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Hello guys Skoller here again,


I started from scratch with to rework my script. I think I am actually finally done with it but i made one little mistake I never clicked the play buttom. So i gues i have quite some errors and i dont see what is wrong. Can anyone help me look at them when i come past them? Thanks


Here is the

program FishingBot;varFightbuttom, Shinycheck, NormalCheck, UseItem, Bag, Xbuttom, Magikarp, Dratini, Poli, ThrowUltra, ArrowSearch: TSCARBitmap;x, y, Int: Integer;Box1: Tbox; Desktop: TSCARWindowClient   //does this actually search the scar client or does it also find my Chrome(pokemon game)?procedure Shinycheck //[s]begin   Shinycheck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNULkNwCAQo06RGRklo1BkkBskQ9' +   'CnSAxWLAuEFMvFPT7fwZ629Nz1J48PiCMCQc6NAFIViVJOFplGh48DnIWS/kgV' +   'o9scrlDLlVztW8RBCQfEvNP9Z6XI1ejK2ZU8Wy34u+18p7995bn6TylfjisyyA' +   '==');   Dratini := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjZ+BmWHbqAx6k4NAARGgi////ZwADY' +   'gQdFBqQBSFqIIINDQfgggkODUAEEUxIcACjAxDFQBFkQQgXjyBEF1AQWRwAZfl' +   '0ig==');      Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); // Searches the desktop aka Pokemon Map SetClient(Desktop); // Actually only looks to the pokemon map aka my whole screan Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow);  end;procedure NormalCheck // Magikarpbegin   Magikarp := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrdkbENgDAMBFmAmvUyCqOkYBAPkiHo' +   'KeDFk8dJkFAoQS7sBJ8/72kYh31bfxlz/lhaMpYxLr2QEDLEDDmiF4L/0YV2lM' +   'grJRyBuNWa+bmCqKsqxadCHhLIoR7CRhjCltYTQZh4giC6okhB6DNHF5D0BDk1' +   'aE3+ObLiVYkM9M5odxjhPbkOG0+8h8Vz3Malk6ZJ4YegKs46AAKqzk0=');   Poli := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTYOBl+P/7w8CiBQuWABEyA4IaUAGyFFaU' +   'kABVA2cgi0MQ0Bwg98CBA8SYg0ccaAIyF8gAcoEICOCGwxWgOR7THIgWuJlABr' +   'I78fgLDiBs5HCDmn/nAKZ2POGDHDLIZiIbi98czHAjzz1Y0wmp4YMrzeCPLzwa' +   'BxABALsV+mg=');   Fightbuttom := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNoTZJBgOGCvP8jRh1s3/mOAO+tX' +   '77TVvTFj8pcnj/f6O++100PW8h6s5d3jRy9u3ngJQ0enTlhjofXs6KHf374dqC' +   '7daq2zzw6h5R1Yy/ryoqmGKnOM1eaC0UJT9fWW2ttsdLfHhiw109hkBdSih6Zl' +   'U0XxErAU0EAg2m6ju9tW71RBxqnasu1+TjtsdPfbo9uyuaJ4tYXWHlQ3Q7x5tK' +   'YMqAXTYScWzAW6+Wxd2fn6ciA6GOgCVAPx5s6qEqAjgYJoWtAAxGRkB7y+cA5N' +   'y9EFc4BSOyqhaJWXw2ZrHWQtQAaalo0VxfNM1FeaawJlgQjoEjRbMLUAxYHqgd' +   'EHDAEgAsYd0C8EtWCGGLLUCwy/ENRyKD+dVC1Ar8HFj+en76kqWeppD/QyWvJD' +   'lkI2DcgGhucGK220KMYjBUw8+0Dho4emHr8UMehkUgSpWvaTbst+epUSADd3Xr' +   'o=');   Goldeen := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNj0ERwDAIBBEQEZWClEg5KZUSKXXSX' +   'gNhJnwCs48AO0CaNHnL8UB/VJyZbgKLA47JE1xSd3xybNmhRqqOit7DSH/pXQm' +   'AaDFNJlYcHT5YtJnJsW5E3BMHJOHofBPmGqk=');    Slowpoke := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjZuBheLDgAAg1NGCiBQ4OIAZBBdRF' +   'CagIQ/bAgQP/YQDIhqhpSGCAKECWRVZDUMGDByA1QB9BBBnAAK4GogCi5j82AF' +   'cAQgsacFmBrAaCILKgkExoAABipBaK');   Psyduck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYOBkePCg4cEDB3S0wAGr4P///5FFF' +   'iQwANF/MCBVHMJGWLfAASr1+wMQIaQewKR+fwA59YADECHrBYmDBeEIKAUEAJh' +   'ligI=');  Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); SetClient(Desktop);  Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow); end;procedure ThrowUltra  //bag    + Arrow begin Bag := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqFUdsRgDAI898fR2IURmGUjpJROoL/fiiID' +   '67SyuV6bcjRpJ2nZQLTBWCPta214O0yKaM07vKjrq1ApBAZHiYT4ERPYF2mKmL' +   'M9wrAvLkH7RZpBE0QG5iaDKkHJl3TM2lQn2NBOkEjiFQ13/EwSGH7AA3ibx7/C' +   '5SBf3AAfYVbaw==');  ArrowSearch := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYhBgOJDgQCH6Dwb4ZfEoQFaDS' +   'xlBBcRYRIz5RNqLxz3EeITyMCceAQBS6hME');  UseItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTZOBlOJDgQDv0oKHhwYIDQEQFoxYc+' +   'A8GcJH/vz8AzafcKAibcqOAJkCNWtCAbBooEBoaCJqPbNR/ZPD7A9y/yMJAW4h' +   'yFYwNjogGhDnA0ANHDbIVpIYVZozAZTH9i8coeNCBTIAjsJtJdRVSLBxAQTjCn' +   'yQPgmKWuGBHC2fswY5kMn6j4FzsiQEpIwAACjtndg==');    Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); SetClient(Desktop);  Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow);   end;if FindBitmap(x, y, Shinycheck, 0, 0, ClientBox.X2, ClientBox.Y2) //Search Shiny Signthen // catch shiny or other needed pokémon Questionbegin      ThrowUltra;DebugBitmap(UltraSearch);if FindBitmap(x, y, Bag, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) then  //Click Bag imagebeginMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(500));ClickMouse(x, y)then  //not sure if it'll always click on a random x,y location?if FindBitmap (x, y, ArrowSearch, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) thenMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(750));beginInt := 0;while Int <> 5 dobeginClickMouse(x, y);Inc(Int);            //click 5x to come on the right ultraball page end;then FindBitmap (x, y, UseItem, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) then        // Searches Use Item ButtomthenbeginMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(1000)):ClickMouse(x, y);  end;  end;end;  end;else // Kill magikarpif FindBitmap (x, y, NormalCheck, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) thenFindBitmap (x, y, FightButtom, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) thenbego,MoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(500));ClickMouse(x, y); // To lazy so just 2x same leftmouseclickClickMouse(x, y); end;end.



