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Bixby Sayz

Load library path

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Having a brain dead moment. Trying to get SCAR 3.39 to load a library relative to the includes directory but SCAR doesn't seem to want to find it unless I hard wire in the full complete path.


Trying to load file <IncludesPath>\OSI\SMART\SmartRemote.dll:


[sCAR]program New;


{$L OSI\SMART\SmartRemote.dll}




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I do not have any way to test the following suggestion (ATM), and I have never needed to do what you do, but try using a relative path based on the "." which represents current dir (in most cases).



program Untested;


{$L .\OSI\SMART\SmartRemote.dll}





If you are not loading from OSI-folder, you must append "Includes/OSI/" to the path first (but that you already know), so I assume you're loading from OSI-base folder.

Edited by slacky
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Yeah I tried that.


The includes directive {$I} works fine automatically relative to the includes directory. The load library directory {$L} works fine relative to the current include file. BUT if doing this directly from a script it seems to just get totally confused on where to look.

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Now I see what you wish (load lib from a script?)... The default Plugin directory is specified as current path when using {$L ..}


So you need to do:


program Untested;


{$L ..\Includes\OSI\SMART\SmartRemote.dll}





Edited by slacky
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I believe I constructed the system to try to find the file in 3 places, as it does for the $I directive. Given the path isn't absolute, it tries to find it relative to the script's directory, then the script file it's in and then the libraries folder. Though I'm not sure it's in that order, first 2 might be switched.

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