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I've found that a lot of people seem to be having a hard time understanding the forum rules, especially new members. So I'm going to post this to shortly explain the consequences.


If you do not follow the forum rules you will get a warning. This entails that your posts might be moderated, which means a staff member will check your post before it becomes visible on the forums. Or your posting privileges may simply be revoked. Depending the the number and/or severity of the warnings this will expire after an amount time. Do note that repeated offences might also simply get you banned from the forums.


For those of you who aren't familiar with the rules, I suggest you read them here: http://forums.scar-divi.com/misc.php?action=rules


There really aren't that many rules so it shouldn't be that hard not to break them.


Finally I want to put some emphasis on the fact that these are English forums, if you post in German, Italian, Dutch or whatever other language, most people on here will not understand you, which is very counterproductive. So you must either post in English, or include an English translation in your posts. You can use translator software if you can't translate the post the post to English yourself, but it's obligatory to include it.

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