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  1. AutoTalk This is not particularly the best bot to use, but I know now with the 2007 economy starting to start up. I HATE typing, and typing, and typing over and over again "buying/selling blah blah" Soo i decided to make a simple bot to do so:) All information and download at: 2007Bot - AutoTalk Source: {www.2007Bot.weebly.com} {$DEFINE RS2} {$DEFINE OSI_Color_Anti_Randoms} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} var txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4: String; Form1: TForm; Button1: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; procedure ScriptTerminate; begin FreeOSI; end; procedure StartButton(sender: TObject); begin txt1 := Edit1.text; txt2 := Edit2.text; txt3 := Edit3.text; txt4 := Edit4.text; Form1.Modalresult := mrOK; end; procedure ClosedForm; begin ShowMessage('Dont close the GUI! Use the "Start" button to start the bot.'); TerminateScript; ClearDebug; end; procedure Form1_Init; begin Form1 := CreateForm; Button1 := TButton.Create(Form1); Edit1 := TEdit.Create(Form1); Edit2 := TEdit.Create(Form1); Edit3 := TEdit.Create(Form1); Edit4 := TEdit.Create(Form1); with Form1 do begin Left := 440; Top := 129; BorderStyle := bsSingle; Caption := 'AutoTalk - www.2007Bot.weebly.com'; ClientHeight := 144; ClientWidth := 357; Color := clWhite; Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -11; Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; Font.Style := []; OldCreateOrder := False; PixelsPerInch := 96; end; with Button1 do begin Parent := Form1; Left := 4; Top := 116; Width := 349; Height := 25; Caption := 'Start'; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := @StartButton; end; with Edit1 do begin Parent := Form1; Left := 4; Top := 8; Width := 349; Height := 21; TabOrder := 1; Text := 'buying something 1gp!'; end; with Edit2 do begin Parent := Form1; Left := 4; Top := 36; Width := 349; Height := 21; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'buy something 1gp!'; end; with Edit3 do begin Parent := Form1; Left := 4; Top := 62; Width := 349; Height := 21; TabOrder := 3; Text := 'green:buyin sumtin for 1gp'; end; with Edit4 do begin Parent := Form1; Left := 4; Top := 92; Width := 349; Height := 21; TabOrder := 4; Text := 'red:buying something 1gp'; end; end; procedure Form1_SafeInit; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); ThreadSafeCall('Form1_Init', v); end; function Form1_ShowModal: Boolean; begin Result := Form1.ShowModal = mrOk; end; function Form1_SafeShowModal: Boolean; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); Result := ThreadSafeCall('Form1_ShowModal', v); end; procedure StartForm; begin Form1_SafeInit; if Form1_SafeShowModal then begin WriteLn('Form returned modalresult ok'); FreeForm(Form1); end else begin ClosedForm; FreeForm(Form1); end; end; procedure Txt; begin case random(4) of 0: TypeSendEx(Txt1, true); 1: TypeSendEx(Txt2, true); 2: TypeSendEx(Txt3, true); 3: TypeSendEx(Txt4, true); end; end; begin RS2_SkipSetupRSReady := True; SetUpOSI; StartForm; wait(2500); repeat Txt; waitRR(500, 7000); until false; end.
  2. Start script at this spot in Draynor! This script can be used at any shrimp fishing spot. Instructions: Start near fishing spot (like picture) Make sure Fatigue is 0% of course Leave script to fish! Features: Desired time to logout/terminate script for human input of sleeping. Login if logged out from standing idle(I believe it is 10 minutes on RSCE Replica[?]) MOD DETECTION! Choice of logging out if staff crown is spotted(admin/mod), or terminating script.(leaving character to stand there and do no actions until logout) Fishes shrimps (can be used at any shrimp fishing spot) Note: to change what action is performed when staff crown is seen, go to line 88. (The two options are, 'logout' and 'terminate' or leave blank if you want no detection) Note: to change what action is performed when desired time is up, go to line 93. (The two options are, 'logout' and 'terminate' or leave blank if you want no detection) Note: to change desired time(RECOMMENDED: 300), go to line 4 and change DESIREDTIME. Desired time should be lower the higher your fish level is! 300 is recommended for beginner fishers. DraynorFisher_RSCE.scar
  3. I have updated my old shines bot... is not perfect. Can someone help-me Sorry badd english (brazilian) ShineBOT_101.scar
  4. Hey, I'm searching for a Glitter Scar Script, I opened this Thread because I couldn't find any working Script for me. I found one, but that was just too slow and clicked on some places, where they not supposed to be. I need help, please send me any kind of working glitter Scripts :> ~ Keekz
  5. I have this game that if I leave running too long, it disconnects. It's a bot that runs my player when I'm not at the computer. I have NO idea how to write a script, so I thought I'd come here and see if any of you nice people would help a girl out and get me one. I want a script that will close my running game/bot thing and then reopen the game/bot thing and repeat doing that every few minutes so that I can continue moving on my game while I'm away. I've searched all over the internet for a script like this but the closest I came was a script that opens a new scar and then closes a different scar? Please help me.
  6. I would like to make a simply script for this website, http://freerice.com/ I would like to basically make a guessing script to run while I am doing homework.
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