My first error already came up at line 9 ( procedure Shinycheck) even tho i have no idea whats wrong in that small sentence i searched off some forums and there i see the same? but without the error. Any idea's? hopefully you can help me



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You are missing a ; at the end of some lines. You can't name procedure/function names the same as variables. You must give them a different name e.g. bmpShinyCheck.


Thanks man really! got everything fixed up but now I stumbeled on a new problem gues thats how this bot making is?:P

Do you know something about bitmaps? Been searching around on google a bit because i have a bitmap error it tells me the bitmap on line 73 is invalid. Do you know what could cause this? line 73: if FindBitmap(x, y, Shinycheck, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2)

I first thought it might have been a typo but apperently thats not it. Hopefully u know the answer !

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"ShinyCheck" is a reference in your script to a procedure/function and NOT a bitmap handle.. change that to bmpShinyCheck etc.


I changed the procedures to bmp, but yea now i did as you told me change the TScARBitmaps to BmpShinyheck, BmpGoldeen,... But i still get the invalid bitmap error on line 73 :



program FishingBot;    // updates --- Xbuttom toevoegenvarBmpFightbuttom, BmpShinycheck, BmpNormalCheck, BmpUseItem, BmpBag, BmpMagikarp, BmpDratini, BmpGoldeen, BmpPoli, BmpSlowpoke, BmpPsyduck, BmpArrowSearch: TSCARBitmap;x, y, Int: Integer;Box1: Tbox; Desktop: TSCARWindowClient;   //does this actually search the scar client or does it also find my Chrome(pokemon game)?procedure Shinycheck; //[s]begin   BmpShinycheck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNULkNwCAQo06RGRklo1BkkBskQ9' +   'CnSAxWLAuEFMvFPT7fwZ629Nz1J48PiCMCQc6NAFIViVJOFplGh48DnIWS/kgV' +   'o9scrlDLlVztW8RBCQfEvNP9Z6XI1ejK2ZU8Wy34u+18p7995bn6TylfjisyyA' +   '==');   BmpDratini := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjZ+BmWHbqAx6k4NAARGgi////ZwADY' +   'gQdFBqQBSFqIIINDQfgggkODUAEEUxIcACjAxDFQBFkQQgXjyBEF1AQWRwAZfl' +   '0ig==');      Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); // Searches the desktop aka Pokemon Map SetClient(Desktop); // Actually only looks to the pokemon map aka my whole screan Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow);  end;procedure NormalCheck; // Magikarpbegin   BmpMagikarp := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrdkbENgDAMBFmAmvUyCqOkYBAPkiHo' +   'KeDFk8dJkFAoQS7sBJ8/72kYh31bfxlz/lhaMpYxLr2QEDLEDDmiF4L/0YV2lM' +   'grJRyBuNWa+bmCqKsqxadCHhLIoR7CRhjCltYTQZh4giC6okhB6DNHF5D0BDk1' +   'aE3+ObLiVYkM9M5odxjhPbkOG0+8h8Vz3Malk6ZJ4YegKs46AAKqzk0=');   BmpPoli := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTYOBl+P/7w8CiBQuWABEyA4IaUAGyFFaU' +   'kABVA2cgi0MQ0Bwg98CBA8SYg0ccaAIyF8gAcoEICOCGwxWgOR7THIgWuJlABr' +   'I78fgLDiBs5HCDmn/nAKZ2POGDHDLIZiIbi98czHAjzz1Y0wmp4YMrzeCPLzwa' +   'BxABALsV+mg=');   BmpFightbuttom := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNoTZJBgOGCvP8jRh1s3/mOAO+tX' +   '77TVvTFj8pcnj/f6O++100PW8h6s5d3jRy9u3ngJQ0enTlhjofXs6KHf374dqC' +   '7daq2zzw6h5R1Yy/ryoqmGKnOM1eaC0UJT9fWW2ttsdLfHhiw109hkBdSih6Zl' +   'U0XxErAU0EAg2m6ju9tW71RBxqnasu1+TjtsdPfbo9uyuaJ4tYXWHlQ3Q7x5tK' +   'YMqAXTYScWzAW6+Wxd2fn6ciA6GOgCVAPx5s6qEqAjgYJoWtAAxGRkB7y+cA5N' +   'y9EFc4BSOyqhaJWXw2ZrHWQtQAaalo0VxfNM1FeaawJlgQjoEjRbMLUAxYHqgd' +   'EHDAEgAsYd0C8EtWCGGLLUCwy/ENRyKD+dVC1Ar8HFj+en76kqWeppD/QyWvJD' +   'lkI2DcgGhucGK220KMYjBUw8+0Dho4emHr8UMehkUgSpWvaTbst+epUSADd3Xr' +   'o=');   BmpGoldeen := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNj0ERwDAIBBEQEZWClEg5KZUSKXXSX' +   'gNhJnwCs48AO0CaNHnL8UB/VJyZbgKLA47JE1xSd3xybNmhRqqOit7DSH/pXQm' +   'AaDFNJlYcHT5YtJnJsW5E3BMHJOHofBPmGqk=');    BmpSlowpoke := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjZuBheLDgAAg1NGCiBQ4OIAZBBdRF' +   'CagIQ/bAgQP/YQDIhqhpSGCAKECWRVZDUMGDByA1QB9BBBnAAK4GogCi5j82AF' +   'cAQgsacFmBrAaCILKgkExoAABipBaK');   BmpPsyduck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYOBkePCg4cEDB3S0wAGr4P///5FFF' +   'iQwANF/MCBVHMJGWLfAASr1+wMQIaQewKR+fwA59YADECHrBYmDBeEIKAUEAJh' +   'ligI=');  Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); SetClient(Desktop);  Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow); end;procedure ThrowUltra;  //bag    + Arrow begin BmpBag := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqFUdsRgDAI898fR2IURmGUjpJROoL/fiiID' +   '67SyuV6bcjRpJ2nZQLTBWCPta214O0yKaM07vKjrq1ApBAZHiYT4ERPYF2mKmL' +   'M9wrAvLkH7RZpBE0QG5iaDKkHJl3TM2lQn2NBOkEjiFQ13/EwSGH7AA3ibx7/C' +   '5SBf3AAfYVbaw==');  BmpArrowSearch := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYhBgOJDgQCH6Dwb4ZfEoQFaDS' +   'xlBBcRYRIz5RNqLxz3EeITyMCceAQBS6hME');  BmpUseItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTZOBlOJDgQDv0oKHhwYIDQEQFoxYc+' +   'A8GcJH/vz8AzafcKAibcqOAJkCNWtCAbBooEBoaCJqPbNR/ZPD7A9y/yMJAW4h' +   'yFYwNjogGhDnA0ANHDbIVpIYVZozAZTH9i8coeNCBTIAjsJtJdRVSLBxAQTjCn' +   'yQPgmKWuGBHC2fswY5kMn6j4FzsiQEpIwAACjtndg==');    Desktop := TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow); SetClient(Desktop);  Box1 := GetWindowBox(GetDesktopWindow);   end;begin [u][b]if FindBitmap(x, y, BmpShinycheck, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2) //Search Shiny Sign[/b][/u]then // catch shiny or other needed pokémon Questionbegin      ThrowUltra;if FindBitmap(x, y, BmpBag, 0, 0, Box1.X2 - 1, Box1.Y2 - 1) then  //Click Bag imagebeginMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(500));ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft)  //not sure if it'll always click on a random x,y location?if FindBitmap (x, y, BmpArrowSearch, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2) thenMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(750));beginInt := 0;while Int <> 5 dobeginClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);Inc(Int);            //click 5x to come on the right ultraball page end; FindBitmap (x, y, BmpUseItem, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2);      // Searches Use Item ButtombeginMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(1000));ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);  end;  end;end;  end;NormalCheck;if FindBitmap (x, y, BmpNormalCheck, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2) then      // Kill magikarpif FindBitmap (x, y, BmpFightButtom, 0, 0, Box1.X2, Box1.Y2) thenMoveMouse(x, y);wait(Random(500));ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft); // To lazy so just 2x same leftmouseclickClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft); end.



