := -1;
 if (not LoggedIn) then exit;

 for Result := 1 to 16 do
   tP.X := 535 + (Result - 1) mod 8 * 30;
   tP.Y := 169 + (Result - 1) div 8 * 298;
   if (GetColor(tP.X, tP.Y) = 3775974) then
 result := result + 20; //SO IT ACTUALLY WORKS WITH THE TABS KTHX


function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Opens or closes the XP Bar, true if had to toggle.

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 P: TPoint;
 Result := IsXPBarOpen <> Open;
 if (not (Result)) then
 TPA := TPAFromBox(IntToBox(521, 51, 546, 75));
 FilterPointsPie(TPA, 0, 360, 0, 12, 534, 63);
 P := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))];
 Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Opens or closes the XP Bar, true if had to toggle.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
 Result := IsXPBarOpen <> Open;
 if (not (Result)) then
 MouseCircle(12, 534, 63, ClickLeft);


function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Returns the number from your XP Bar.

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
 Previous: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 B: TBox;
 {$IFNDEF Simba}
 P: TPoint;
 Previous := IsXPBarOpen;
 if (ToggleXPBar(True)) then
   WaitFunc(@IsXPBarOpen, 10, 1500);
 FindColorsTolerance(TPA, clWhite, 342, 55, 510, 69, 1);
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 B := IntToBox(B.X1 - 2, B.Y1 - 2, B.X2 + 2, B.Y2 + 2);
 {$IFDEF Simba}
   Result := StrToIntDef(ExtractFromStr(GetTextAtExWrap(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2,
                               0, 5, 4, clWhite, 0, 'XPChars'), Numbers), 0);
   IsTextInAreaEx(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2, P.X, P.Y, 'XP', 0, XPChars, False, False, 0, 1, clWhite);
   Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(P.X, P.Y, 1, XPChars, False, False, 0, 2, clWhite, 60, False, tr_AllChars)), 0);
 if (not (Previous)) then
   Wait(RandomRange(500, 1500));

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Returns the number from your XP Bar.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
 Previous: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 B: TBox;
 P: TPoint;
 Previous := IsXPBarOpen;
 if (ToggleXPBar(True)) then
   WaitFunc(@IsXPBarOpen, True, 10, 15, 1500, 1750);
 FindColorsTolerance(TPA, clWhite, 342, 55, 510, 69, 1);
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 B := IntToBox(B.X1 - 2, B.Y1 - 2, B.X2 + 2, B.Y2 + 2);
 IsTextInAreaEx(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2, P.X, P.Y, 'XP', 0, XPChars, False, False, 0, 1, clWhite);
 Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(P.X, P.Y, 1, XPChars, False, False, 0, 2, clWhite, 60, False, tr_AllChars)), 0);
 if (not (Previous)) then
   Wait(RandomRange(500, 1500));


function ResetXPTotal: Boolean;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Resets the XP Bar.

function ResetXPTotal: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 P: TPoint;
 TPA := TPAFromBox(IntToBox(521, 51, 546, 75));
 FilterPointsPie(TPA, 0, 360, 0, 12, 534, 63);
 P := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))];
 Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);
 Result := WaitOptionMulti(['Res', 'ese', 'set'], 1000);

function ResetXPBar: Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Resets the XP Bar.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function ResetXPBar: Boolean;
 MouseCircle(12, 534, 63, ClickRight);
 Result := ChooseOptionMulti(['Res', 'ese', 'set']);



And for the Globals.scar you can just credit SRL :)


You're welcome! I hope you next time at least try to look around SRL.

