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SCAR Divi Manual

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Not really. Too lazy...but I did make the main page look better, and more organized a while ago. I just wish it was more like SCAR's wiki. For SCAR's it just has all the functions in alphabetical order on one page, and looks really good. With OSI we have like a bizillion pages, each with only 5-20 functions max maybe.


We really need to externally document everything in OSI in a detailed organized manual so people can fully utilize OSI correctly and easily. In code documentation should be brief neat and to the point while as external documentation should be over detailed and excessive.

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We really need to externally document everything in OSI in a detailed organized manual so people can fully utilize OSI correctly and easily. In code documentation should be brief neat and to the point while as external documentation should be over detailed and excessive.


I will look into this. I've used the same thing Simba uses for its documentation before (Sphinx), and have looked at wiki sites/setups/web tech. I'm sure I can find some tool/new system that supports this in a professional/nice looking output.


I think I want to make a good first script and finish the form thing I was making.....the first script will be that woodcutter, and ill finish my tutorial on it...use some advanced tolerance with TPA/colors methods. Might even through in the radar walking. Still need to look into how the radians and shit works though. geometry has evaded me, i wish i didn't take it my freshman year. would be so useful to take instead of damn calculus...next year....


I get this occasionally when my internet is lagged. A few minutes later (when my neighbor is finished his porn downloads???) it goes back to normal.


Weird, but the BROWSER SHOTS. Website. That takes screenshots on multiple computers of a website link you give it. Every single screenshot looked like that. If someone wants to test it out. Just try pasting in a url to one of the wikis pages (not the main page). At the browser shots website (google if u cant find link).

Takes a screenshot of the page you give it. For about 30 browsers.

</web dev talk>

Edited by LordJashin
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I will look into this. I've used the same thing Simba uses for its documentation before (Sphinx), and have looked at wiki sites/setups/web tech. I'm sure I can find some tool/new system that supports this in a professional/nice looking output.


I really don't like SRL's documentation I tried really hard to get them not to use that but stubborn ways prevailed.

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I really don't like SRL's documentation I tried really hard to get them not to use that but stubborn ways prevailed.


Idk why they still use it. I think they are still doing it as we speak. But jeez its godawful to look at and read compared to SCAR's wiki. Might as well just read the code comments at that point xD. Both are terrible tho, lesser of two evils?


Anyway, I think SCAR has surpassed Simba/SRL in enough ways thus far. Definetly simba. SRL however, still some good ideas in there but it aint that much different from what OSI & SCAR has. SCAR has surpassed everything in spite of being ran only by one sole person atm. Pretty amazing :P </rant>


As for the new tool. We could always write something that "parses" or "reads" and uses OSI's current comments using Regex and SCAR. And throw it into a nice HTML page or something that we could convert to PDF using the correct software.....with ease I might say.

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Alright guys I've been doing research on MediaWiki. The thing SCAR and OSI uses for its Online Documentation. And as it seems. There is a wrapper library for Delphi to access the wiki from Delphi (edit pages for example).


So I can write a plugin for this, and update wiki automatically, and everything.


But...Freddy. There is a plugin for MediaWiki, so you can save to PDF format, and other things..I've seen i think. I think we should add these plugins. Then we could convert the OSI wiki or even SCAR's to PDF format to put in the main folder or includes or w/e.


Maybe with this library you could output pdf?



Then everytime there is a SCAR update, you could update the manual as well. Or just in the revisions or w/e.

Or maybe have some buttons in SCAR for this?



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1. Установите цель

Первым шагом к успешному похудению является установление конкретной цели. Определите, сколько килограммов вы хотите сбросить и по какой причине. Цель должна быть близкой к реальности, измеримой и достижимой.

2. Питание

Здоровое питание играет главную роль в процессе похудения. Сосредотачивайтесь на употреблении естественных товаров, богатых витаминами и минералами. Опасайтесь быстрых углеводов и жирной пищи. Устремляйтесь к балансу макро- и микроэлементов в рационе.

3. Физическая активность

Регулярные физические упражнения не только помогут сжигать калории, но и укрепят мышцы, улучшат общее самочувствие и увеличат выносливость. Найдите вид активности, который вам нравится: от йоги до плавания, от бега до танцев.

4. Гидрация

Пить достаточное количество воды в течение дня не только поможет вам поддерживать уровень жидкости в организме, а также ускорит метаболизм, снизит аппетит и поможет скинуть излишний вес.

5. Сон

Качественный сон играет важную роль в ходе похудения. Пытайтесь спать более 7-8 часов в день, чтобы ваш организм мог восстановиться, а метаболизм был в норме.

6. Управление стрессом

Стресс может стать препятствием на пути к похудению по худеть Найдите методы расслабления и отдыха: медитация, йога, чтение книг, прогулки на свежем воздухе.

7. Каждодневный контроль

Ведение дневника пищевых повадок и физической активности поможет вам осознать, что вы едите и какой-никакое количество калорий потребляете, но также оценить свои успехи.

8. Постепенные конфигурации

Избегайте радикальных диет и стрессовых ситуаций. Внедряйте конфигурации в кормленьи и виде жизни равномерно, чтобы они стали стабильными привычками.
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