As you can see i did change them to Bmp, did i still missunderstood something? What kind of newbish thing am i doing wrong now >.< Hopefully you know it

Btw thanks for trying to explain these things to a noob really appericiate it.

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Try to use keys instead of mouseclicks.. its better.Laso searching bmps one after another might cause you that problem.


Try for example to use writeln("it worked"); and see till which point the script is working.Then do the next move without ussing bmp search. For example(these are script for pokemon at another game firs tone is safari second one for fishing random places).Also it better to use procedures and make your script easier for someone to read it and fix it (sadly i got confused a bit and i have to ask you a lot to understant it)


procedure  baltletime; var Box: TBox;begin     //  counter:=0; Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait)); //writeln('START BATTLE ')   repeat        aa;   //pess a button     wait(3000+random(1000));       kappa;         //it just checks and close windows that may pop up .Also checks if i run out of balls so sets endtime=1     until    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,HP,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) or   (endtime=1) ;  // thats a tricky one If i cant find the bmp "hp" that mean i either caught or lose the fish  so its over .end;


or this


procedure  baltletime; var Box: TBox;       begin   Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait));//wait(3000 +random(4000)) ;    if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin // no need its just a way to find out faster that you tner in batle              //  writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                     IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin   // it find a fish!                                    if     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin  // bag (same as you)                                            repeat                  // path to use ball                                            bb;        // ensures that no key pressed accidently                                            bb;                                            rightx; //                                             aa;                                             rightx;                                            rightx;                                             aa;                                            balls:=balls-1;                                             wait(5000+random(1000)); // the time i believes it needs to use next balls .                                            until    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) or   (endtime=1) ;                                       end                                    ELSE BEGIN        // that happen in case for some reason the bmp is detected but i cant use the bag yet : for example rain delay time by 2-3 seconds                                              wait(3000+random(1000));                                            if     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                                                    repeat                                                         bb;                                                        bb;                                                    rightx;                                                    aa;                                                    rightx;                                                    rightx;                                                    aa;                                                     balls:=balls-1;                                                       wait(5000+random(1000));                                                     until    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) or   (endtime=1) ;                                              end;                                             end;                       // end;                     end;         end; end; 



Whole script :