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Here's a couple more, didn't fit in the original post:


Function GetMMLevels(LevelType : String;var ColorSign : String): integer;
By: Raymond / Wizzup / Sabzi / NCDS
Last Edit: 29 June 2010
Description: Returns the level shown next to the minimap.
Colorsign returns the color of the text (Green,Yellow,Orange,Red).
Returns -1 if failed.
function GetMMLevels(LevelType: string; var ColorSign: string): Integer;
 Colors : TIntegerArray;
 Signs: TStringArray;
 P: TPointArray;
 TP: TPoint;
 I{,cl}: Integer;
 B: TBox;
 W,H{, T}: integer;
 SearchBox : TBox;
 Result := -1;
 ColorSign := '';
 case LowerCase(Leveltype) of
   'health', 'hp', 'hitpoints', 'constitution': TP := Point(715,27);
   'prayer', 'pray'                           : TP := Point(730,66);
   'summon', 'summoning'                      : TP := Point(715,140);
   'run','energy'                             : TP := Point(730,105);
     srl_Warn('GetMMLevels', 'Invalid LevelType: ''' + LevelType + '', warn_AllVersions);
 Colors := [65280, 65535, 2070783, 255];
 Signs  := ['Green', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Red'];
 GetClientDimensions(w,h); //We donnot want to search out of the clients area!
 SearchBox := IntToBox(TP.X, TP.Y, Min(w-1,TP.X + 30), min(h-1,TP.Y + 15));
 for I := 0 to 3 do
   With SearchBox do
     FindColorsTolerance(P, Colors[i], x1, y1, x2, y2, 30);
   if Length(P) < 1 then
   B := GetTPABounds(P);//GetTextAtEx works better for Simba for Run
   Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(B.X1 - 1 , B.Y1 - 1, 30, statChars,
             False, False, 0, 0, Colors[i], 20, False, tr_Digits)), -1);
   if (Result > 0) then
     ColorSign := Signs[i];

function GetMMLevelEx(Skill: Integer; var ColorState: string): Integer;
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Returns the number from the skill level on the minimap.
Date Created: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.
Last Modification: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.

function GetMMLevelEx(Skill: Integer; var ColorState: string): Integer;
 ColorsDec: TIntegerArray;
 ColorsStr: TStringArray;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 I: Integer;
 B: TBox;
 Result := -1;
 case Skill of
   Skill_HP: B := Box(721, 28, 749, 43);
   Skill_Prayer: B := Box(739, 67, 760, 83);
   Skill_Run: B := Box(735, 106, 759, 121);
   Skill_Summoning: B := Box(695, 128, 764, 162);
 ColorsDec := [65280, 65535, 2070783, 255];
 ColorsStr  := ['green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'];
 for I := 0 to 3 do
   if (FindColors(TPA, ColorsDec[i], B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2)) then
 if (I > 3) then
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(B.X1 - 1, B.Y1 - 1, 0, StatChars, False, False, 0, 2, ColorsDec[i], 10, False, tr_Digits)), -1);
 ColorState := ColorsStr[i];


function ConvertXpToLvl(Xp: Integer): Integer;
By: Brak, Flyboy
Description: Returns skill level based on xp level
function ConvertXpToLvl(xp: Integer): Integer;
 level, exp: Integer;
 for level := 1 to 99 do
   exp := exp + Trunc(level + 300 * Pow(2.0, level / 7.0));
   if ((exp / 4) > xp) then
     Result := level;
 Result := 99;

function ConvertXPToLevel(xp: Integer): Integer;
Contributors: Anonymous
Description: Returns skill level based on experience points.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous. RS2 Build 660.

function ConvertXPToLevel(xp: Integer): Integer;
 level, exp: Integer;
 for level := 1 to 99 do
   exp := exp + Trunc(level + 300 * Pow(2, level / 7));
   if ((exp / 4) > xp) then
     Result := level;
 Result := 99;

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Hi! :)


I see you have hard time finding out who are the people you've taken the functions and procedures originally, so I decided to help you name the many Anonymous people in the include.


No actually due to blatant hatred of OSI and SCAR I've decided not to include anyone's name in OSI who doesn't specifically ask for it.


There's a few other reasons for you using Anonymous in OSI due to collaborative efforts that have no true original author. Perhaps that will make sense by the time you finish reading this thread.




