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TForms Storing Data and Loading Data

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I have successfully made a few forms now, but they require you to enter the data data each time is there a way to write an ini fine and recall this data into the from? please be descriptive with reply, I understand how to get data and read it in the script but the question is how to read data in the from from a file and load it up or saving the data would be as simple as onclick := @SaveData; then have a save data function write all the data to the ini? something like that. the real question how do u load it!

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I gave you the tutorial this morning to read with that exact section in it, directly for that reason...



im looking for ideas =p the tut was nice but i just like to gather ideas before jumping into something as thats going to take a while to do.


---------- Post added at 05:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 AM ----------


You could use [wiki=SaveSetting]SaveSetting[/wiki], it saves the setting to a special settings file for scripts on the PC.[/QUOT

Thanks ill look into that.

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well after messing around with the savesettings and delete settings i figured it out, basically like a ini file, or structured the same, this si what i came up with for my tform sfor saving and retrieving the data is there a more effective way to do it other than this?

procedure SaveButton(sender: TObject);
// Global Settings
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','BreakTime', IntToStr(BreakTimeMin.Position));
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','BreakWhen', IntToStr(BreakAfterHrs.Position));
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','UseBreaksYes', BoolToStr(UbYes.Checked));
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','UseRBreaksNo', BoolToStr(RBreakNo.Checked));
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','UseRBreaksYes', BoolToStr(RBreakYes.Checked));
 SaveSetting('BreakConfig','UseBreaksNo', BoolToStr(UbNo.Checked));
 SaveSetting('AntiBan','TalkYes', BoolToStr(aTalk.Checked));
 SaveSetting('AntiBan','TalkNo', BoolToStr(dTalk.Checked));
// user 1
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up1', BoolToStr(up1.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'un1', un1.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'pw1', pw1.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'bp1', bp1.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld1', BoolToStr(fw1.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld1', BoolToStr(mw1.checked));
// user 2
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up2', BoolToStr(up2.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'un2', un2.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'pw2', pw2.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'bp2', bp2.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld2', BoolToStr(fw2.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld2', BoolToStr(mw2.checked));
// user 3
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up3', BoolToStr(up3.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'un3', un3.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'pw3', pw3.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'bp3', bp3.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld3', BoolToStr(fw3.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld3', BoolToStr(mw3.checked));
// user 4
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up4', BoolToStr(up4.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'un4', un4.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'pw4', pw4.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'bp4', bp4.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld4', BoolToStr(fw4.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld4', BoolToStr(mw4.checked));
// user 5
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up5', BoolToStr(up5.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'un5', un5.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'pw5', pw5.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'bp5', bp5.text);
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld5', BoolToStr(fw5.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld5', BoolToStr(mw5.checked));

Procedure LoadButton(sender: TObject);
// Global Settings
 BreakTimeMin.Position := StrToInt(LoadSetting('BreakConfig','BreakTime'));
 BreakAfterHrs.Position := StrToInt(LoadSetting('BreakConfig','BreakWhen'));
 ubYes.Checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('BreakConfig','UseBreaksYes'));
 ubNo.Checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('BreakConfig','UseBreaksNo'));
 aTalk.Checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('AntiBan','TalkYes'));
 dTalk.Checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('AntiBan','TalkNo'));

// user 1
 up1.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'up1'));
 un1.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'un1');
 pw1.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'pw1');
 bp1.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'bp1');
 fw1.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld1'));
 mw1.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld1'));
// user 2
 up2.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'up2'));
 un2.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'un2');
 pw2.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'pw2');
 bp2.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'bp2');
 fw2.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld2'));
 mw2.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld2'));
// user 3
 up3.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'up3'));
 un3.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'un3');
 pw3.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'pw3');
 bp3.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'bp3');
 fw3.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld3'));
 mw3.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld3'));
// user 4
 up4.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'up4'));
 un4.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'un4');
 pw4.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'pw4');
 bp4.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'bp4');
 fw4.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld4'));
 mw4.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld4'));
// user 5
 up5.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'up5'));
 un5.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'un5');
 pw5.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'pw5');
 bp5.text := LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'bp5');
 fw5.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld5'));
 mw5.checked := StrToBool(LoadSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld5'));