 program New;var up,down,left,right,hotkey,a,b   : string;var  mousewait,keywait,randomwait,reloadwait,x,y,steps,balls,endtime,counter,counterA,counterB,counterC,counterD,counterE,counterF,Cdratini,Cgoldeen,Cseaking,Cpsyduck,Cslowboke,Cdragonnair  :integer;var failcat, magikarp,hp,close,Bag,Battles,BADFISH :TSCARBitmap; //ez game ez life . procedure Loadvariable ;begin//////////////////////////////////////////////KEYS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\up:='w' ;             //updown:='s';            //downleft:= 'a';       // leftright:= 'd' ;          //righta:= 'z'  ;   //b:= 'x'     ;   // hotkey:='v';steps:=0;balls:=300;endtime:=0;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////mousewait:=50;  keywait:=500;randomwait:=100; reloadwait:=2500;/////////counters///////////////////////// THESE ARE USELESScounterA:=0;  //seakingcounterB:=0;  //goldeencounterC:=0;  //dratinicounterD:=0;  //snowbokecounterE:=0;  //psyduckcounterF:=74;  //dragonair/////////catch//////////  NOT IN USE YET!  USELESSCdratini:=1;Cgoldeen:=0;Cseaking:=0;Cpsyduck:=0;Cslowboke:=0;Cdragonnair:=1;end; procedure loadbmp;       begin Loadvariable ;    failcat := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrVVFlPE1EY5dl/5H+QTcpidyqgBGntgwUjq' +   'YpaFFIaCgKCBBEh8AIBK42NUTNrZzpdYBhZChSwLHFB6i/w0BsnDZ0CLz5482V' +   'yl3PPd+53z9zLRZeKXHfbZt6Gtg9/IyiKulJcQvqacS7gn8ZHOmyra9hIH51Sk' +   'vz609PZrauqRng6fRhiEqtq5FNt7R/7+4dr9MbyCp273bO6/Y2VZKutLnWQIQB' +   '0MOSiy/lIAgDtm+lZs9VWWlZ+s6mZjci5/FxYgJLR8elcqamDY8/TTsdt5/tQi' +   'GKFO61tvt4XVLYBgK/WqTM+//Nmu+NdMMgJ0qOOrt6BIY4XGm85Qp95gpmYnGp' +   'ssucjn3l71OyultaFYJBmuL7BkSa7MzdFbEnhIwkcZGXrUJWakFeuGYxC/Mtm+' +   'igSTXz4xBjN1rMNsKSsG0xmPlux2KJMc6LeYAqL0sjYpPvhEwBWt/YgY3xqRhO' +   'pkstrO6n9Y2Boli8pLc9NATEcHx4ceU3qRpSwHGBloDpxwu53mmHJrjOkggRbS' +   'BSXlAKGr7y6yfAiLLS8sUcxvK6yCgXRRJ4ih1qKpvNzLSlJKS7DsYFAgKxSFG0' +   'wWSQ5eQI4yMzNzWN4tlQw6/UG3B31t2Xd+4th2PvtnuFXE16vF51CyHxyzVxwJ' +   'hw7PRNwtbSoVe3y9bXec8vr6YSyaXc4u/0DZHtldY24uKZRVS488HIMW3BAKOS' +   'jijsrLJqQZ+cXam11FquNmLYQ8iJSEcr6Dgpb33BD9SoM/7ijq0JXdbWi0v2gP' +   'bn7A/MoUf/QKCY1r0aU4tAA28Mttuv15A2ERfmwYDSZzZZa8hQUQl5QKkIQJfU' +   'uUOfY4jKTbehgqP47NMMUeAFONMCHNE3zgqgkd3JtjDgXeYq2UJb/Iv4AQF4NN' +   'g==');  close:= TSCARBitmap.Create('deNptjrsKwkAQRdOLrRDCQqoQQrot8pN2go3Y+' +   'B9qrHwkPjAa368/8ZDBZVkcDsO9d3Znt+W1vfL2me1qQDhI3mmquL7z7ZHuWFB' +   'K+b4voWoKa6ZCGIZBENCTJInj2JmuLi+IoihNU611vjmAhAb9K86wh8Q+w11GW' +   'ZZN1xWat/jP8vzE0kE2G8sGPimaUHIjHCSflNXi9AAj/lontKfz+m4zLvZgJ73' +   'hyKbbH4CdfAEUhRXc'); magikarp:= TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTZWBlCDQxAaIPM2c6aWk9fvXKVl0dyPY1N' +   'Lx5715LVRWQC0FA9osPHyCyQBLObgkJAZKhZmYQBUATgOZA1EAUVPj6QswBsu0' +   '1NJ69ewdhQxCyUchsIMpwcoKYCURARqWvL9zYuoAAZCvQXIvHWIhro6yskL1TC' +   'zYNjoCmwRXXllVduPv0yuPXcKNuvPiAld0QFARkJNjalucXA02A+w7upJ7IyHA' +   'PzzgbGyC7xt/fXVfXUVMz09kZv7FAB1T7+wPZfkZGvVFREEEA/bjQ3Q==');   HP:= TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqVkLENgDAQA6mpWC5dRE+TUdJRsEJES88UT' +    //chech batle ends?   'EHBBsHSSdaLjldkOZ/jcTIN43D9rN57a62UUmvVFo9SOWcd9VBqPtsmldcpXur' +   'FNPNm4rdS9fkFHcJI3fGpJ0QeGP5e17jExy03gifPuSyehpc6T4TJfMyz74tHz' +   'djA7ymJJJu81ZkNy+uteOTo3fnUC3/NQF4=');                  Battles := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrt1KERACAQA0G6wdF/KS+RyJdIPD5uZ7aES' +     //  Battles =checks if enters    '+ZY43QDAPDZd5MjsKjqIsd+owQG+F7fm/MAnkMTww=='); Bag := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNkUkKgDAMRbPyIp7RhZQiDiCUKlURxcvWQ' +   'LCEpIrhL5rXn6RDCQXEJwBg2C4Sh3xNHg6FmQzWr6lVSrmtW05SqhKDaNe48HY' +   'SquWB5tQzG1jVhgOliYDC8KePvkU9TvEzxKBm3lFZyIn1G+njj/R7cn+2gybGL' +   'aS3QVmDTqvecYIpwhsmb61U');     BADFISH := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrt3DFu4kAYBWDKLTnCHiHHyBG2Wm2ZknKbl' +   'SgpcwxKypQ5wpaUlC5TUu5Klv+JePbL++0xIPysV4Hx4G/Q75mxkz+rn6vjx/F' +   'meX6+yHm/0bP7tmqDb627jXwq0vz9NZQ4TvVzP51PV8445JKX71+GsGPi+xD26' +   'yuZ3ewPw379Sj5RO45Tavuwf88+wjUiXpnxcmZ2s5u9UpQTVwp46TXYiH8U5yK' +   'Jo1b4YvXHjfCTM7vZzV4rZSwnDPxS2oq/0jr5YUz0x6vGfNNes5v9btlnmopO1' +   'FbYSxPd1lOuiW1mn3grd+6gbXazL5B9puEiBpuuXtsJO2lUmfYqXNhEGbUeT23' +   'Mbnaz4yQOAaWmD69fJje6GzWAJNNVnLcqvU/82fC12zabXRuzm31p7OQuPC5Pk' +   'bodpPhWaaK2P9Hu4YLfFf7A8DJErlmKdtT28orZzb4Y9qEZ1siGQPL96eki6K9' +   'MIUmnE23CPnFkq3wxsshvdrMviL05/E/T7C+CBQpraY/A7x9tCDu5EChjuZTAe' +   'nhT1s3WwsZ+M8MXSrObfTnsCH4RtvTUjYsi+IWRPRJ9FMFTaM7biyhzyVR6egT' +   'OS0FYZzazm93sWOT3+7ehbF/WbQIHyz5qkytCSMaRyxeOLugehybsUpEH5BS7s' +   'sUKWMTsZl8O+6HZ8sSepKwhe48kVHJ8S5knEn/sazzfVMgvLYWM9d/sZjc7Bo+' +   'P2qUYCuxKbSfp6eso8kK5RslUScePIzJ2hNnNbnYSHEkq7GxZm1T7zB+fkplsa' +   'riYKuA9DwPgDVMo6W8fuzZmN/ty2N/Pr2JwBZ6wY90mGfdUZIQUeeVeHinpSke' +   'Q5wSiR3Rks5t9yew4XcXzxU8pi1HK31MoC+Y9/34HtJXlstS4EbsPe8TsZjd7q' +   'rbjVvy7E2eXhsyt/9RdOcJOtMkBU+NGjNnNbvZawRNXdlZMlOcJsXWls5SeJf7' +   'KtLfKANLsZjf75yhFHv0VW9Ij2GjqOOMeYcKFwRv6m93sD8aeWpwPCtwHZ7LjH' +   'mJU/FM9q/QR1nbij/fyzG52s6eQU/6piXAKedxIMlXJCTuZt5rd7GavhYyHxTX' +   '5eEXpa2XZDYP7pLTJ1yDsWOT1caPZzb4c9vkS7ONWoRXtVJHHDk0t3+H/Abv+e' +   'rvZzW72W7H3FPlprZMJNfmvgzfUNrvZ74e9yiiRaYNAqml0w78Uk4o8fHycQGq' +   '6anazmz3V6MiSDgKp02Ts6A+v4NyWHHAie2pOanazm33qcHGadnV2Aog9omiQk' +   'aTZzW72K2TiZJBoSx0x/KnqJ0iW681udrPfbZQlLLIPss9n8gDaZjf7AtnH3XG' +   'rvsi/tJjd7HPkH/RHKow=');end; procedure leftx;     //key leftvar s: string;begin s:=left   TypeText(s);   wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;procedure rightx;    //key rightvar s: string;begin s:=right   TypeText(s);   wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;procedure upx;     //key upvar s: string;begin s:=up   TypeText(s);   wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;Procedure downx;  //key downvar s: string;begin s:=down ; TypeText(s);   wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;Procedure aa;     //key zvar s: string;begin s:=a  TypeText(s);    wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;Procedure bb;     //key xvar s: string;begin s:=b  TypeText(s);    wait(keywait+random(randomwait));end;Procedure rod;   //key cvar s: string;begin s:=hotkey  TypeText(s);    wait(5000+random(randomwait));end;procedure playagain;beginrepeat   bb;until False;end;procedure kappa;  var Box: TBox; begin      Box := GetClient.ImageArea;      If  (FindBitmapTol(x,y,close,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)) then begin        /// ESSENTIAL!    MoveMouse(x,y);     ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);     end;end;  procedure leaveb;   begin   wait(random(1000));rightx;  downx;        aa;wait(random(1000));end; procedure  baltletime; var Box: TBox;       begin   Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait));//wait(3000 +random(4000)) ;    if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin             //  writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                     IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                       //  writeln('CHECK IF SHINY ')  ;                    {   IF (FindBitmapTol(x,y,BADFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then  begin                          //   writeln('NOT SHINY')  ;                         wait(1000+random(2000));                          leaveb;                       end    }                        // ELSE BEGIN  //case of shiny!                                   // writeln(' SHINY')  ;                                    if     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                                            repeat                                               bb;                                               bb;                                            rightx;                                            aa;                                             rightx;                                            rightx;                                             aa;                                            balls:=balls-1;                                             wait(5000+random(1000));                                             until    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) or   (endtime=1) ;                                       end                                    ELSE BEGIN                                             wait(3000+random(1000));                                            if     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                                                    repeat                                                         bb;                                                        bb;                                                    rightx;                                                    aa;                                                    rightx;                                                    rightx;                                                    aa;                                                     balls:=balls-1;                                                       wait(5000+random(1000));                                                     until    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) or   (endtime=1) ;                                              end;                                             end;                       // end;                     end;         end; end;procedure fishy;    var Box: TBox;begin              rod;Box := GetClient.ImageArea;//wait(3000+random(randomwait));       If    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,failcat,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50))             then begin                                bb;                       end        ELSE  BEGIN               //find fishy.                  bb;                bb;                wait(4000+random(randomwait))               If  (FindBitmapTol(x,y,magikarp,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)) then begin                     // writeln('DRAGONAIR NOYS ')                       counterF:=CounterF+1 ;                      baltletime;               end;                end;end;function TimeH(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time)*24) end;function TimeM(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24)*60) end;function TimeS(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60)*60) end;function TimeMs(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60*1000)*1000) end;function TimeStr : string;var v : extended;begin    v := now;     result :=inttostr(TimeH(v)) + ':'+inttostr(TimeM(v)) + ':'+ inttostr(TimeS(v))+' '  ;end;beginwait(1000);Loadbmp ;cleardebug;SetClient(TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow)).Free;repeat     counter:=counter+1;    fishy;        kappa;                      writeln ('MAGICARPS:='+inttostr(counterF)+'  TIME:'+Timestr);    //  If (balls<=0) then playagain;until False;