Current code in OSI


procedure SetAngle(Highest: Boolean);
Contributors: Naum, Anonymous, Wanted.
Description: Tilts the camera angle.
Date Created: August 6th, 2011. By Naum. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: November 4th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 675.

procedure SetAngle(Highest: Boolean);
 KeyDown((Integer(not (Highest)) * 2) + 38);
 WaitRR(1000, 1500);
 KeyUp((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 WaitRR(400, 600);


Current code in SRL


procedure SetAngle(Highest : Boolean);
By: Raymond, edit by NaumanAkhlaQ
Description: Sets the mainscreen at highest\lowest angle (Depends on the boolean)
procedure SetAngle(Highest : Boolean);
 if (not LoggedIn) then exit;
 KeyDown((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 Sleep(1000 + Random(300));
 KeyUp((Integer(not Highest) * 2) + 38);
 Wait(500 + Random(100));


Whats the differences?


OSI Removed the useless redundant login exit. Sleeps and waits are replaced with more accurate and human centralized waiting.


What is credited to anonymous?


KeyDown? I'm not sure, this is one the most simple functions in all of OSI and SRL. If raymond himself truly wants to take credit for some of this OSI then he can post here and ask me himself and I will in this case grant it to him, however pointless that may sound.




Current code in OSI


function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
Contributors: Anonymous, Wanted.
Description: Returns true if point is on the minimap.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: November 18th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 679.

function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
 X, Y: Integer;
 Dis: TPoint;
 X := (MM.X - 647);
 Y := (MM.Y - 84);
 Dis := Point((MMCX - MM.X) * -1, (MMCY - MM.Y) * -1);
 Result := Point(Round((259.5 + X) + Dis.X * 10), Round((170.0 + Y)+ Dis.Y * 6.5));
 if (not (PointInBox(Result, Box(MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)))) then
   Result := Point(0, 0);


Code in SRL


function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
By: N1ke!
Description: Turns a Minimap point into a close MS point.
function MMToMS(MM: TPoint): TPoint;
 X, Y: Integer;
 Dis: TPoint;
 X := ((MM.X - 647));
 Y := ((MM.Y - 84));

 Dis := Point( (MMCX - MM.X)*-1, (MMCY - MM.Y)*-1);
 Result := Point(Round((259.5 + X)+ Dis.X*10), Round((170.0 + Y)+ Dis.Y*6.5));

 If not IntInBox(Result.X, Result.Y, IntToBox(MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)) then
   Result := Point(-1, -1);




No differences other than code style, this primarily due to the fact that algorithms only work one way. Regardless of where you are the universe pi will always be 3.14~ of the diameter related to a circle, the same concept applies here. The MM points can only be converted to mainscreen points using one type of math?


Does n1ke deserve credit for originally utilizing this? Sure he does. Has he himself asked for it? No... he's too busy stealing tarajunks botting accounts goods and lying about his repeated scams. However I still have some repsect for him, if he would like his name in OSI then he is more than welcome to ask for credit for it himself at which point I will grant it to him.




Code in OSI


function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
Contributors: Dynamite, Wanted.
Description: Returns current tab.
Date Created: August 31st, 2011. By Dynamite & Wanted. RS2 Build 662.
Last Modification: August 31st, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 662.

function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
 for Result := 0 to 15 do
   if (GetColor(535 + ((Result mod 8) * 30), 169 + ((Result div 8) * 298)) = 3775974) then


code in SRL


function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
By: ZephyrsFury
Description: Returns current tab.
function GetCurrentTab: Integer;
 tP: TPoint;
 Result := -1;
 if (not LoggedIn) then exit;

 for Result := 1 to 16 do
   tP.X := 535 + (Result - 1) mod 8 * 30;
   tP.Y := 169 + (Result - 1) div 8 * 298;
   if (GetColor(tP.X, tP.Y) = 3775974) then
 result := result + 20; //SO IT ACTUALLY WORKS WITH THE TABS KTHX




Everything, this is a stupid claim and no credit is deserved to Zeph. If he would like to appeal that, than he's welcome to try and reason with me.


