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OSI Additions 12/8/11 MMDot, bmp/dtmInv functions and more!

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Horay for a productive day and I still have another 5 hours to do more productive things for OSI!


We now have plenty of MM Dot functions that work super accurate!


Here's a test:




(43ms even on world 2 GE)


and if that's not good enough for you there's one that accounts for some (very very rare) overlapping in Extended\Map.scar (x2 as slow but still! :D)


List of new Map.scar stuff


 * function FindMMDotsEx(ColorDiffs: TIntegerArray): T2DPointArray;
    By: Wanted
* function FindMMDots(cldDot: Integer): TPointArray;
    By: Wanted
* function CountMMDotsEx2(ColorDiffs: TIntegerArray): TIntegerArray;
    By: Wanted
* function CountMMDotsEx(ColorDiffs: TIntegerArray): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function CountMMDots(cldDot: Integer): Integer;
    By: Wanted


+ The Overlap one in Extended.


Here's the globals you can use with them


  cldWhiteDot     = 1907997;      // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688
 cldYellowDot    = 4369;         // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688
 cldRedDot       = 23;           // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688
 cldGreenDot     = 5376;         // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688
//cldBlueDot      = 1907997;      // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688    // FIX
//cldPurpleDot    = 1907997;      // December 8, 2011    Wanted          688    // FIX


or your own custom numbers xD. I still need to collect the data for Blue and purple dot =/ ... but who uses those xD?


For those of you who like to use ClickMouse or ClickMouseMid in SMART you now can thanks to the added wrappers I put in there.


Lastly, here are some dtm/bmp inventory functions


 * function FindInvItemsDTM(dtm: Integer): TIntegerArray;
    By: Wanted
* function CountInvItemsDTM(dtm: Integer): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function FindInvItemsBMP(bmp, Tol: Integer): TIntegerArray;
    By: Wanted
* function CountInvItemsBMP(bmp, Tol: Integer): Integer;
    By: Wanted


These return slot index(es) so you can use them easily with things like DepositExclude, DropItems(FindInvItemsDTM(....)) etc.. this is a new very powerful structure for script writing I have been planning for quite some time :)


Enjoy all these updates and more like it soon to follow!


Now working on some object and bank stuff.

Edited by Wanted
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