in case you want any help give me a shout .HOwever i need somekind of more info about your script / game you looking at.

Pokemon script are easy .

Edited by seafight17
  • Confused 1
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I changed the procedures to bmp, but yea now i did as you told me change the TScARBitmaps to BmpShinyheck, BmpGoldeen,... But i still get the invalid bitmap error on line 73 :

As you can see i did change them to Bmp, did i still missunderstood something? What kind of newbish thing am i doing wrong now >.< Hopefully you know it

Btw thanks for trying to explain these things to a noob really appericiate it.


You didn't call the procedure that initiated the bitmap before searching for it so it's trying to find a bitmap that hasn't loaded yet. You have to call that procedure you defined in your main body before so that it will load that bitmap so it doesn't try searching with an empty one which is throwing an error.

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I re-wrote it again with looking how Seafight117 wrote hes and tried to learn from it now let me first explain what this bot actually has to do :

0672491804.png You start by pressing F (which i didnt put into the script since you only have to press it once and it'll fish until you press f again)


When you get a catch you get a pop-up screen looking like this :



Now i saw that Seafight made hes code with they w,a,s,d keys but sadly enough you cant battle with the keyboard so thats why I again used loads of bitmaps in my new version. (see bottom of post)


As you see i found a magikarp so what the bot has to do if it found out i dont need this pokemon it will click on Fight and after that on the first attack which is on the same coordinates as the fight buttom.


Now what if it found a pokemon that I want to catch?

Then I try to make it click the " BAG " buttom but them comes a stupid part.

After clicking on " BAG " this will pop-up :



As you see I will need to make it click the " > "So i needed another bitmap for that.

It has to click " > " 5times to actually be at the ultra balls.

Then it wil click on the use item ( with another bitmap )

And this will be repeated until the bitmap of the battle background dissapears.


After that it will just repeat


Now i also have some questions about your code that i still dont really understand :


unction TimeH(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time)*24) end;function TimeM(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24)*60) end;function TimeS(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60)*60) end;function TimeMs(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60*1000)*1000) end;function TimeStr : string;

What does this actually do? i really dont get this part :P


Also what does the


do that you used quite alot? I wrote it in my code but tbh i really don't know what it actually is for.


I probally will have some small mistakes left in the code but if you dont mind you can always take a look and tell me what can be made better, I also gues you understand what i am trying to make a bit better now :D

Thanks again for the help guys!