XPBar Functions


Code in OSI


function IsXPBarOpen: Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Returns true if the XP counter bar is open.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function IsXPBarOpen: Boolean;
 Result := CountColor(clWhite, 342, 55, 510, 69) > 40;

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Opens or closes the XP Bar, true if had to toggle.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
 Result := IsXPBarOpen <> Open;
 if (not (Result)) then
 MouseCircle(12, 534, 63, ClickLeft);

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Returns the number from your XP Bar.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
 Previous: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 B: TBox;
 P: TPoint;
 Previous := IsXPBarOpen;
 if (ToggleXPBar(True)) then
   WaitFunc(@IsXPBarOpen, True, 10, 15, 1500, 1750);
 FindColorsTolerance(TPA, clWhite, 342, 55, 510, 69, 1);
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 B := IntToBox(B.X1 - 2, B.Y1 - 2, B.X2 + 2, B.Y2 + 2);
 IsTextInAreaEx(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2, P.X, P.Y, 'XP', 0, XPChars, False, False, 0, 1, clWhite);
 Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(P.X, P.Y, 1, XPChars, False, False, 0, 2, clWhite, 60, False, tr_AllChars)), 0);
 if (not (Previous)) then
   Wait(RandomRange(500, 1500));

function ResetXPBar: Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted, Anonymous.
Description: Resets the XP Bar.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.

function ResetXPBar: Boolean;
 MouseCircle(12, 534, 63, ClickRight);
 Result := ChooseOptionMulti(['Res', 'ese', 'set']);

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Code in SRL


function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Opens or closes the XP Bar, true if had to toggle.

function ToggleXPBar(Open: Boolean): Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 P: TPoint;
 Result := IsXPBarOpen <> Open;
 if (not (Result)) then
 TPA := TPAFromBox(IntToBox(521, 51, 546, 75));
 FilterPointsPie(TPA, 0, 360, 0, 12, 534, 63);
 P := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))];
 Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Returns the number from your XP Bar.

function GetXPBarTotal: LongInt;
 Previous: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 B: TBox;
 {$IFNDEF Simba}
 P: TPoint;
 Previous := IsXPBarOpen;
 if (ToggleXPBar(True)) then
   WaitFunc(@IsXPBarOpen, 10, 1500);
 FindColorsTolerance(TPA, clWhite, 342, 55, 510, 69, 1);
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 B := IntToBox(B.X1 - 2, B.Y1 - 2, B.X2 + 2, B.Y2 + 2);
 {$IFDEF Simba}
   Result := StrToIntDef(ExtractFromStr(GetTextAtExWrap(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2,
                               0, 5, 4, clWhite, 0, 'XPChars'), Numbers), 0);
   IsTextInAreaEx(B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2, P.X, P.Y, 'XP', 0, XPChars, False, False, 0, 1, clWhite);
   Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(P.X, P.Y, 1, XPChars, False, False, 0, 2, clWhite, 60, False, tr_AllChars)), 0);
 if (not (Previous)) then
   Wait(RandomRange(500, 1500));

function ResetXPTotal: Boolean;
By: Narcle & IceFire908
Description: Resets the XP Bar.

function ResetXPTotal: Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 P: TPoint;
 TPA := TPAFromBox(IntToBox(521, 51, 546, 75));
 FilterPointsPie(TPA, 0, 360, 0, 12, 534, 63);
 P := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))];
 Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);
 Result := WaitOptionMulti(['Res', 'ese', 'set'], 1000);




Pretty much nothing other than small improvements.


I am IceFire908, I made these functions. Narcle played a small roll in this, I was nice to give him credit then, and if he would like to claim it, I'll be nice enough to give him some credit again now.




Current code in OSI


function GetMMLevelEx(Skill: Integer; var ColorState: string): Integer;
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Returns the number from the skill level on the minimap.
Date Created: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.
Last Modification: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.

function GetMMLevelEx(Skill: Integer; var ColorState: string): Integer;
 ColorsDec: TIntegerArray;
 ColorsStr: TStringArray;
 TPA: TPointArray;
 I: Integer;
 B: TBox;
 Result := -1;
 case Skill of
   Skill_HP: B := Box(721, 28, 749, 43);
   Skill_Prayer: B := Box(739, 67, 760, 83);
   Skill_Run: B := Box(735, 106, 759, 121);
   Skill_Summoning: B := Box(695, 128, 764, 162);
 ColorsDec := [65280, 65535, 2070783, 255];
 ColorsStr  := ['green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'];
 for I := 0 to 3 do
   if (FindColors(TPA, ColorsDec[i], B.X1, B.Y1, B.X2, B.Y2)) then
 if (I > 3) then
 B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
 Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(B.X1 - 1, B.Y1 - 1, 0, StatChars, False, False, 0, 2, ColorsDec[i], 10, False, tr_Digits)), -1);
 ColorState := ColorsStr[i];

function GetMMLevel(Skill: Integer): Integer;
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Returns the number from the skill level on the minimap.
Date Created: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.
Last Modification: November 3rd, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 674.

