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Release Phoenix Bmbot 3.5

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For all peoples !!

1. you have to windows vistu or 7(turn off aero design

2.settings keys,turn offf all details,sea have to empty

3.you have to use scar divi 3.28 or highest

4.you have to change your language to germany

5. and change allowreppdistance on 80 !!

thats its all


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Successfully compiled (155,5403 ms)

function getvariable started - bestimme Konstanten und Variablen

GetColorToleranceSpeed :=1

Bildschirmauflösung: 1680x 1050

ZumSchiff nicht gefunden ! Gehe davon aus das mein Kutter Muscheln schrubbt - terminating script


Stopped execution (188,4853 ms)

Successfully compiled (168,8056 ms)

function getvariable started - bestimme Konstanten und Variablen

GetColorToleranceSpeed :=1

Bildschirmauflösung: 1680x 1050

ZumSchiff nicht gefunden ! Gehe davon aus das mein Kutter Muscheln schrubbt - terminating script


Stopped execution (175,7186 ms)

Successfully compiled (156,7947 ms)

function getvariable started - bestimme Konstanten und Variablen

GetColorToleranceSpeed :=1

Bildschirmauflösung: 1680x 1050

ZumSchiff nicht gefunden ! Gehe davon aus das mein Kutter Muscheln schrubbt - terminating script


Stopped execution (169,2075 ms)

Successfully compiled (90,4956 ms)

Stopped execution (10331,5482 ms)

Successfully compiled (163,2458 ms)

function getvariable started - bestimme Konstanten und Variablen

GetColorToleranceSpeed :=1

Bildschirmauflösung: 1680x 1050

ZumSchiff nicht gefunden ! Gehe davon aus das mein Kutter Muscheln schrubbt - terminating script


Stopped execution (169,3407 ms)

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Fastdistance: NPC_blau_Seekarte erkannt - result:=true;

function distanz gestartet

function fastcheck_abbrechen started

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe1

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe2

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe3

fastcheck - allright baby, balla balla - result:=true;

procedure getquarter started

function getposi started

posix: 84 posiy: 19

quarter: 1

meinschiff oder npcorange nicht gefunden @ function get_close_npc

function aufBM startet

"BMschriftfarbe" erkannt auf Koordinate xx:586/ yy:187 - befinde mich auf BONUSMAP!

function shippMM started

function reppcheck started

keine gamemessage gefunden

procedure getquarter started

function getposi started

posix: 84 posiy: 18

quarter: 1

keine gamemessage gefunden

function fastcheck_abbrechen started

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe1

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe2

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe3

fastcheck - allright baby, balla balla - result:=true;

function fastcheck_abbrechen started

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe1

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe2

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe3

fastcheck - allright baby, balla balla - result:=true;

function Fastdistance started

Fastdistance: NPC_blau_Seekarte erkannt - result:=true;

function distanz gestartet

function fastcheck_abbrechen started

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe1

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe2

angriff_abbrechen leuchtet - farbe3

fastcheck - allright baby, balla balla - result:=true;

procedure getquarter started

function getposi started

posix: 84 posiy: 16

quarter: 1

Stopped execution (14414 ms)



please help my bot not shoot

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Successfully compiled (294.5988 ms)

function getvariable started - bestimme Konstanten und Variablen

GetColorToleranceSpeed :=1

Bildschirmauflösung: 1680x 1050


logout gefunden - lx: 1476 ly: 1 - definiere seekarte und glitzisuchbox

ZumSchiff gefunden - zumschiffx: 1446/ zumschiffy:901

"zumschiffx"/"zumschiffy" definiere Pixelfarben für schnelle Überprüfung ob die Karte grau ist(schiff ist blubb): get2: 10212823 get3: 4766679

suche HP Balken

HpExtra Balken erkannt

Hp Balken: hpx1: 301 hpy1: 818 hpx2: 331 hpy2: 823

Schiffeminimap nicht gefunden - definiere "schiffe_minimap_grafikx", "schiffe_minimap_grafiky" über "Glitzimap"

