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Found 16 results

  1. PRSC Tin PowerMiner v1.03 Current Status: Works! [Mar. 9, 2013] NOTES -Target the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38 -MSSL version 1.00-8 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.03 -Released December 26th, 2012. Features -Powermines tin ores -Relogging (optional, will warn if you keep the USERNAME & PASSWORD fields empty ['']). -Idle warning! -Staff member detection (when Staff Member is writing to chatbox) To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -Logical stuff. -Could be improved a lot... Happy macroing, -Jani [PRSC] Tin PowerMiner v1.00.scar [PRSC] Tin PowerMiner v1.01.scar [PRSC] Tin PowerMiner v1.02.scar [PRSC] Tin PowerMiner v1.03.scar
  2. Updated: March 02 2012 WORKING - 0% Ban (Must have UBeX Include ( Includes Manager ) Features: *Onscreen Progress Report (99.8% Accurate. ) *ALL Mining and dropping *Save Player Data *Load Player Data *AutoUpdate Start Locations: *Any Mine Fail-Safes: *Logs-out if in random *Reloads SmartClient on RS Update *UBeX - Check Methods for faster and accurate detection Anti-Ban: UBeX AntiBan Setup: ( Must have UBeX Include & OSI Installed ) 1. Put You Char At the Mine 2. Press Play and let GUI Pop up. 3. Play Script, Fill Out GUI 4. Press Start Script On GUI UBPMP.zip
  3. PRSC Iron PowerMiner v1.03 Current Status: Works! [Mar. 9, 2013] NOTES -Target the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38 -MSSL version 1.00-8 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.03 -Released December 26th, 2012. Features -Powermines iron ores -Relogging (optional, will warn if you keep the USERNAME & PASSWORD fields empty ['']). -Idle warning! -Staff member detection (when Staff Member is writing to chatbox) To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -Logical stuff. -Could be improved a lot... Happy macroing, -Jani [PRSC] Iron PowerMiner v1.00.scar [PRSC] Iron PowerMiner v1.01.scar [PRSC] Iron PowerMiner v1.02.scar [PRSC] Iron PowerMiner v1.03.scar
  4. Power Miner Download + More info here: https://phgsosrs.createaforum.com/scripts/power-miner Needs the OSI2 include to run. (File -> Includes Manager -> OSI2) This is version 1.0 code: (please don't copy this into scar. Download the latest version via the links. This code may be out-of-date) {$DEFINE RS07} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} { Created by: BryceTheCoder } var topleftX, topleftY, botrightX, botrightY : Integer; topleft2X, topleft2Y, botright2X, botright2Y : Integer; xxColor, xxTol, oresMined, oreXp, pickSlot : Integer; searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy : Integer; cantFind : Integer; xxHue: Extended; xxSat: Extended; oreType, style : String; Form1_1: TForm; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Button1: TButton; ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; Edit1: TEdit; const TheComputerCatchesOnFire = false; tVer = 'v1.0'; procedure ShowStats; var xp : Integer; begin xp := oresMined * oreXp; ClearDebug; writeln('=================== [ Power Miner ] ==================='); writeln('You have mined: ' + IntToStr(oresMined) + ' ores!'); writeln('Which gained you: ' + IntToStr(xp) + ' exp!'); writeln('=================== [ created by BryceTheCoder ] ==================='); writeln(''); end; procedure StartButton(sender: TObject); begin oreType := ComboBox1.Text; style := ComboBox2.Text; pickSlot := StrToInt(Edit1.Text); Form1_1.Modalresult := mrOK; end; procedure CudntFind; begin inc(cantFind); if (cantFind > 50) then begin ClearDebug; writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('[Power Miner] Terminated the script because I cannot find any ores...'); writeln(''); writeln(''); TerminateScript; end; end; procedure Form1_1_Init; begin with Form1_1 do begin Form1_1 := CreateForm; Label1 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label2 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label3 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label4 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Button1 := TButton.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox1 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox2 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); Edit1 := TEdit.Create(Form1_1); with Form1_1 do begin Left := 527; Top := 129; BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]; BorderStyle := bsSingle; Caption := 'Created by: BryceTheCoder'; ClientHeight := 217; ClientWidth := 382; Color := clWindow; Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -11; Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; Font.Style := []; OldCreateOrder := False; PixelsPerInch := 96; end; with Label1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 8; Width := 319; Height := 49; Caption := 'Power Miner - ' + tVer; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -37; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 48; Top := 68; Width := 82; Height := 17; Caption := 'Ore to Mine:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label3 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 228; Top := 68; Width := 61; Height := 17; Caption := 'Playstyle:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label4 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 142; Width := 110; Height := 17; Caption := 'Slot Pickaxe is in:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Button1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 5; Top := 176; Width := 373; Height := 37; Caption := 'Start Bot!'