function GetMMLevel(Skill: Integer): Integer;
 S: string;
 Result := GetMMLevelEx(Skill, S);


Code in SRL


Function GetMMLevels(LevelType : String;var ColorSign : String): integer;
By: Raymond / Wizzup / Sabzi / NCDS
Last Edit: 29 June 2010
Description: Returns the level shown next to the minimap.
Colorsign returns the color of the text (Green,Yellow,Orange,Red).
Returns -1 if failed.
function GetMMLevels(LevelType: string; var ColorSign: string): Integer;
 Colors : TIntegerArray;
 Signs: TStringArray;
 P: TPointArray;
 TP: TPoint;
 I{,cl}: Integer;
 B: TBox;
 W,H{, T}: integer;
 SearchBox : TBox;
 Result := -1;
 ColorSign := '';
 case LowerCase(Leveltype) of
   'health', 'hp', 'hitpoints', 'constitution': TP := Point(715,27);
   'prayer', 'pray'                           : TP := Point(730,66);
   'summon', 'summoning'                      : TP := Point(715,140);
   'run','energy'                             : TP := Point(730,105);
     srl_Warn('GetMMLevels', 'Invalid LevelType: ''' + LevelType + '', warn_AllVersions);
 Colors := [65280, 65535, 2070783, 255];
 Signs  := ['Green', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Red'];
 GetClientDimensions(w,h); //We donnot want to search out of the clients area!
 SearchBox := IntToBox(TP.X, TP.Y, Min(w-1,TP.X + 30), min(h-1,TP.Y + 15));
 for I := 0 to 3 do
   With SearchBox do
     FindColorsTolerance(P, Colors[i], x1, y1, x2, y2, 30);
   if Length(P) < 1 then
   B := GetTPABounds(P);//GetTextAtEx works better for Simba for Run
   Result := StrToIntDef(GetNumbers(GetTextAtEx(B.X1 - 1 , B.Y1 - 1, 30, statChars,
             False, False, 0, 0, Colors[i], 20, False, tr_Digits)), -1);
   if (Result > 0) then
     ColorSign := Signs[i];




Quite obvious. I deserve full credit for any of this, if anyone of those people would like to refute it they may do so.




You are absolutely right, this is a copy and paste. Since Brak and Flyboy have massive respect from me and are no longer around to take any credit for it, I will glady reward them with their names and credits and OSI.



And for the Globals.scar you can just credit SRL :)


You're welcome! I hope you next time at least try to look around SRL.


Globals.scar? Not a chance.


These values in some cases are different, in other cases they have no other possible value. If anything Jagex deserves credit for these.


You can see the clear difference in stuff like screen constants verse SRL

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Code in OSI


const Useful in game boundaries, points, areas, widths, etc. etc.
Contributors: Anonymous, Wanted.
Description: MMX1, MSCX, etc. etc.
Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous & Wanted. RS2 Build 660.
Last Modification: November 6th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 675.

const             // Description                  Modified            By              Build #

 RSCX = 383;     // RS2 Client Center Points  // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSCY = 252;                                  // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSX1 = 0;       // RS2 Client Edge Points    // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSY1 = 0;                                    // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSX2 = 766;                                  // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSY2 = 504;                                  // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSPW = 766;     // RS2 Client Width          // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSPH = 504;     // RS2 Client Height         // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667
 RSPA = 381024;  // RS2 Client Pixel Area     // October 16, 2011    Wanted          667

