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Latest OSI Development. ChooseOption, SCAR 3.30 Beta, and everything else. 11/30/11

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So I have successfully fixed and diagnosed ChooseOption. However there still remains a small tibit about it. Yesterday ChooseOption was fixed minus the ability to read 'i', or 'y' and somemtimes (rarely) spaces. Today I just made it so that if it fails finding it normally then it removes those three characters from comparison the 2nd time. This is no big issue really I do not see anyone ever even noticing it, however further messing with the font set and rs_GetText may change that, but it's something Freddy would have to mess with as I can't do anything about besides maybe screw with the OptionChars for a few more hours.... again it's something that will never even probably be noticed.


With that out of the way, I would like to thank jagex for allowing me to create the best chooseoption in history. Yes you heard me, the best. Now we can read options without paying attention to color, this means no more looping through a textcolor array and using TextTPA or something like SRL is trying now with ATPAText... we now have a quicker, more accurate, and more durable ChooseOption than ever before.


With all of this said the changes to OSI include the following:


The addition of OptionChars that contain only chars used in ChooseOption, even though SmallChars were the same... this is a necessary addition.

SCAR had to make some changes so you must update your SCAR to the latest, currently this can be done through SCAR prerelease 3.30 beta (follow tutorial in my signature "Setting Up OSI and SCAR") hopefully soon there will be a normal install for SCAR up that also includes the new plugins system.


The only other notable change to OSI is the use of the new plugins systems, so no more hassling with plugins... it's all automatic... no more moving/reloading/ having extra stupid plugins etc. That's a thing of the past



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