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I'll be fiddling around with SCAR and Guildwars this next week before classes start. A lot of people are farming to get titles for the game before the release of Guildwars2.


With the use of Texmod, I'll be able to modify in game graphics without breaking the rules of the game and should therefore make it quite simple to write a bot for Guildwars. I believe this part along with re-learning how to use Pascal will take up the most time. (Texmod info: visit http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide_to_modifying_in-game_graphics).


If anyone has delved into this already let me know. I'll post my status on this little project as I go along.




[Jan 3rd, 2011]


The only requirement I have this bot is to NOT use the mouse or keyboard. I don't mind if Guildwars isn't minimized, but it must not interfere with anything but Guildwars. I read that "Silent" mouse will be implemented in SCAR v4, so for now I am limited to keyboard interaction only.


Just started. Modifying GW graphics so they can be easily used within SCAR using Texmod

  • Compass
    • Make the colors for "North" "S" E" W" on the compass bold & different. May implement something like...
    • color-wheel-300.gif
    • This will allow for somewhat accurate indication of where your character is looking. Walking is something I'm figuring out how to go about.


    [*]Removing transparency behind text (tooltips, character names, etc)

    • Will allow for bitmaps to be taken easily of text / character names / etc.


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Can you link me an article explaining for specifically how to use hooks? I haven't found any good source yet.


I'm also having difficulty sending keys to the client. It seems to only accept them when the chat box is active and accepting input for the user to type a message. Key presses related to character movement however fail to work. If I can't figure this out it's a show stopper.


EDIT: or a vague resource is fine. I know what hooks are used for I'm just interested in if I can write this in Java or some other language besides well. Pascal. SCAR was the first thing that came to mind considering it was easy to use when I was... 5 years younger and inexperienced.

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