program New;var up,down,left,right,hotkey,a,b   : string;var  mousewait,keywait,randomwait,reloadwait,x,y,steps,balls,endtime,counter,counterA,counterB,counterC,counterD,counterE,counterF,Cdratini,Cgoldeen,Cseaking,Cpsyduck,Cslowboke,Cdragonnair  :integer;var failcat, magikarp,hp,close,Bag,Battles,BADFISH :TSCARBitmap; procedure Loadvariablebegin//////////////////////////////////////////////KEYS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mousewait:=50;  keywait:=500;randomwait:=100;                           // No Walking needed so no need for movement buttomsreloadwait:=2500;Cdragonnair:=1;Cdratini:=1;end;procedure loadbmp; begin   Loadvariable ;  Battles := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjYdBk+PDjBxyduPGCbgjZXmR048ULmiJc9' +     //Checks if you are in the battle screen   'iKjBx8+0BT9wAGAMjRFANs4v50='); close := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjZeBj+A8GBxwccKH/qAC/mgVIbDxqgFy' +         // Close buttom of learning your pokemon a new attack   'sKtHUHMCmEqsaTJW41GCqXDBS/b4AzMYT9RAFAHHHWLw=');  Bag := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqFUdsRgDAI898fR2IURmGUjpJROoL/fiiID' +         // Searches the Bag Buttom   '67SyuV6bcjRpJ2nZQLTBWCPta214O0yKaM07vKjrq1ApBAZHiYT4ERPYF2mKmL' +   'M9wrAvLkH7RZpBE0QG5iaDKkHJl3TM2lQn2NBOkEjiFQ13/EwSGH7AA3ibx7/C' +   '5SBf3AAfYVbaw==');   GOODFISH := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjZ+BmWHbqAx6k4NAARGgi////ZwAD' +         // Dratini   'YgQdFBqQBSFqIIINDQfgggkODUAEEUxIcACjAxDFQBFkQQgXjyBEF1AQWRwAZf' +   'l0ig=='); Shinycheck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNULkNwCAQo06RGRklo1BkkBskQ9' +         // Shiny?   'CnSAxWLAuEFMvFPT7fwZ629Nz1J48PiCMCQc6NAFIViVJOFplGh48DnIWS/kgV' +   'o9scrlDLlVztW8RBCQfEvNP9Z6XI1ejK2ZU8Wy34u+18p7995bn6TylfjisyyA' +   '==');                                                             NextItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYhBgOJDgQCH6Dwb4ZfEoQFaDSxlB' +         // Click next item buttom   'BcRYRIz5RNqLxz3EeITyMCceAQBS6hME');   Ultra := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYOBg+HHBAogurBAoaJgAR0Dujw8RCzYcQ' +       // Ultraball   'BaEoB9ggCmFSxwogtUcrAjNGQjDL1jgEgcAvqNrWQ==');          UseItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTZOBlOJDgQDv0oKHhwYIDQEQFoxYc+' +          //Click on the useitem buttom   'A8GcJH/vz8AzafcKAibcqOAJkCNWtCAbBooEBoaCJqPbNR/ZPD7A9y/yMJAW4h' +   'yFYwNjogGhDnA0ANHDbIVpIYVZozAZTH9i8coeNCBTIAjsJtJdRVSLBxAQTjCn' +   'yQPgmKWuGBHC2fswY5kMn6j4FzsiQEpIwAACjtndg==');        FB := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNoTZJBgOGCvP8jRh1s3/mOAO+tX77TVvTFj8p' +         //Fight buttom   'cnj/f6O++100PW8h6s5d3jRy9u3ngJQ0enTlhjofXs6KHf374dqC7daq2zzw6h' +   '5R1Yy/ryoqmGKnOM1eaC0UJT9fWW2ttsdLfHhiw109hkBdSih6ZlU0XxErAU0E' +   'Ag2m6ju9tW71RBxqnasu1+TjtsdPfbo9uyuaJ4tYXWHlQ3Q7x5tKYMqAXTYScW' +   'zAW6+Wxd2fn6ciA6GOgCVAPx5s6qEqAjgYJoWtAAxGRkB7y+cA5Ny9EFc4BSOy' +   'qhaJWXw2ZrHWQtQAaalo0VxfNM1FeaawJlgQjoEjRbMLUAxYHqgdEHDAEgAsYd' +   '0C8EtWCGGLLUCwy/ENRyKD+dVC1Ar8HFj+en76kqWeppD/QyWvJDlkI2DcgGhu' +   'cGK220KMYjBUw8+0Dho4emHr8UMehkUgSpWvaTbst+epUSADd3Xro=');    end;procedure playagain;beginrepeat   bb;until False;end;procedure kappa;  var Box: TBox; begin      Box := GetClient.ImageArea;      If  (FindBitmapTol(x,y,close,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)) then begin        /// ESSENTIAL!           Closes an not needed popup ? or am i wrong?   MoveMouse(x,y);     ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);     end;end; procedureprocedure  baltletime; var Box: TBox;       begin   Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait));  if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin               writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                   IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)                              // If it is a shiny or a Dratini then move to bag               OR     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin               // And Try to catch it                       repeat                       bb; // What was this bb; for?  to afraid to delete it haha                       bb;                      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                      MoveMouse(x, y);                      wait(5000+random(1000));                         ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft); then                                  repeat                               (FindBitmapTol(x,y,NextItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)                                MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                 until(FindBitmapTol(x,y,Ultra,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true); then                                       (FindBitmapTol(x,y,UseItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin                                        MoveMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                      end;                       until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                            end                 ELSE BEGIN                              wait(3000+random(1000)):                      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false)                                          OR      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false)  then               begin                       (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then                     repeat                     MoveMouse(x, y);                     wait1000+random(1000);                       ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                     until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                   end;      end;  end; end; beginwait(100);Loadbmp;cleardebug;SetClient(TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow)).Free;repeat     kappa;     battletime;until False;end;end.





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I wouldn't bother with bitmaps. Use GetColor and coordinates at fixed positions on the screen since it looks like nothing is dynamic. I'm not sure where you are getting those 'time functions' from either..

Edited by Wanted
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no need it just show at debbuget the time.


function TimeH(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time)*24) end;function TimeM(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24)*60) end;function TimeS(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60)*60) end;function TimeMs(time : extended) : integer; begin result := Floor(DecRet(time*24*60*1000)*1000) end;function TimeStr : string; 



Now i saw some wierd stuffs let me explain you.


if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin               writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                   IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)                              // If it is a shiny or a Dratini then move to bag               OR     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin               // And Try to catch it                       repeat                       bb; // What was this bb; for?  to afraid to delete it haha                       bb;                      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                      MoveMouse(x, y);                      wait(5000+random(1000));                         ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft); then                                  repeat                               (FindBitmapTol(x,y,NextItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)                                MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                 until(FindBitmapTol(x,y,Ultra,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true); then                                       (FindBitmapTol(x,y,UseItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin                                        MoveMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                      end;                       until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                            end                 ELSE BEGIN                              wait(3000+random(1000)):                      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false)                                          OR      (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false)  then               begin                       (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then                     repeat                     MoveMouse(x, y);                     wait1000+random(1000);                       ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                     until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                   end;      end;  end; end;  



you search for 1 bmp ( i recoment use hp bmp)

then you search for 2 other (dratini/shiny) in case you find them you do something like this :


 rocedure    abcd;var Box: TBox;begin Box := GetClient.ImageArea;    repeat                      // bb; // What was this bb; for?  to afraid to delete it haha     > no need                      // bb;                     if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                      MoveMouse(x, y);                      wait(5000+random(1000));                         ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft); then                                  repeat                               (FindBitmapTol(x,y,NextItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)                                MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                wait(1000+random(100));                               // or do this      since the time you find the bag you need FIXED 5 clicks so :i dont use for but you can if you want to be smaller.                               {                                 MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);  //1 click                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);           //2                                MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);               //3                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                  //4                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                     //5  > skip the until                                }                               until(FindBitmapTol(x,y,Ultra,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true); then                                       (FindBitmapTol(x,y,UseItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin                                        MoveMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                                         // click Mouse ??                                      end;                      until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                            end;    //  end; 


but if you dont ? what you do?

I guees you just need to do this.]


 procedure  baltletime; var Box: TBox;       begin   Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait));  if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin       // SET THE BMP OF HP               writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                   IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)  OR   IF (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin                         // If it is a shiny or a Dratini then move to bag               abcd;               end ELSE BEGIN                      // In that case you MUST leave battle right?                       //click at run.                end;      end;  end; end;  


my idea of script is like this.


