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Clicking on colors

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Can I get an example please? ^^

You have to elaborate a bit further for me to be able to help you.


Do you mean at 3pm do something.. or do you mean 10 sec after another thing has been done, do something?


There are several functions used to find the pos of a color:

» FindColorTol(out x,y:Integer; color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance: Integer);

» FindColorSpiralTol(CenterX,CenterY:Integer; var x,y:Integer; Color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance:Integer);

x and y is the resulting postion of wherer the color was FIRST found:

 Pt: TPoint; //TPoint holds and X, and an Y coordinate. So it can always be used instead of: "var x,y: Integer".
 FindColorTol(Pt.x, Pt.y, 255, 0,0,500,500, 10);
 WriteLn(PointToStr(Pt)); // Found color 255 (red) at that location

and then we have more advanced versions, which puts ALL the found results in to an array:

» FindColorTolEx(var TPA:TPointArray; color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance: Integer);

The TPA is an array of all the points found of the given color. This can be manipulated to find groups/clusters where the color is close to each other, and thereby eliminate noise, and allow for even more checks to ensure we are getting the right group, and in the end we often just click the center of that group.



 W,H, i: Integer;
 Groups: T2DPointArray;
 // find all black-ish colors in the area 0,0, to 500,500
 FindColorTolEx(TPA, 1, 0,0,500,500, 10);

 // create groups where colors are close to each other
 // 6 is the max distance between points in that group.
 Groups := SplitTPA(TPA, 6); 

 // go though each group and check if it's the correct size
 for i:=0 to High(Groups) do
   // get the group width and height
   TPADimensions(Groups[i], W,H);

   if ((W > 5) and (W < 100))  and  ((H > 8) and (H < 20)) then 
     // it passes, we print the middle of that group: TPACenter(Groups[i])
     WriteLn(PointToStr( TPACenter(Groups[i]) ));


To help more I need you to elaborate further.

Edited by slacky
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You have to elaborate a bit further for me to be able to help you.


Do you mean at 3pm do something.. or do you mean 10 sec after another thing has been done, do something?


There are several functions used to find the pos of a color:

» FindColorTol(out x,y:Integer; color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance: Integer);

» FindColorSpiralTol(CenterX,CenterY:Integer; var x,y:Integer; Color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance:Integer);

x and y is the resulting postion of wherer the color was FIRST found:

 Pt: TPoint; //TPoint holds and X, and an Y coordinate. So it can always be used instead of: "var x,y: Integer".
 FindColorTol(Pt.x, Pt.y, 255, 0,0,500,500, 10);
 WriteLn(PointToStr(Pt)); // Found color 255 (red) at that location

and then we have more advanced versions, which puts ALL the found results in to an array:

» FindColorTolEx(var TPA:TPointArray; color, x1,y1,x2,y2, tolerance: Integer);

The TPA is an array of all the points found of the given color. This can be manipulated to find groups/clusters where the color is close to each other, and thereby eliminate noise, and allow for even more checks to ensure we are getting the right group, and in the end we often just click the center of that group.



 W,H, i: Integer;
 Groups: T2DPointArray;
 // find all black-ish colors in the area 0,0, to 500,500
 FindColorTolEx(TPA, 1, 0,0,500,500, 10);

 // create groups where colors are close to each other
 // 6 is the max distance between points in that group.
 Groups := SplitTPA(TPA, 6); 

 // go though each group and check if it's the correct size
 for i:=0 to High(Groups) do
   // get the group width and height
   TPADimensions(Groups[i], W,H);

   if ((W > 5) and (W < 100))  and  ((H > 8) and (H < 20)) then 
     // it passes, we print the middle of that group: TPACenter(Groups[i])
     WriteLn(PointToStr( TPACenter(Groups[i]) ));


To help more I need you to elaborate further.

This method is obviously a little too advanced for me. I can work without it. Thanks anyway though. :)

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