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SCAR Divi 3.32 RC

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I've uploaded SCAR Divi 3.32 RC. This build will probably be the final build as I don't expect any changes to be made after this. The 3.32 release started out of a bugfix release for 3.31, but since one of the biggest bugs was caused by a bug in the 3rd party SynEdit component SCAR was using, I've replaced the entire editor control. Since this release has become a lot bigger than anticipated, it has taken quite a lot more time to code it than anticipated. But it's finally done, so enjoy! The final build will probably be released in 24 hours.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Setup instructions: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?505-Downloading-SCAR-Divi-Prerelease



- Small bug in the function parser
- [#46] Execution errors were mapped incorrectly
- [#40, #42] Bug in code completion caused by 3rd party component
- [#49] TPAFromBox didn't calculate the box size correctly
- Incorrect handling of trying to open non-existing files
- [#52] TPADensity returned an incorrect result
- Small bug in stats system causing issues with offline devices on first run
- Italic or Underline types couldn't be toggled off once toggled on for a syntax style
- [#55] All click actions now have the same effect when the primary mouse buttons are swapped
- [#37, #38] In rare cases FindColorSpiral(Tolerance) threw access violations
- [#45, #50] ScriptPath returned an empty string when used in ThreadSafeCall

- New code editor
- Ported to Delphi XE2
- New settings manager (based on SQLite3 rather than XML)
- WriteLn/AddToReport no longer open and set focus to the Debug/Report tabs

- Line states
- Regex searching/replacing
- Code folding

- Option to print without syntax
- GetDebugParams
- SetDebugParams


Enjoy :)



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