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SCAR Divi 3.29 Beta

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The beta version of SCAR Divi 3.29 is now available. The changelog is exactly the same as alpha, but I have to stick to my new release schedule ;). There are however some changes. The new preprocessor had a bug which caused it to map errors to a wrong file or position in the script when ifdefs were used to exclude pieces of code, this is now fixed. I've also got the "autoupdater" 90ish% completed, but you won't see that until 3.29.01 is released or 3.30.00 is of course... The updater can basically download the new installer for you, which removes the need to browse all the way to the site if you want to update. You'll see some more changes before we hit RC next week though.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/



- Client width and height was off by 1 pixel when refreshing
- Bug when opening unexisting file
- Stability fixes for uncommon errors

- New custom preprocessor
- New much faster FindColoredAreaTolerance function

- function FindColoredArea(out x, y: Integer; const Color: Integer; const xs, ys, xe, ye, MinPix: Integer): Boolean;
- TByteArray = array of Byte;
- T2DByteArray = array of TByteArray;
- Opt-out anonymous usage data collection system


Enjoy :)



Edited by Freddy
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Heh, well, you should update your copy, I left in some debug code in the previous build, that's gone now. I also ported my new [wiki=FindColoredArea]FindColoredArea[/wiki]([wiki=FindColoredAreaTolerance]Tolerance[/wiki]) functions which i wrote about 2 years ago for SCAR Luna. Did have to patch them up since they were never tested and also improved them a tadbit, but after benchmarking them I've come to the conlusion that FindColoredAreaTolerance is about 5 times as fast as the version in 3.28 and previous which was amongst the few functions left that were written by kaitnieks.


There's more functions coming too ;) Been moving functions intended for Luna into Divi ever since 3.25, but since a lot of them were never tested, they require some debugging before releasing and luna's system was a bit different from divi's, so it requires some changes to integrate them. But overall they're usually tons and tons faster since they were all written from scratch and optimized for maximum performance. I'll be integrating more of them before the release of 3.29 and another bunch in 3.30. Some of the upcoming ones include lightning fast bitmapspiral functions and such.


EDIT: I fixed a few less common errors and added the new opt-out anonymous usage stats collection system...

Edited by Freddy
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