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how to hold the mouse and then move it and then release it

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DragMouse in OSI mouse functions



Official SCAR Include

Mouse Routines


* procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

By: Timer

* procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Anonymous

* procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Anonymous

* procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Zyt3x & Wanted.

* procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Naum

* procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted




procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

Contributors: Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Timer

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X - RX, Y - RY, X + RX, Y + RY);

if (not (MouseSpeed = 0)) then

MoveWindMouseEx(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MouseSpeed)


MoveWindMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);




procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted, Timer, Anonymous.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(x, y, rx, ry);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(MinTime, MaxTime);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);


HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, 80, 120, Left);




procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

HoldMouseWait(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MinTime, MaxTime, Left);




procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a specified area.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

case (TypeC) of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Zyt3x, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a circle with a specified radius.

Date Created: September 4th, 2011. By Zyt3x & Wanted.

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RCirclePoint(Radius, CX, CY);

case TypeC of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Naum, Wanted.

Description: Clicks and holds the mouse and then drags it and releases it.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Naum

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MMouse(eX, eY, eRX, eRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: See DragMouse. Except for does in box areas.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MouseBox(eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);



I hope this helps.


Once OSI beta is out you can utilize these with OSI.

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DragMouse in OSI mouse functions



Official SCAR Include

Mouse Routines


* procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

By: Timer

* procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Anonymous

* procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Anonymous

* procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Zyt3x & Wanted.

* procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Naum

* procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted




procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

Contributors: Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Timer

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X - RX, Y - RY, X + RX, Y + RY);

if (not (MouseSpeed = 0)) then

MoveWindMouseEx(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MouseSpeed)


MoveWindMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);




procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted, Timer, Anonymous.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(x, y, rx, ry);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(MinTime, MaxTime);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);


HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, 80, 120, Left);




procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

HoldMouseWait(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MinTime, MaxTime, Left);




procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a specified area.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

case (TypeC) of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Zyt3x, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a circle with a specified radius.

Date Created: September 4th, 2011. By Zyt3x & Wanted.

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RCirclePoint(Radius, CX, CY);

case TypeC of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Naum, Wanted.

Description: Clicks and holds the mouse and then drags it and releases it.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Naum

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MMouse(eX, eY, eRX, eRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: See DragMouse. Except for does in box areas.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MouseBox(eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);



I hope this helps.


Once OSI beta is out you can utilize these with OSI.



procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MMouse(eX, eY, eRX, eRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);





how come that doesn't work

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DragMouse in OSI mouse functions



Official SCAR Include

Mouse Routines


* procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

By: Timer

* procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Anonymous

* procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted

* procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Anonymous

* procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

By: Zyt3x & Wanted.

* procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Naum

* procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

By: Wanted




procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);

Contributors: Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Timer

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MMouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X - RX, Y - RY, X + RX, Y + RY);

if (not (MouseSpeed = 0)) then

MoveWindMouseEx(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MouseSpeed)


MoveWindMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);




procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted, Timer, Anonymous.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(x, y, rx, ry);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(MinTime, MaxTime);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks humanly.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure Mouse(x, y, rx, ry: Integer; Left: Boolean);


HoldMouseWait(x, y, rx, ry, 80, 120, Left);




procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: Moves the mouse and clicks + holds humanly.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure HoldMouseWaitBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, MinTime, MaxTime: Integer; Left: Boolean);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

HoldMouseWait(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, MinTime, MaxTime, Left);




procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Anonymous, Timer, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a specified area.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Anonymous

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RRectanglePoint(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

case (TypeC) of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);

Contributors: Zyt3x, Wanted.

Description: Clicks/moves the mouse in a circle with a specified radius.

Date Created: September 4th, 2011. By Zyt3x & Wanted.

Last Modification: September 18th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure MouseCircle(Radius, CX, CY: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions);


P: TPoint;


P := RCirclePoint(Radius, CX, CY);

case TypeC of

ClickLeft: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, True);

ClickRight: Mouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0, False);

MoveTo: MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);





procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Naum, Wanted.

Description: Clicks and holds the mouse and then drags it and releases it.

Date Created: August 7th, 2011. By Naum

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MMouse(eX, eY, eRX, eRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);




procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);

Contributors: Wanted

Description: See DragMouse. Except for does in box areas.

Date Created: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted

Last Modification: August 19th, 2011. By Wanted



procedure DragMouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MouseBox(sX1, sY1, sX2, sY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MouseBox(eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2, MoveTo);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);



I hope this helps.


Once OSI beta is out you can utilize these with OSI.



procedure DragMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY, eX, eY, eRX, eRY: Integer; Left: Boolean);


cx, cy: Integer;


MMouse(sX, sY, sRX, sRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

HoldMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(80, 120);

MMouse(eX, eY, eRX, eRY);

WaitRR(60, 90);

GetMousePos(cx, cy);

ReleaseMouse(cx, cy, Left);

WaitRR(100, 200);



how come that doesn't work




OSI functions need the rest of OSI to compile.


You may be able to look at them and learn how to do it yourself though.

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Isn't it

Program new;


HoldMouse(x, y, true);

MoveMouseSmooth(x, y);

ReleaseMouse(x, y, true);



I'm only doing this to prove to myself that I know how lol




{.include OSI\OSI.scar}

 DragMouse(123, 123, 0, 0, 321, 321, 0, 0, True);

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