Procedure DeleteButton1(sender: TObject);
// user 1
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'up1');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'un1');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'pw1');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'bp1');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld1');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld1');
 up1.checked := True;
 un1.text := '';
 pw1.text := '';
 bp1.text := '';
 fw1.checked := True;
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up1', BoolToStr(up1.checked)); // this corrects problem if they try to reload settings, else it give an error about the booleans
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld1', BoolToStr(fw1.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld1', BoolToStr(mw1.checked));
Procedure DeleteButton2(sender: TObject);
// user 2
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'up2');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'un2');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'pw2');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'bp2');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld2');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld2');
 up2.checked := False;
 un2.text := '';
 pw2.text := '';
 bp2.text := '';
 fw2.checked := True;
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up2', BoolToStr(up2.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld2', BoolToStr(fw2.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld2', BoolToStr(mw2.checked));
Procedure DeleteButton3(sender: TObject);
// user 3
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'up3');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'un3');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'pw3');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'bp3');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld3');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld3');
 up3.checked := False;
 un3.text := '';
 pw3.text := '';
 bp3.text := '';
 fw3.checked := True;
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up3', BoolToStr(up3.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld3', BoolToStr(fw3.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld3', BoolToStr(mw3.checked));
Procedure DeleteButton4(sender: TObject);
// user 4
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'up4');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'un4');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'pw4');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'bp4');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld4');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld4');
 up4.checked := False;
 un4.text := '';
 pw4.text := '';
 bp4.text := '';
 fw4.checked := True;
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up4', BoolToStr(up4.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld4', BoolToStr(fw4.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld4', BoolToStr(mw4.checked));
Procedure DeleteButton5(sender: TObject);
// user 5
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'up5');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'un5');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'pw5');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'bp5');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld5');
 DeleteSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld5');
 up5.checked := False;
 un5.text := '';
 pw5.text := '';
 bp5.text := '';
 fw5.checked := True;
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'up5', BoolToStr(up5.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'fworld5', BoolToStr(fw5.checked));
 SaveSetting('UserConfig', 'mworld5', BoolToStr(mw5.checked));

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It's not at all like an ini file actually... The functions originally wrote to the registry, the values just represented a subkey, keyname and value, but currently the data is stored in an xml structured file. The functions haven't changed to retain backwards compatibility. It looks about right though.

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It's not at all like an ini file actually... The functions originally wrote to the registry, the values just represented a subkey, keyname and value, but currently the data is stored in an xml structured file. The functions haven't changed to retain backwards compatibility. It looks about right though.

i didnt mean structured as in the saving function wise, i meant the section and subkey naming, but thanks it seems to be working the way i want it to, i had to add a save to my delete or when i deleted a particular setting i got a error with a '' as a Boolean from a read somewhere, so i just deleted then saved an default value for the booleans it was expecting, which works, i guess.

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Actually, now that you mention it, it's probably best to give the section a name that identifies your script as other scripts can obviously use this as well. And then rename the keys to for example BreakConfig-BreakTime

oh i gotcha, are all settings stored within the same file on the computer? i also optimized the way i saved the data by eliminating alot of of the regular radiobuttons and doing radiobutton groups which took away quite a few lines of code. because as u can see i was reading each radiobutton. the itemindex works alot better,


speaking of which, when the form editor complies your code for scar, if you have the radio buttons set to a default value like itemindex :=2; so the 3rd item is checked, within the form editor, and u compile it to scar and export it, it places the itemindex value about the add.items, so its setting the value before the index is ever created, so when u run the form they dont show up as checked, if you move the itemindex :=2; below the add.items it works just fine and sets it to you default value. I dont know if this is a bug, or maybe im just doing it ass backwards.. lol

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