program New;var up,down,left,right,hotkey,a,b   : string;var  mousewait,keywait,randomwait,reloadwait,x,y,steps,balls,endtime,counter,counterA,counterB,counterC,counterD,counterE,counterF,Cdratini,xx,yy,Cgoldeen,Cseaking,Cpsyduck,Cslowboke,Cdragonnair  :integer;var failcat, magikarp,hp,close,Bag,Battles,BADFISH,GOODFISH, Shinycheck ,NextItem,Ultra,UseItem,FB :TSCARBitmap; procedure Loadvariable;begin//////////////////////////////////////////////KEYS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mousewait:=50;  keywait:=500;randomwait:=100;                           // No Walking needed so no need for movement buttomsreloadwait:=2500;Cdragonnair:=1;Cdratini:=1;end;procedure loadbmp; begin   Loadvariable ;  Battles := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjYdBk+PDjBxyduPGCbgjZXmR048ULmiJc9' +     //Checks if you are in the battle screen    >> hp BMP its the safesest    'iKjBx8+0BT9wAGAMjRFANs4v50='); close := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjZeBj+A8GBxwccKH/qAC/mgVIbDxqgFy' +         // Close buttom of learning your pokemon a new attack   'sKtHUHMCmEqsaTJW41GCqXDBS/b4AzMYT9RAFAHHHWLw=');  Bag := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqFUdsRgDAI898fR2IURmGUjpJROoL/fiiID' +         // Searches the Bag Buttom   '67SyuV6bcjRpJ2nZQLTBWCPta214O0yKaM07vKjrq1ApBAZHiYT4ERPYF2mKmL' +   'M9wrAvLkH7RZpBE0QG5iaDKkHJl3TM2lQn2NBOkEjiFQ13/EwSGH7AA3ibx7/C' +   '5SBf3AAfYVbaw==');   GOODFISH := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjZ+BmWHbqAx6k4NAARGgi////ZwAD' +         // Dratini   'YgQdFBqQBSFqIIINDQfgggkODUAEEUxIcACjAxDFQBFkQQgXjyBEF1AQWRwAZf' +   'l0ig=='); Shinycheck := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqNULkNwCAQo06RGRklo1BkkBskQ9' +         // Shiny?   'CnSAxWLAuEFMvFPT7fwZ629Nz1J48PiCMCQc6NAFIViVJOFplGh48DnIWS/kgV' +   'o9scrlDLlVztW8RBCQfEvNP9Z6XI1ejK2ZU8Wy34u+18p7995bn6TylfjisyyA' +   '==');                                                             NextItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYhBgOJDgQCH6Dwb4ZfEoQFaDSxlB' +         // Click next item buttom   'BcRYRIz5RNqLxz3EeITyMCceAQBS6hME');   Ultra := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNrjYOBg+HHBAogurBAoaJgAR0Dujw8RCzYcQ' +       // Ultraball   'BaEoB9ggCmFSxwogtUcrAjNGQjDL1jgEgcAvqNrWQ==');          UseItem := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNqTZOBlOJDgQDv0oKHhwYIDQEQFoxYc+' +          //Click on the useitem buttom   'A8GcJH/vz8AzafcKAibcqOAJkCNWtCAbBooEBoaCJqPbNR/ZPD7A9y/yMJAW4h' +   'yFYwNjogGhDnA0ANHDbIVpIYVZozAZTH9i8coeNCBTIAjsJtJdRVSLBxAQTjCn' +   'yQPgmKWuGBHC2fswY5kMn6j4FzsiQEpIwAACjtndg==');        FB := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNoTZJBgOGCvP8jRh1s3/mOAO+tX77TVvTFj8p' +         //Fight buttom   'cnj/f6O++100PW8h6s5d3jRy9u3ngJQ0enTlhjofXs6KHf374dqC7daq2zzw6h' +   '5R1Yy/ryoqmGKnOM1eaC0UJT9fWW2ttsdLfHhiw109hkBdSih6ZlU0XxErAU0E' +   'Ag2m6ju9tW71RBxqnasu1+TjtsdPfbo9uyuaJ4tYXWHlQ3Q7x5tKYMqAXTYScW' +   'zAW6+Wxd2fn6ciA6GOgCVAPx5s6qEqAjgYJoWtAAxGRkB7y+cA5Ny9EFc4BSOy' +   'qhaJWXw2ZrHWQtQAaalo0VxfNM1FeaawJlgQjoEjRbMLUAxYHqgdEHDAEgAsYd' +   '0C8EtWCGGLLUCwy/ENRyKD+dVC1Ar8HFj+en76kqWeppD/QyWvJDlkI2DcgGhu' +   'cGK220KMYjBUw8+0Dho4emHr8UMehkUgSpWvaTbst+epUSADd3Xro=');    end;procedure kappa;  var Box: TBox; begin      Box := GetClient.ImageArea;      If  (FindBitmapTol(x,y,close,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)) then begin        ///    MoveMouse(x,y);     ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);     end;end; procedure    abcd;var Box: TBox;begin Box := GetClient.ImageArea;    repeat                      // bb; // What was this bb; for?  to afraid to delete it haha     > no need                      // bb;                     if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Bag,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin                      MoveMouse(x, y);                      wait(5000+random(1000));                         ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                              writeln('BAG FOUND ')  ;                                // or do this      since the time you find the bag you need FIXED 5 clicks so :i dont use for but you can if you want to be smaller.                               {                                 MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);  //1 click                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);           //2                                MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);               //3                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                  //4                               MoveMouse(x, y);                               ClickMouse(x, y, mbLeft);                     //5  > skip the until                                }                                 if     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,UseItem,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50))   then begin                                            writeln('USE ITEM FOUND ')  ;                                        MoveMouse(x, y);                                         // click Mouse ??                                 end;                          end;         until (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=false) ;                              //  end;procedure  battletime; var Box: TBox;       begin         /// key for fishing  Box := GetClient.ImageArea; wait(2000+random(randomwait));   if (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Battles,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true) then begin       // SET THE BMP OF HP               writeln('START BATTLE ')  ;               wait(3000+random(1000));                   IF     (FindBitmapTol(x,y,GOODFISH,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)  OR    (FindBitmapTol(x,y,Shinycheck,Box.x1, Box.y1, Box.x2, Box.y2, 50)=true)   then begin                         // If it is a shiny or a Dratini then move to bag                 writeln('FISH FOUND ')  ;               abcd;               end ELSE BEGIN                      // In that case you MUST leave battle right?                  writeln('I LEAVE ')  ;    //leave procedure you make it and then you fish again                end;    end;  end; beginwait(100);Loadbmp;cleardebug;SetClient(TSCARWindowClient.Create(GetDesktopWindow)).Free;repeat     //kappa;     battletime;until False;end;end. 




the you may set procedure abcd; like you had before (keep in mind the follow however cause i think you done some loops very strange.

if > then its one line and no need end

if > then begin needs end .

if then begin

if this dont work sent me the name of the game(whisper so i check it out at weekend )

//bla bla

end else begin

// bla bla


Also at some findbitmaptol i didnt found the if ahead( nnot sure if matter i dont rly know pascal )

IN CASE WRITELN WORKS then we got problem with the clicks if you dont see anyw riteln bmp are wrong

Edited by seafight17
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オンライン カジノは、プレイヤーが自宅にいながらにしてポーカー、ルーレット、ブラックジャック、スロットなどのギャンブル ゲームを楽しむ機会を提供する仮想プラットフォームです。 オンラインカジノは、アクセスのしやすさ、ゲームの種類の多さ、そして大金を獲得する機会があるため、年々人気が高まっています。

オンラインカジノの主な利点は、利便性とアクセスしやすさです。 プレイヤーは、通常のカジノの営業時間に制限されず、いつでもゲームを楽しむことができます。 必要なのは、インターネットにアクセスできるデバイスと、カジノのウェブサイトにアクセスできることだけです。 これにより、プレイヤーは従来のカジノによくありがちなストレスや緊張を感じることなく、快適な環境でプレイすることができます。

オンラインカジノのもう1つの利点は、ゲームの選択肢が豊富なことです。 ユーザーは、それぞれ独自のルールと勝利の機会を提供する何百もの異なるゲームから選択できます。 技術革新のおかげで、オンライン ゲームのグラフィックとサウンドは高品質になり、プレイヤーは興奮と情熱の雰囲気に浸ることができます。

