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Change colour bitmap

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hello people, im having a problem, i have the following code:


procedure LoadBMP;



attackbutton := BitmapFromString(10, 8, 'beNoB8AAP/w0W+qWD/' +












I am not shore if that is just a color or if it is a color at all, but if it is:

i want to change the colour in it (to 2907022) , i tried with info from the scar divi wiki and it showed up unknown identifier bitmapfromstring, if you could help me i would be greatfull :)

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A bitmap is not A color, it's like a list (array) of colors.. It has pixels, each holding one color. Your bitmap has 80 pixels (10*8), that's 80 colors.


And that's not a SCAR 3.4 bitmap, it's from a much older version of SCAR. So I doubt anyone here will help you.


In current version of scar (3.4) you can use any of

if you want to change one and one pixel:

BMP.Pixel[x,y] := 2907022;


Or sett the whole bitmap (every pixel) to be 2907022



To replace every color that is equal to 0 (black) you could do something along the lines of:

 x, y, repColor, color: Integer;   
 BMP := TSCARBitmap.Create('');

 repColor := 0;
 Color := 2907022
 for y:=0 to bmp.Height-1 do
   for x:=0 to bmp.Width-1 do
     if BMP.Pixel[x,y] = repColor then
       BMP.Pixel[x,y] := Color;     


Edited by slacky
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I see, so it was set to find a specific array of colours and not just one right?

I tried to replace every color as you said, and the script worked but didn't recognize what i wanted, maybe because the rest of it its configuired to an image and not a color, nevermind, found similar exe bot, tank you ;)

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