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New drop functions

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Edited Mouse/DragItem to return true if item exists


New Drop functions:


 * function GetDropPattern(Which: Integer): TIntegerArray;
    By: Wanted
* function DropItem(Slot: Integer): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function DropAllExcludeEx(Exclude, Pattern: TIntegerArray): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function DropAllExclude(Exclude: TIntegerArray): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function DropItemsEx(Slots, Pattern: TIntegerArray): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function DropItems(Slots: TIntegerArrary): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function DropAll: Integer;
    By: Wanted


Here's the drop patterns / Inv slot visuals:




Nothing conclusive in the benchmark (normal mouse speed)


program New;

{$DEFINE OSI_Color_Anti_Randoms}
//{$DEFINE SMART}                   // Comment out to disable SMART

{$I OSI\OSI.scar}

procedure ScriptTerminate;

 T: LongInt;

 T := GetSystemTime;
 //WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(0))); // 24258
 //WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(1))); // 24102
 //WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(2)));   // 25896
 //WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(3)));   // 24258
 //WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(4)));     // 23993
 WriteLn(DropAllExcludeEx([], GetDropPattern(5)));  // 24929
 WriteLn(GetSystemTime - T);


Those all will probably average out to 24 seconds (at normal mouse speed)


I've set the default drop pattern to 2 (don't worry it shows slowest, but not by much and the average should theoretically be higher, also note that this drop pattern requires the less work for a human to do is I believe its the most commonly used) but feel free to use which ever you want or post feedback concerning that... and you can always use custom patterns. :)



Edited by Wanted
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Nice job. Now that I think about it I use #4 legit. Guess I'm being inefficient?


Not with your time, maybe just your stress on your hand xD


I use that one normally too.


---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------


Don't get too excited, they'll all probably average out to about 24 seconds, they're less than 1 second difference with just that 1 run, but I'm sure that will even out even more once they are extensively benchmarked.

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