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Bixby Sayz

How is ImageArea and InputArea populated?

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When you set a new client, where does SCAR get this information from? Does it poll the window for it?


The reason I ask is when using the SMART client it reports the correct ImageArea information, but reports incorrect InputArea information, making it impossible to figure out where the SMART window resides on the desktop.


Off topic: Did the forums go down for a bit? Couldn't get on for a few minutes, and Down Or Just Me reported it down as well.

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Each TSCARClient subclass implements this stuff separately. So the boxes are pulled straight from the SMART wrapper library. How is the InputArea incorrect? This does not represent the position of the window on the desktop, this is only true for TSCARWindowClient, as a TSCARClient subclass doesn't necessarily handle a visible window, or even a window at all, like TSCARBitmapClient.


And yes, I had to reboot the server.

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Hmm. I'll have to take a different approach then. Since I've always been dealing with WindowClient so far InputArea has always corresponded to the ImageArea relative to the Desktop. Which enables me to grab a bitmap from the desktop using those coords.


With SMART ImageArea and InputArea are set to the same thing, which completely pooches that idea.

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Or just use OSI, and do


a := FindWindowEx('SMART', etc. etc.

b := TSCARWindowClient.Create(a)

The problem is finding the correct SMART, which I have thanks to Freddy's suggestion. Now if only I could figure out a way to force SMART to the front without resorting to the windows api. Throws an access error when you call Activate().
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ActivateWindow function...
For some reason thought that function was removed. Getting senile.


Now to figure out why activate kills the RS client (the standalone client). And all of this because I originally was dissatisfied with SMART not finding DTMs properly. I get sidetracked waaaaaaaaaaaay too easily.

Edited by Bixby Sayz
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For some reason thought that function was removed. Getting senile.


Now to figure out why activate kills the RS client (the standalone client). And all of this because I originally was dissatisfied with SMART not finding DTMs properly. I get sidetracked waaaaaaaaaaaay too easily.


If try GetOuterWindow because calling ActivateWindow.

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