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SCAR Divi 3.28 Alpha

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The first Divi 3.28 release is now available. So far the release is completely centered around new functions. The most prominent ones are the Gaussian function based algorithms. They allow you to generate random numbers that are closer to the minimum value of the range based on a given variance.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/



- Define not closed on code completion error
- Loading toolbar positions could throw an error
- GetCursorType was not working properly

- Dock positions are no longer saved

- function Ln(const X: Extended): Extended;
- function Gauss(const x, Mean, Variance: Extended): Extended;
- function RandG(const Variance: Extended): Extended;
- function RandomG(const Range: Integer; const Variance: Extended): Integer;
- function RandomRangeG(const AFrom, ATo: Integer; const Variance: Extended): Integer;
- function RndCirclePoint(const mx, my, r: Integer): TPoint;
- function RndCirclePointG(const mx, my, r: Integer; const Variance: Extended): TPoint;
- function RndBoxPoint(const b: TBox): TPoint;
- function RndBoxPointG(const b: TBox; const Variance: Extended): TPoint;


An example of 10000 random circle points plotted at variance 2:



The same for variance 5:



And for variance 1:



Enjoy the release :)



Edited by Freddy
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