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find color in tpointarray

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Yes, it is, but not using just 1 function. There's several ways you can actually do this. You could use [wiki=GetColors]GetColors[/wiki] to get the colors at all of these coordinates and manually search them. You could build a [wiki=TPointArray]TPointArray[/wiki] with all points you do not want to search and use [wiki=FindColorSkipCoords]FindColorSkipCoords[/wiki]. I would however advice to use [wiki=FindColorsTolerance]FindColorsTolerance[/wiki] to find all of the colors you are looking for in a search area and then filter out the points that you wanted to look for.


function FindColorToleranceCoords(var x, y: Integer; const Color: Integer;
 const Points: TPointArray; const Tolerance: Integer): Boolean;
 b: TBox;
 p: TPointArray;
 i, j, k, l: Integer;
 Result := False;
 b := GetTPABounds(Points);
 if not FindColorsTolerance(p, Color, b.x1, b.y1, b.x2, b.y2, Tolerance) then Exit;
 l := Length(p);
 k := Length(Points);
 for i := 0 to k - 1 do
   for j := 0 to l - 1 do
     if (p[j].X = Points[i].X) and (p[j].Y = Points[i].Y) then
       x := Points[i].X;
       y := Points[i].Y;
       Result := True;

 TPA: TPointArray;
 x, y: Integer;

 TPA := [Point(273, 60), Point(475, 63)];
 if FindColorToleranceCoords(x, y, 0, TPA, 1) then
   WriteLn(IntToStr(x) + ',' + IntToStr(y));


SCAR Divi 3.26 will contain TPA functions to make this a lot faster and do it far more efficiently, but since it's still in beta I wrote the code for SCAR Divi 3.25

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