 MSCX  = 260;    // Main Screen Center Points // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSCY  = 171;                                 // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSX1  = 4;      // Main Screen Edge Points   // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSY1  = 4;                                   // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSX2  = 515;                                 // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSY2  = 337;                                 // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSPW  = 511;    // Main Screen Width         // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSPH  = 333;    // Main Screen Height        // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSPA  = 170163; // Main Screen Pixel Area    // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSCXe = 259.5;                               // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MSCYe = 170.5;                               // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660

 MMCX  = 627;    // Map Center Points         // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMCY  = 85;                                  // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMX1  = 551;    // Map Edge Points           // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMY1  = 9;                                   // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMX2  = 702;                                 // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMY2  = 160;                                 // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMRD  = 75;     // Map Radius                // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMDI  = 151;    // Map Diameter              // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMPA  = 17907;  // Approx. Pixel Are         // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMCXe = 626.5;                               // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMCYe = 84.5;                                // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMRDe = 75.5;   // True Radius               // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660
 MMRD2 = 75.392307299883; // Fake radius      // August 10, 2011     Wanted          661
 MMPAe = 17907.8635236252;                    // August 7, 2011      Wanted          660

 MICX = 644;     // Inventory Center Points   // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MICY = 337;                                  // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MICXe = 43.5;                                // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MICYe = 336.5;                               // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIX1 = 563;     // Inventory Edge Points     // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIY1 = 213;                                  // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIX2 = 724;                                  // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIY2 = 460;                                  // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIPW = 161;     // Inventory Width           // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIPH = 247;     // Inventory Height          // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675
 MIPA = 39767;   // Pixel Area                // November 6, 2011    Wanted          675

 MCCX = 251;     // Chat Box Center Points    // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCCY = 412;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCX1 = 7;       // Chat Box Edge Points      // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCY1 = 345;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCX2 = 494;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCY2 = 478;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCPW = 487;     // Chat Box Width            // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCPH = 133;     // Chat Box Height           // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MCPA = 64771;   // Chat Box Area             // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660

 MBCX = 272;     // Bank Screen Center Points // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBCY = 189;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBX1 = 26;      // Bank Screen Edge Points   // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBY1 = 86;                                   // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBX2 = 517;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBY2 = 292;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBPW = 491;     // Bank Screen Width         // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBPH = 206;     // Bank Screen Height        // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MBPA = 101146;  // Pixel Area                // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660

 MDCX = 269;     // Deposit Box Center Points // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDCY = 162;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDX1 = 100;     // Deposit Box Edge Points   // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDY1 = 65;                                   // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDX2 = 437;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDY2 = 258;                                  // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDPH = 337;     // Deposit Box Width         // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDPW = 193;     // Deposit Box Height        // August 8, 2011      Wanted          660
 MDPA = 65041;   // Deposit Box Area          // August 8, 2011      Wanted    


Code in SRL


{ const MMX1, MMY1, MMX2, MMY2;
 Description: MiniMap Edge Points. }
 MMX1 = 550;
 MMY1 = 8;
 MMX2 = 703;
 MMY2 = 161;

{ const MMCX, MMCY;
 Description: MiniMap Centre Point. }
 MMCX = 627;
 MMCY = 85;

{ const MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2;
 Description: Main Screen EdgePoints. }
 MSX1 = 4;
 MSY1 = 4;
 MSX2 = 515;
 MSY2 = 337;

{ const MSCX, MSCY;
 Description: Main Screen Centre Points. }
 MSCX = 259;
 MSCY = 170;

{ const MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2;
 Description: Inventory EdgePoints. }
 MIX1 = 547;
 MIY1 = 202;
 MIX2 = 737;
 MIY2 = 466;

{ const MICX, MICY;
 Description: Inventory Centre Points. }
 MICX = 642;
 MICY = 334;

{ const MCX1, MCY1, MCX2, MCY2;
 Description: Chat Screen EdgePoints. }
 MCX1 = 4;
 MCY1 = 342;
 MCX2 = 514;
 MCY2 = 475;

{ const MCCX, MCCY;
 Description: Chat Screen Centre Points. }
 MCCX = 250;
 MCCY = 401;

{ const MBX1, MBY1, MBX2, MBY2;
 Description: BankScreen EdgePoints (where you click the items, does not include tabs). }
 MBX1 = 26;
 MBY1 = 84;
 MBX2 = 480;
 MBY2 = 292;

{ const DBX1, DBY1, DBX2, DBY2;
 Description: Deposit box edgepoints (only where the item appear) }
 DBX1 = 91;
 DBY1 = 57;
 DBX2 = 443;
 DBY2 = 262;       


You can see quite a few flaws in SRL's.