さまざまなゲームに加えて、オンライン カジノはプレーヤーにさまざまなボーナスやプロモーションも提供します。 これらは、スロットのフリースピン、プレイのための追加のお金、または貴重な賞品が得られる特別なトーナメントなどです。 このようなボーナスにより、勝利の可能性が高まり、ゲームがさらに楽しくなります。

もちろん、オンラインカジノでのプレイにはリスクがあります。 ギャンブルには依存性がある可能性があるため、自分の感情を監視し、支出をコントロールすることが重要であることを覚えておくことが重要です。 カジノはまた、責任あるゲーミングをサポートし、自己排除や賭け金制限の機会を提供します pornhub ph5604ec4c74469

全体として、オンライン カジノはギャンブル愛好家にとって便利でエキサイティングなエンターテイメントを提供します。 幅広いゲーム、ボーナスの選択肢があり、いつでもプレイできるため、世界中のプレイヤーの間で人気が高まっています。 ただし、責任あるゲームと、ゲームが単なる楽しみと娯楽の源であるように自分の行動を制御する能力について覚えておくことが重要です。
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オンライン カジノは、プレイヤーが自宅にいながらにしてポーカー、ルーレット、ブラックジャック、スロットなどのギャンブル ゲームを楽しむ機会を提供する仮想プラットフォームです。 オンラインカジノは、アクセスのしやすさ、ゲームの種類の多さ、そして大金を獲得する機会があるため、年々人気が高まっています。

オンラインカジノの主な利点は、利便性とアクセスしやすさです。 プレイヤーは、通常のカジノの営業時間に制限されず、いつでもゲームを楽しむことができます。 必要なのは、インターネットにアクセスできるデバイスと、カジノのウェブサイトにアクセスできることだけです。 これにより、プレイヤーは従来のカジノによくありがちなストレスや緊張を感じることなく、快適な環境でプレイすることができます。

オンラインカジノのもう1つの利点は、ゲームの選択肢が豊富なことです。 ユーザーは、それぞれ独自のルールと勝利の機会を提供する何百もの異なるゲームから選択できます。 技術革新のおかげで、オンライン ゲームのグラフィックとサウンドは高品質になり、プレイヤーは興奮と情熱の雰囲気に浸ることができます。

さまざまなゲームに加えて、オンライン カジノはプレーヤーにさまざまなボーナスやプロモーションも提供します。 これらは、スロットのフリースピン、プレイのための追加のお金、または貴重な賞品が得られる特別なトーナメントなどです。 このようなボーナスにより、勝利の可能性が高まり、ゲームがさらに楽しくなります。

もちろん、オンラインカジノでのプレイにはリスクがあります。 ギャンブルには依存性がある可能性があるため、自分の感情を監視し、支出をコントロールすることが重要であることを覚えておくことが重要です。 カジノはまた、責任あるゲーミングをサポートし、自己排除や賭け金制限の機会を提供します pornhub

全体として、オンライン カジノはギャンブル愛好家にとって便利でエキサイティングなエンターテイメントを提供します。 幅広いゲーム、ボーナスの選択肢があり、いつでもプレイできるため、世界中のプレイヤーの間で人気が高まっています。 ただし、責任あるゲームと、ゲームが単なる楽しみと娯楽の源であるように自分の行動を制御する能力について覚えておくことが重要です。
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Похудение это тема, которая всегда актуальна для многих девушек. Почти многие среди нас стремятся к идеальной форме, но довольно частенько сталкиваются с трудностями и препятствиями на пути к этой цели. Но, с правильным подходом, похудение может быть достижимо без нервного напряжения и изнурительных диет. В данной статье мы рассмотрим 10 действенных стратегий похудения, которые помогут девушкам добиться желаемых результатов и сохранить здоровье.

1. Установите цель

Первым шагом к успешному похудению является установление конкретной цели. Определите, сколько килограммов вы хотите сбросить и по какой причине. Цель обязана быть близкой к реальности, измеримой и достижимой.

2. Питание

Здоровое питание играет ключевую роль в процессе похудения. Сосредотачивайтесь на употреблении естественных товаров, богатых витаминами и минералами. Избегайте стремительных углеводов и жирной пищи. Устремляйтесь к балансу макро- и микроэлементов в рационе.

3. Физическая активность

Регулярные физические упражнения не только лишь посодействуют сжигать калории, а также укрепят мышцы, улучшат общее самочувствие и увеличат выносливость. Найдите вид активности, который вам нравится: от йоги до плавания, от бега до танцев.

4. Гидрация

Пить достаточное количество воды во время денька не только поможет вам поддерживать уровень жидкости в организме, но и ускорит метаболизм, снизит аппетит и поможет скинуть излишний вес.

5. Сон

Качественный сон играет важную роль в ходе похудения. Старайтесь спать более 7-8 часов в сутки, чтоб ваш организм мог восстановиться, а метаболизм был в норме.

6. Управление стрессом

Стресс может стать препятствием на пути к похудению как правильно скинуть вес Найдите способы расслабления и отдыха: медитация, йога, чтение книжек, прогулки на природе.

7. Ежедневный контроль

Ведение дневника пищевых повадок и физической активности поможет вам понять, что вы едите и какое количество калорий потребляете, также оценить свои успехи.

8. Постепенные изменения

Избегайте радикальных диет и стрессовых ситуаций. Внедряйте изменения в кормлении и виде жизни чуть-чуть, чтобы они стали размеренными привычками.
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Похудение это тема, которая всегда животрепещуща для многих женщин. Многие из нас стремятся к идеальной форме, но довольно частенько сталкиваются с трудностями и препятствиями для этой цели. Но, с правильным подходом, похудение возможно достижимо без нервного напряжения и изнурительных диет. В данной статье будут рассмотрены 10 эффективных стратегий похудения, которые помогут девушкам добиться желанных результатов и сохранить здоровье.

1. Установите цель

Первым шагом к успешному похудению является установление определенной цели. Определите, сколько килограммов вы хотите сбросить и по какой причине. Цель обязана быть реалистичной, измеримой и достижимой.

2. Питание

Здоровое питание играет главную роль в ходе похудения. Сосредотачивайтесь на употреблении натуральных товаров, богатых витаминами и минералами. Опасайтесь быстрых углеводов и жирной пищи. Устремляетесь к балансу макро- и микроэлементов в рационе.

3. Физическая активность

Регулярные физические упражнения не только помогут спаливать калории, да и укрепят мышцы, улучшат общее самочувствие и увеличат выносливость. Найдите вид активности, который вам нравится: от йоги до плавания, от бега до танцев.

4. Гидрация

Пить достаточное количество воды в течение денька не только поможет вам поддерживать уровень жидкости в организме, а также ускорит метаболизм, понизит аппетит и поможет скинуть излишний вес.

5. Сон

Качественный сон играет важную роль в ходе похудения. Старайтесь спать более 7-8 часов в день, чтобы ваш организм мог восстановиться, а метаболизм был в норме.

6. Управление стрессом

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