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -15; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := @StartButton; end; with ComboBox1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 20; Top := 87; Width := 137; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 1; Text := 'What ore to mine?'; Items.Add('Iron'); end; with ComboBox2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 168; Top := 87; Width := 193; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'What playstyle?'; Items.Add('Extremely Focused'); Items.Add('Focused but I AFK sometimes'); Items.Add('I AFK a ton'); end; with Edit1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 144; Top := 139; Width := 25; Height := 23; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 3; Text := '-1'; end; end; end; procedure Form1_1_SafeInit; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_Init', v); end; function Form1_1_ShowModal: Boolean; begin Result := Form1_1.ShowModal = mrOk; end; function Form1_1_SafeShowModal: Boolean; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); Result := ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_ShowModal', v); end; procedure SetupOreColors; begin if (oreType = 'Iron') then begin oreXp := 35; xxColor := 2042181; xxTol := 9; xxHue := 0.08; xxSat := 0.27; end; end; function btc_InRangeE(value, minimum, maximum: Extended): Boolean; begin Result := ((value >= minimum) and (value <= maximum)); end; function btc_PercentToValue(percent, source: Extended): Extended; begin if (percent <> 0) then Result := ((Extended(percent) / 100) * Extended(source)) else Result := 0.0; end; function btc_CountPixelsBx(area: TBox): Integer; begin if ((area.X1 > area.X2) or (area.Y1 > area.Y2)) then Result := -1 else Result := Integer(((area.X2 - area.X1) + 1) * ((area.Y2 - area.Y1) + 1)); end; procedure btc_Sleep(MS: Integer); var t: Integer; k: Byte; begin t := GetSystemTime; k := CharToVKey('s'); repeat try if (GetCurrentKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and GetCurrentKeyState(VK_MENU) and GetCurrentKeyState(k)) then TerminateScript; except end; Wait(0); until ((GetSystemTime - t) > MS); end; function btc_TIAMatch(TIA1, TIA2: TIntArray): Integer; var i, m: Integer; begin Result := 0; m := Min(High(TIA1), High(TIA2)); for i := 0 to m do if (TIA1[i] = TIA2[i]) then Inc(Result); end; function btc_AnimationPercentEx(XS, YS, XE, YE, minTime, maxTime: Integer; minPixelShiftPercent: Extended): Boolean; var bx: TBox; m, l, r: Integer; p: TPointArray; a, b: TIntArray; begin if btc_InRangeE(minPixelShiftPercent, 0, 100) then begin bx := Box(XS, YS, XE, YE); r := Round(btc_PercentToValue(minPixelShiftPercent, btc_CountPixelsBx(bx))); p := TPAFromBox(bx); b := GetColors(p); l := Length(b); btc_Sleep(minTime); m := GetSystemTime; repeat a := GetColors(p); Result := ((l - btc_TIAMatch(b, a)) >= r); SetLength(a, 0); btc_Sleep(0); until (Result or ((GetSystemTime - m) >= maxTime)); SetLength(p, 0); SetLength(b, 0); end else Result := False; end; function isAnimating(): Boolean; begin //btc_AnimationPercentEx(239, 162, 254, 176, 250, 1000, 42.0); Result := btc_AnimationPercentEx(250, 153, 269, 181, 250, 600, 25.0); end; procedure SetupConfig; begin Mouse(675,482,8,8,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(572,227,13,13,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(704,306,4,4,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(644,187,7,7,true); end; procedure SetupSearch1; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; wait(1000); Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleftX, topleftY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botrightX, botrightY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure SetupSearch2; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleft2X, topleft2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botright2X, botright2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure MineOre; var x,y : Integer; begin cantFind := 0; if (random(11) = 1) then begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,false); waitRR(35,100); ChooseOption('Mine'); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end else begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,true); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end; writeln('[Power Miner] Found ore.'); waitRR(1500, 1900); if random(33) = 1 then begin MouseBox(563, 172, 589, 200, ClickLeft);//stats MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); waitRR(1, 999); if random(4) = 1 then begin MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(999, 2345); end else begin waitRR(999, 9999); end; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end else begin if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin if random(5) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; if (style = 'Focused but I AFK sometimes') then begin if random(10) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; end; end; procedure AlterSearchArea; begin if (topleft2X = 0) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; exit; end; if (searchLx = topleftX) then begin searchLx := topleft2X; searchLy := topleft2Y; searchRx := botright2X; searchRy := botright2Y; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area2 now.'); exit; end; if (searchLx = topleft2X) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area1 now.'); exit; end; end; procedure FindOre; var x,y: Integer; begin if not(isAnimating()) then begin AlterSearchArea; ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(xxHue, xxSat); if FindColorTol(x, y, xxColor, searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy, xxTol) then begin MMouse(x, y, 3, 3); waitRR(30,100); if UpTextContains('Mine') then begin MineOre; waitRR(123, 456); end else begin CudntFind; FindOre; end; end else begin CudntFind; end; end else begin if random(25) = 1 then begin GetMousePos(x,y); MMouse(x,y,155,155); waitRR(123, 1234); end; if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin waitRR(123, 7777); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(123, 456); end; end; end; procedure ClosedForm; begin ShowMessage('Bot terminated!'); TerminateScript; ClearDebug; end; procedure StartForm; begin Form1_1_SafeInit; if Form1_1_SafeShowModal then begin FreeForm(Form1_1); end else begin ClosedForm; FreeForm(Form1_1); end; end; procedure SetupEverything; begin SetupOSI; SetupOreColors; //SetupConfig; SetupSearch1; SetupSearch2; searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end; function TempInvFull: Boolean; var x,y : Integer; begin ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(0.06, 0.14); if FindColorTol(x, y, 4086127, 691, 434, 720, 457, 8) then begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end; procedure ShiftDropAll; var i : Integer; itms : TIntegerArray; begin writeln('[Power Miner] Dropping all ores.'); itms := GetDropPattern(random(6)); VKeyDown(16); for i := 0 to 27 do begin if (itms[i] = pickSlot) then Continue; MouseBox(GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X2, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y2, ClickLeft); end; VKeyUp(16); end; procedure Bot; begin repeat FindOre; until TempInvFull; oresMined := oresMined + 28; writeln('[Power Miner] Inventory is full.'); ShiftDropAll; ShowStats; end; begin StartForm; SetupEverything; oresMined := 0; writeln('[Power Miner] Started at ' + TimeToStr(Time)); repeat Bot; until TheComputerCatchesOnFire; end.
  5. RS07 Simple Powerminer v1.02 Current Status: Works! [Mar 15th, 2013] NOTES -THIS SCRIPT DOESN'T HAVE ANTIRANDOMS, I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH TIME TO INVESTIGATE ON EM! -Target the ONLY the RuneScape 2007 APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole browser or window. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager (SCAR Divi => File => Includes Manager) -To stop the script, hold down CTRL + ALT + S until script stops running. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38.01(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38.01 -MSSL version 1.00-12 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager! SCAR Divi => File => Includes Manager) -Start near the rocks, set your wanted camera angle (I recommend highest angle, so that SCAR has better view around your character for the rocks). Build Information -Version 1.02 -Released March 15th, 2013. Features -Works with SMART -Relogin -Works with custom compass direction (North, South, East, West, North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West) -Can be set for any rock, you'll simply pick multiple colors and set tolerance some good tolerance for em. -Drops whole inventory with full inventory, ignores the slot that contains pickaxe (set SLOT as the pickaxe slot). -Validates rocks with uptext and choose option menu, so that there wont be any unwanted actions (like attacking NPCs, clicking ground or unknown objects) -Fields for rock clicking interval + random interval. -Warns, logs out and terminates if script hasn't dropped ores for X (default 20 min.) amount of time (this can be set to custom time with IDLE constant). To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -Not sure yet... Have fun! -Jani [RS07] Simple Powerminer v1.00.scar [RS07] Simple Powerminer v1.01.scar [RS07] Simple Powerminer v1.02.scar
  6. {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [ ________ _________ .___ ___________ _____ ] [ \_____ \ / _____/ | | \_ _____/ / \ ] [ / | \ \_____ \ | | | __)_ / \ / \ ] [ / | \ / \ | | | \ / Y \ ] [ \_______ / /\/_______ / /\___| /\ /_______ / /\ \____|__ / /\ ] [ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ / \/ \/ \/ \/ ] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [ O.S.I. Official SCAR Include - Essence Miner v1.00 ] [ ] [ Contributors : Wanted, Timer. ] [ Description : Automates mining and banking rune essence in RS2. ] [ Website : http://scar-divi.com/ ] [ Directions : See website for usage instructions. ] [ ] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-} Description Mines essence in varrock east and banks in varrock east bank. Features: Rotating player ability Optional SMART (minimizable autoing client) Random detection Door opening Pouches (place in any inventory spot, automatically detected) Elaborate progress reports Future Features Coming Soon: AutoResponder Extensive Antiban Random Solving Damaged pouch detection Requirements Latest SCAR Divi from http://scar-divi.com Latest OSI (File -> Includes manager ->install OSI. || Tools -> Reload Plugins) Account with rune mysteries Pickaxe (dragon pick not supported currently) Directions Set up SCAR and OSI (see requirements) Download the script https://github.com/OSI1/OSI-Essence-Miner/zipball/master Extract to your SCAR scripts folder Open script in SCAR Enter setup (declare players etc..) Run script ----- Please post feedback and progress reports! Enjoy!! -Wanted