I'm open for any other claims you may have. Although they have little purpose and are simple things. Greater more complex things are completely different SRL, yea important things. I encourage you to look at them and realize exactly where I'm coming from.


These are some worrying examples..


What's worrying is the fact that someone want's credit for KeyDown, KeyUp simple 5 lines of code or values that have no other possible value. What's also worrying is that SRL is trying to make claims on small simple functions when the complex main components are completely different and superior.

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That's not how it works. They should not ask you for credit. Quite the opposite. You should ask them if you can use those functions.

I am kind of disappointed that you just took the SRL code and changed the style a bit.

Changing indentation and variable names doesn't mean very much. For example, GetMMLevels is obviously based on the SRL version. If you had written it yourself, without looking at the SRL implementation, I'm sure you would've come up with something different.


I actually thought that was what you were doing at first; merely copying the function headers from SRL. I tried to convince the other SRL developers that that isn't a bad thing, as Simba did the same with SCAR.

But this is something different. The snippets above are merely a restructure (at most).

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That's not how it works. They should not ask you for credit. Quite the opposite. You should ask them if you can use those functions.

I am kind of disappointed that you just took the SRL code and changed the style a bit.

Changing indentation and variable names doesn't mean very much. For example, GetMMLevels is obviously based on the SRL version. If you had written it yourself, without looking at the SRL implementation, I'm sure you would've come up with something different.


I actually thought that was what you were doing at first; merely copying the function headers from SRL. I tried to convince the other SRL developers that that isn't a bad thing, as Simba did the same with SCAR.

But this is something different. The snippets above are merely a restructure (at most).


No you're completely wrong in that aspect. Only simple functions that reserve traditions from SRL are reused at all. The examples here and other possible examples make up less than 25% of OSI.


Provide me with evidence that explores all of OSI with an unbaised arguments that explorers other aspects with viable alternatives and not just words i.e. "you would've come up with something different" even though 75% of the time I do come up with something completely different, the other 25% of time there's just no other way, at least not practically.


I'm ready to argue with evidence and code, unlike these claims are simply just copies and pastes with no real substantial explanation or evidence.


So I'll be glad to continue you this once those useful types of claims are brought up, otherwise its an argument of words not worth my times or anyones.

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Of course there are other ways. You are just restricting yourself because you (want to) keep the SRL structure (similar names/headers).

Just because a lot of functions are rewritten, doesn't mean you shouldn't properly credit the ones that are not.


No one is claiming everything in OSI needs credit, just that 25% (according to you).

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Of course there are other ways. You are just restricting yourself because you (want to) keep the SRL structure (similar names/headers).

Just because a lot of functions are rewritten, doesn't mean you shouldn't properly credit the ones that are not.


No one is claiming everything in OSI needs credit, just that 25% (according to you).


Given the proper claim, and if it truly deserves it, they will receive at least some credit.


However the hatred and remorse that I've felt for my project makes me believe that none of the people that (deserve?) credit for a few lines of mundane code would want to claim it anyways.


So until they come forward themselves with specific examples, it isn't going to happen.

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What if someone claims credit and asks you not to use it? Will you still keep using and releasing it under the OSI license?


Just because someone deserves credit does not mean it's plagiarized. This is true in about 95% of all cases. In those 5% of cases where it's borderline, yes I will willingly gladly remove whatever it is provided proper documentation, at which point I will personally guarantee to have a different superior function available on the exact same commit that removed the other one.


It's not easy writing a runescape include, especially by yourself. I encourage anyone to actually try it sometime.


---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------


There's a severe disclaimer on that statement though.


If say we can't come to an agreement on something. Is SRL prepared to do the same with my code in SRL? Would it be ready to remove any contributions that I want from SRL?


Just something to ask yourself when making these claims.