"Glitzimap" erkannt auf Koordinate glitzimapx: 1333 / glitzimapy:344

Definiere Minimap: über die position von "Glitzimap" grafik: mmx1:= 1295 mmy1:= 243 mmx2:= 1383 mmy2:=332

definiere "schiffe_minimap_grafikx": 1399 "schiffe_minimap_grafiky": 285 über "Glitzimap"

constante: angriff_abbrechenx:= 427 angriff_abbrecheny:= 889

definiere farben und punkte für angriff abbrechen nullstellung

get: 6780046 get1: 2631732

attack_get_x:= 384 attack_get_y:= 890

attack_get1_x:= 390 attack_get1_y:= 893

definiere farben und punkte für angriff nullstellung

farbe get4: 4542343 farbe get5: 5659502





















































function aufBM startet

"BMschriftfarbe" nicht erkannt - Sollte das Schiff gerade auf BM sein, dann muss "BMschriftfarbe" neu ausgelesen werden oder die Seekartenposition neu eingestellt werden (skx2, sky2)

function bmsprung startet

function BMsprungcheck startet

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Stopped execution (6097.4278 ms)


why doesn't this work?

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Bot does not work, I try to run the script and then displays the following information!


Compiler Error, Line 117 Unknown identifier 'SetDesktopAsClient'


What am I doing wrong or what's the problem?


Did the problem only since the update to SCAR 3.35


Please help me I'm at a loss

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Bot does not work, I try to run the script and then displays the following information!


Compiler Error, Line 117 Unknown identifier 'SetDesktopAsClient'


What am I doing wrong or what's the problem?


Did the problem only since the update to SCAR 3.35


Please help me I'm at a loss


The script is not compatible with the latest version of SCAR Divi, use 3.34 to run it. http://www.scar-divi.com/download.php?file=scar-3.34.00-setup.exe

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Could somebody help me?

I have the same problem as many users here seem to have too:

"BMschriftfarbe" nicht erkannt - Sollte das Schiff gerade auf BM sein, dann muss "BMschriftfarbe" neu ausgelesen werden oder die Seekartenposition neu eingestellt werden (skx2, sky2)

function bmsprung startet

function BMsprungcheck startet

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

Bitte BMschriftfarbe überprüfen

function BMsprungcheck startet


I am not experienced in this bot-thing and i have no idea how to solve this problem. I tried to get this bot to work since 2 hours but i failed.

It would be good if someone could instruct me how to solve this, i think other users would be happy too because i did not find any specific solution in this thread.


Thanks in advance,


PS: I'm german

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Could somebody help me?

I have the same problem as many users here seem to have too:



I am not experienced in this bot-thing and i have no idea how to solve this problem. I tried to get this bot to work since 2 hours but i failed.

It would be good if someone could instruct me how to solve this, i think other users would be happy too because i did not find any specific solution in this thread.


Thanks in advance,


PS: I'm german


Most scripts are purely made from finding methods. Meaning they rely on what they find, and coordinates. There is no hacking/cracking or anything going in with the game itself. With that said, most scripts are prone to fail at some point. Either for everybody, or for some people. If you want to make a good script you need to be really good, and they are super hard to make flawless.


For instance, what if that guy who made the script. If the games size on his screen was different from yours? Then when he went to find something it would be a totally different size then finding it on your screen.


It seems this Bot is of greatness. And it is supposed to work, so wait for the author of the script to comment I guess. Or look through the thread's posts for a solution.

Edited by LordJashin
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Most scripts are purely Reflection.


Most scripts don't use reflection at all... Reflection as referred to in the context of SCAR is a technique, no longer available in SMART, to gain access to internal client data, without modifying the client.

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Most scripts don't use reflection at all... Reflection as referred to in the context of SCAR is a technique, no longer available in SMART, to gain access to internal client data, without modifying the client.


Well what is the correct term then for what I was describing...? Is there even one? If not we need to make one up lol

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Most scripts are purely made from finding methods. Meaning they rely on what they find, and coordinates. There is no hacking/cracking or anything going in with the game itself. With that said, most scripts are prone to fail at some point. Either for everybody, or for some people. If you want to make a good script you need to be really good, and they are super hard to make flawless.


For instance, what if that guy who made the script. If the games size on his screen was different from yours? Then when he went to find something it would be a totally different size then finding it on your screen.


It seems this Bot is of greatness. And it is supposed to work, so wait for the author of the script to comment I guess. Or look through the thread's posts for a solution.


Thank you for your explanation. I think i understood everything. So you mean that when i correct the settings in my Options in Seafight, that the Bot is going to work?


Well then, could somebody who already got the Bot to work or the authors of the script themselves give me the settings? (specially: Viewport-Size/ Position of Hitpointbar, Toolbars, To-Ship-Button,Minimap and content of Toolbars) Maybe some screenshots are also very helpful.


Thanks in advance,


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