  7. Start at anywhere with Iron Rocks nearby. It doesn't have any special features, it just clicks at the rocks. (And ofc Auto-Login after 5 minutes.) Display Progressbar: ON Have fun! Will probably make this better if bored IronPowerMiner.scar
  8. UB_Ultimate_Power_Miner By: ShadowRecon [/center] Features: * Progress Report * GUI * Save/Load Settings * Simple/Fast Mining procedure * Different options for speed * Options for anti-ban chance * Breaks * AutoUpdating Added Setup: 1: Unzip folder. 2: Open script with scar. 3: Press Play. 4: Fill out GUI. 5: Press Start Script. Notes: * Bot wisely Change Log: 1.1 Minor Changes Made. -Added an additional method for checking the ore's status. -Added another fail-safe to terminate script upon. 1.0 Script Released. [/Code]
  9. Power mines copper ores and drops after a full bag. Designed for the lower level wait times, depending on your mining level adjust the wait times as shown in the script. Screen brightness should be set to the 2nd notch, do this by clicking the spanner and adjusting it. Target the old school runescape client within the browser while near copper ores and then press play. F12 to stop the script. //TODO// detect randoms / hp detection / fleeing. maybe in the future a way to bank ores. v0.3 updates. Made it alot easier and faster to adjust the wait times between finding a new rock. Disabled spin camera procedure. Fixed a few typos =] v0.4 updates Reduced on the clutter within the script. Adjusted tolerances for better detection coverage. -tips- Only target the Runescape Java client not the entire browser window. Do this by dragging the target from the Scar toolbar. Adjust the MINWAITTIME and MAXWAITTIME to your needs, default is for about lvl20+ mining. Give me detailed feedback if something's gone AWOL. thanks =] OSRS07 - Copper Miner v0.5 older versions below OSRS07 - Copper Miner - Amberleafv0.3.scar OSRS07 - Copper Miner - Amberleafv0.4.scar
  10. Very basic iron power miner tried and tested at east Varrock site. Hope this is useful to somebody. F12 to stop the script. [sCAR]//IronPowerMiner //Amberleaf //Visit http://www.scar-divi.com for more scripts {.include OSI\OSI.scar} const iron = 1448481; iron1 = 1514016; iron2 = 1053724; iron3 = 922396; iron4 = 790293; iron5 = 592656; iron6 = 1185051; iron7 = 1711653; iron8 = 1053465; procedure ScriptTerminate; begin FreeOSI; end; procedure MineIron; var x, y, x1, y1: Integer; begin If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 3000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron1, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron1'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron2, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron2'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron3, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron3'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron4, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron4'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron5, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron5'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron6, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron6'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron7, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron7'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; If FindColorSpiral(237, 159, x, y, iron8, 147, 84, 337, 209) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found iron8'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); If FindColor(x, y, 16776960, 12, 12, 12, 12) then Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); Wait(RandomRange(1500, 4000)); end; end; begin SetUpOSI; repeat MineIron; until GetKeyState(VK_F12); end. [/sCAR]
  11. GMRL AIO Miner Version 0.2 By: ShadowRecon Requirements: 1: Scar 3.33 or higher 2: GMRL include 3: OSI include Description: This script uses the new walking method, SPS. This is a script i put together in only a few days so it has not been extensively tested but from the test ive ran everything works really good. It banks / mines ores at different locations. This script supports as many active players as you can add to the player database list. More mining locations will be added as i get time to add them. Setup: 1: Select location on form 2: Select ore type for that location. 3: Check the use player box and any other boxes that apply. 4: Add player to the player database list, using the "Add Player" button 5: Press the "Start Script" button. Current Locations: 1: Fally East Bank -. The bank in the center of Fally. 2: Varrock West Bank 3: Varrock East Bank Notes: Locations are setup by which bank they use. so select a Bank, then the list of available ores will popup select the ore type you wish to sue and place your character in the bank that was selected. GMRL_AIO_Miner.scar
