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  1. Power Miner Download + More info here: https://phgsosrs.createaforum.com/scripts/power-miner Needs the OSI2 include to run. (File -> Includes Manager -> OSI2) This is version 1.0 code: (please don't copy this into scar. Download the latest version via the links. This code may be out-of-date) {$DEFINE RS07} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} { Created by: BryceTheCoder } var topleftX, topleftY, botrightX, botrightY : Integer; topleft2X, topleft2Y, botright2X, botright2Y : Integer; xxColor, xxTol, oresMined, oreXp, pickSlot : Integer; searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy : Integer; cantFind : Integer; xxHue: Extended; xxSat: Extended; oreType, style : String; Form1_1: TForm; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Button1: TButton; ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; Edit1: TEdit; const TheComputerCatchesOnFire = false; tVer = 'v1.0'; procedure ShowStats; var xp : Integer; begin xp := oresMined * oreXp; ClearDebug; writeln('=================== [ Power Miner ] ==================='); writeln('You have mined: ' + IntToStr(oresMined) + ' ores!'); writeln('Which gained you: ' + IntToStr(xp) + ' exp!'); writeln('=================== [ created by BryceTheCoder ] ==================='); writeln(''); end; procedure StartButton(sender: TObject); begin oreType := ComboBox1.Text; style := ComboBox2.Text; pickSlot := StrToInt(Edit1.Text); Form1_1.Modalresult := mrOK; end; procedure CudntFind; begin inc(cantFind); if (cantFind > 50) then begin ClearDebug; writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('[Power Miner] Terminated the script because I cannot find any ores...'); writeln(''); writeln(''); TerminateScript; end; end; procedure Form1_1_Init; begin with Form1_1 do begin Form1_1 := CreateForm; Label1 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label2 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label3 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label4 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Button1 := TButton.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox1 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox2 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); Edit1 := TEdit.Create(Form1_1); with Form1_1 do begin Left := 527; Top := 129; BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]; BorderStyle := bsSingle; Caption := 'Created by: BryceTheCoder'; ClientHeight := 217; ClientWidth := 382; Color := clWindow; Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -11; Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; Font.Style := []; OldCreateOrder := False; PixelsPerInch := 96; end; with Label1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 8; Width := 319; Height := 49; Caption := 'Power Miner - ' + tVer; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -37; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 48; Top := 68; Width := 82; Height := 17; Caption := 'Ore to Mine:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label3 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 228; Top := 68; Width := 61; Height := 17; Caption := 'Playstyle:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label4 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 142; Width := 110; Height := 17; Caption := 'Slot Pickaxe is in:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Button1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 5; Top := 176; Width := 373; Height := 37; Caption := 'Start Bot!'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -15; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := @StartButton; end; with ComboBox1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 20; Top := 87; Width := 137; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 1; Text := 'What ore to mine?'; Items.Add('Iron'); end; with ComboBox2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 168; Top := 87; Width := 193; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'What playstyle?'; Items.Add('Extremely Focused'); Items.Add('Focused but I AFK sometimes'); Items.Add('I AFK a ton'); end; with Edit1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 144; Top := 139; Width := 25; Height := 23; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 3; Text := '-1'; end; end; end; procedure Form1_1_SafeInit; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_Init', v); end; function Form1_1_ShowModal: Boolean; begin Result := Form1_1.ShowModal = mrOk; end; function Form1_1_SafeShowModal: Boolean; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); Result := ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_ShowModal', v); end; procedure SetupOreColors; begin if (oreType = 'Iron') then begin oreXp := 35; xxColor := 2042181; xxTol := 9; xxHue := 0.08; xxSat := 0.27; end; end; function btc_InRangeE(value, minimum, maximum: Extended): Boolean; begin Result := ((value >= minimum) and (value <= maximum)); end; function btc_PercentToValue(percent, source: Extended): Extended; begin if (percent <> 0) then Result := ((Extended(percent) / 100) * Extended(source)) else Result := 0.0; end; function btc_CountPixelsBx(area: TBox): Integer; begin if ((area.X1 > area.X2) or (area.Y1 > area.Y2)) then Result := -1 else Result := Integer(((area.X2 - area.X1) + 1) * ((area.Y2 - area.Y1) + 1)); end; procedure btc_Sleep(MS: Integer); var t: Integer; k: Byte; begin t := GetSystemTime; k := CharToVKey('s'); repeat try if (GetCurrentKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and GetCurrentKeyState(VK_MENU) and GetCurrentKeyState(k)) then TerminateScript; except end; Wait(0); until ((GetSystemTime - t) > MS); end; function btc_TIAMatch(TIA1, TIA2: TIntArray): Integer; var i, m: Integer; begin Result := 0; m := Min(High(TIA1), High(TIA2)); for i := 0 to m do if (TIA1[i] = TIA2[i]) then Inc(Result); end; function btc_AnimationPercentEx(XS, YS, XE, YE, minTime, maxTime: Integer; minPixelShiftPercent: Extended): Boolean; var bx: TBox; m, l, r: Integer; p: TPointArray; a, b: TIntArray; begin if btc_InRangeE(minPixelShiftPercent, 0, 100) then begin bx := Box(XS, YS, XE, YE); r := Round(btc_PercentToValue(minPixelShiftPercent, btc_CountPixelsBx(bx))); p := TPAFromBox(bx); b := GetColors(p); l := Length(b); btc_Sleep(minTime); m := GetSystemTime; repeat a := GetColors(p); Result := ((l - btc_TIAMatch(b, a)) >= r); SetLength(a, 0); btc_Sleep(0); until (Result or ((GetSystemTime - m) >= maxTime)); SetLength(p, 0); SetLength(b, 0); end else Result := False; end; function isAnimating(): Boolean; begin //btc_AnimationPercentEx(239, 162, 254, 176, 250, 1000, 42.0); Result := btc_AnimationPercentEx(250, 153, 269, 181, 250, 600, 25.0); end; procedure SetupConfig; begin Mouse(675,482,8,8,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(572,227,13,13,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(704,306,4,4,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(644,187,7,7,true); end; procedure SetupSearch1; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; wait(1000); Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleftX, topleftY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botrightX, botrightY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure SetupSearch2; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleft2X, topleft2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botright2X, botright2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure MineOre; var x,y : Integer; begin cantFind := 0; if (random(11) = 1) then begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,false); waitRR(35,100); ChooseOption('Mine'); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end else begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,true); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end; writeln('[Power Miner] Found ore.'); waitRR(1500, 1900); if random(33) = 1 then begin MouseBox(563, 172, 589, 200, ClickLeft);//stats MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); waitRR(1, 999); if random(4) = 1 then begin MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(999, 2345); end else begin waitRR(999, 9999); end; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end else begin if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin if random(5) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; if (style = 'Focused but I AFK sometimes') then begin if random(10) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; end; end; procedure AlterSearchArea; begin if (topleft2X = 0) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; exit; end; if (searchLx = topleftX) then begin searchLx := topleft2X; searchLy := topleft2Y; searchRx := botright2X; searchRy := botright2Y; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area2 now.'); exit; end; if (searchLx = topleft2X) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area1 now.'); exit; end; end; procedure FindOre; var x,y: Integer; begin if not(isAnimating()) then begin AlterSearchArea; ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(xxHue, xxSat); if FindColorTol(x, y, xxColor, searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy, xxTol) then begin MMouse(x, y, 3, 3); waitRR(30,100); if UpTextContains('Mine') then begin MineOre; waitRR(123, 456); end else begin CudntFind; FindOre; end; end else begin CudntFind; end; end else begin if random(25) = 1 then begin GetMousePos(x,y); MMouse(x,y,155,155); waitRR(123, 1234); end; if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin waitRR(123, 7777); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(123, 456); end; end; end; procedure ClosedForm; begin ShowMessage('Bot terminated!'); TerminateScript; ClearDebug; end; procedure StartForm; begin Form1_1_SafeInit; if Form1_1_SafeShowModal then begin FreeForm(Form1_1); end else begin ClosedForm; FreeForm(Form1_1); end; end; procedure SetupEverything; begin SetupOSI; SetupOreColors; //SetupConfig; SetupSearch1; SetupSearch2; searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end; function TempInvFull: Boolean; var x,y : Integer; begin ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(0.06, 0.14); if FindColorTol(x, y, 4086127, 691, 434, 720, 457, 8) then begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end; procedure ShiftDropAll; var i : Integer; itms : TIntegerArray; begin writeln('[Power Miner] Dropping all ores.'); itms := GetDropPattern(random(6)); VKeyDown(16); for i := 0 to 27 do begin if (itms[i] = pickSlot) then Continue; MouseBox(GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X2, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y2, ClickLeft); end; VKeyUp(16); end; procedure Bot; begin repeat FindOre; until TempInvFull; oresMined := oresMined + 28; writeln('[Power Miner] Inventory is full.'); ShiftDropAll; ShowStats; end; begin StartForm; SetupEverything; oresMined := 0; writeln('[Power Miner] Started at ' + TimeToStr(Time)); repeat Bot; until TheComputerCatchesOnFire; end.
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