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SRL is willing to remove every single line of code you have ever written. I'd be more than happy than to go to every single svn commit you made and rewriting every single line of code you made.


Also, I'd like to point out you are in violation of the law and this forum rules by not creditting properly. The SRL rules (to which we all agreed) clearly say that code of SRL can be used with proper credits.

Failing to do so is failing to comply to the licensing terms, and the copyright holders of the code (in this case, the person who wrote that particular piece of code) can sue your ass off. And as posting copyrighted material here is against the rules (and even I own copyrights on important parts of SRL) you are breaking the forum rules.

No actually due to blatant hatred of OSI and SCAR I've decided not to include anyone's name in OSI who doesn't specifically ask for it.

This is wrong. One DMCA complaint and OSI is offline, as you are violating copyright laws. There is no opt-in for credits when it comes to SRL as I said before, only opt-out and you must have specific permission of the owner. You can't just say something is made by an anonymous person if you actually know who made it.


Writing an RS include from scratch is possible, as the (short-lived but actively-developed) RRL project proved. That include at least fixed some of the fundamental flaws of SRL, something OSI does not, but which is just ugly copying of the API and some functions. Divi got tons of cool stuff to use, why aren't you using it?

Are you trying to make OSI scripts compatible with SRL? Doesn't look like that, too many differences already.

Are you trying to make a good alternative to SRL? Doesn't like it, there is no modularity (something SRL really lacks) anywhere.

Or are you trying to rip something off and stick your name on it? Looks more like that.


Get your dev team (oh wait, you don't have one!) sorted out please. That might take your ill-fated project back alive without resorting to hopeless ways of dealing with things.

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SRL is willing to remove every single line of code you have ever written. I'd be more than happy than to go to every single svn commit you made and rewriting every single line of code you made.


Also, I'd like to point out you are in violation of the law and this forum rules by not creditting properly. The SRL rules (to which we all agreed) clearly say that code of SRL can be used with proper credits.

Failing to do so is failing to comply to the licensing terms, and the copyright holders of the code (in this case, the person who wrote that particular piece of code) can sue your ass off. And as posting copyrighted material here is against the rules (and even I own copyrights on important parts of SRL) you are breaking the forum rules.


This is wrong. One DMCA complaint and OSI is offline, as you are violating copyright laws. There is no opt-in for credits when it comes to SRL as I said before, only opt-out and you must have specific permission of the owner. You can't just say something is made by an anonymous person if you actually know who made it.


Writing an RS include from scratch is possible, as the (short-lived but actively-developed) RRL project proved. That include at least fixed some of the fundamental flaws of SRL, something OSI does not, but which is just ugly copying of the API and some functions. Divi got tons of cool stuff to use, why aren't you using it?

Are you trying to make OSI scripts compatible with SRL? Doesn't look like that, too many differences already.

Are you trying to make a good alternative to SRL? Doesn't like it, there is no modularity (something SRL really lacks) anywhere.

Or are you trying to rip something off and stick your name on it? Looks more like that.


Get your dev team (oh wait, you don't have one!) sorted out please. That might take your ill-fated project back alive without resorting to hopeless ways of dealing with things.


Invalid statements not back by evidence don't scare me Markus. And good luck prosecuting for something, much less something I'm not guilty of.


I look forward to seeing you remove anything I have in SRL, in fact, I encourage it.


You've come here to insult me, but the only ones who can have shit talked about them is SRL.


Look at this recent update. Looks like Home (one of OSI developers) did most of the work. Besides that OSI was fixed completely long before SRL was with little help. Things in SRL are still broken that you don't know about. Guess who's getting praised right now? SRL developers (lol) who haven't done shit. xD


Your other statements about stolen code and lack of modularity etc are false and lack evidence.


Quit wasting my time and making yourselves look stupid.

Edited by Wanted
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This discussion is now closed. Everyone who came here to troll from SRL, return to your own community, you have made it clear you don't want anything to do with OSI, so unless you want to use or contribute to SCAR, these forums are essentially pointless for you to hang around. I will not tolerate this behavior on my forums as much as you wouldn't at SRL, this is not something you should be debating in public or in this manner at all. So stop this pointless bickering.

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