  12. You can visit our website for an updated listing of this resource.
  13. Please Delete. I Do not want to leave any bots that i am currently not going to ever work on, so i dont basically flood the "scripts" category. Sorry:(
  14. AmberPowerMiner v0.6.5 Start near any visible rocks containing iron. Setup 1. Start script wait for the SMART window to pop up, when runescape loads stop the script & click the 'disable SMART' button. 2. Log into your account. 3. Equip your pickaxe of choice. 4. Go to your desired mining location. (ah-harid scorpions/varrock east) 5. Start the script. Tips 1. On line 17 is the constant called waittime; adjust this number (default is 5500, 5 and a half seconds) if the bot is too fast/slow. 2. Doesn't have any sleep or anti-random functions it just mines until the cows come home, so don't abuse it too much. v0.6.5 updates. Was a slight problem with the uptext, fixed now. 18/02/12 AmberPowerMinerV0.6.5.scar Let me know how you get on.
  15. SimplePowerMiner - Test Stage It's a SimplePowerMiner that will theoreticaly work wherever there is ORE spesefied by the color you set. I've only tested it 3-4 places but should work just fine. Never been tested using OSI, but should work fine There might come some updates to this script, but it's hard to develop for OSI, without getting OSI to work properly for me. {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Note: Ive never had it running more than 5-6 hours. Reason: No AntiRandom. So || you need to do that part you'r self. The bot is VERY basic. || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Note 2: I do NOT use OSI in my script, i used my own include, because || OSI does NOT work (perfectly) for me. But with implemented OSI for you guys. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} program SimplePowerMiner; {$DEFINE RS2} //{$DEFINE SMART} //Remove "//" to use SMART, if you'r smart. {$DEFINE OSI_Color_Anti_Randoms} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} {$I OSI\RS2\Misc\Anti-Ban.scar} procedure ScriptTerminate; begin FreeOSI; end; procedure print(text:string); begin WriteLn('>>> ' + text); end; var x,y:Integer; const color = 2570337; //This is a perfect IRON-color. timer = 3000; //Works from 40-80 mining at Al Kharid - Iron. {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure InitPlayer; || Description: Startup fixes: Face North .::. Angle MAX .::. Set InventoryTab. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure InitPlayer; begin SetGameTab(Tab_Inv); SetAngle(True); MakeCompass(Dir_North); end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure AntiBan; || doesn't do shit atm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure AntiBan; begin (* nothing *) end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure ClickTarget; || Description: Click The target, found by FindTarget. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure ClickTarget; begin if InvFull Then DropAll; if IsUpTextMulti(['Mine', 'ine','Min']) then begin GetMousePos(x, y); Mouse(x, y, 1, 1, True); Wait(timer + Random(1200)); end; end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure FindTarget; || Description: Find a target color: Eg. a rock. Spesefied by color. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure FindTarget; var TPA: TPointArray; TP: TPoint; begin ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(0.14, 0.70); if FindColorsTolerance(TPA, color, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2, 6) then begin TP := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))]; MMouse(TP.x, TP.y,1,1); Wait(100 + Random(200)); end; end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || MainLoop || Description: Runs the script, until stopped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} begin SetupOSI; InitPlayer; repeat FindTarget; ClickTarget; if Random(15) = 1 Then AntiBan; until False; end.
  16. Yes,I need a miner's script which is not account for CPU
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