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[RuneScape 2007] Fight Cave Fighter

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This script basically fights for you in the Fight Cave in TzHaar City, I wrote this script because I wanted to gain combat XP, and what came first to mind was minigames. You cannot get randoms here. (although you can get randoms outside the cave), this makes randoms rarer then usual. Anyways this is my first SCAR script and my first released SCAR script


Run it outside the cave in TzHaar City. Thanks to Janilabo for helping me a bit



Version: SMART3 recommended!


FightCaveFighter SMART2.scar

FightCaveFighter SMART3.scar

Edited by Toby1
FightCaveFighter SMART
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Simple, sweet, and free xp until you die. Perfect way to afk at work and still train.

(make sure MSSL is up to date!)


One small fix, if you are already logged in it should auto turn the compass to south; or else he just randomly clicks in place.


procedure EnterCave;



Wait(455 + Random(50));

if (FindColorTol(X, Y, 10921906, RS07_GameActionBx.X1, RS07_GameActionBx.Y1, RS07_GameActionBx.X2, RS07_GameActionBx.Y2, 5)) then


RS07_ClickMouse(X, Y, mbLeft);

MSSL_Wait(2500 + Random(53));



Edited by ScreamingIsMyAir
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Great script! Been using the original version for awhile now, just today started having an issue, and decided to give the SMART version a try; love it!


Turns out that the issue, however, is due to my helmet; Helm of Neitiznot. Due to its white color, the bot believes that my helmet is the entrance to the cave and attempts to continually click my helmet LOL. Don't know if it can be fixed due to color tolerance, this is mostly a warning to others that may attempt this and have the same issue. Switched back to rune full helm and had no issues.

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Great script! Been using the original version for awhile now, just today started having an issue, and decided to give the SMART version a try; love it!


Turns out that the issue, however, is due to my helmet; Helm of Neitiznot. Due to its white color, the bot believes that my helmet is the entrance to the cave and attempts to continually click my helmet LOL. Don't know if it can be fixed due to color tolerance, this is mostly a warning to others that may attempt this and have the same issue. Switched back to rune full helm and had no issues.

Ello kawem22!


Sounds like you haven't been using the latest version?

Try out SMART3 version (that is latest), with this version your issues are fixed, because it's now based on uptext object recognition methods in MSSL.

It WONT be clicking your (or anyone else's) helmet anymore! :P




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You need SCAR Divi to use em.


Download: SCAR Divi - Download

..then install it.


After installing, download OSI and MSSL from Includes Manager (SCAR Divi => File => Includes Manager) and you are ready to use em.




thank you very much, but i still don't get it xD. I downloaded SCAR divi but i have no idea what do you mean by OSI and MSSL from Includes manager :confused:

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:DD i figured it out with some help from janilabo :DD but when i run the script it enters the cave, but when it does it just starts walking up. .how can i solve this problem? ty :D

Ello antooo, how does it occur exactly? The walking up issue? Can you explain the way it happens. This would make it easier to track down..


Also, make sure you are using the latest version of this script. :) Are you? SMART3.

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Janilabo, thanks for all your great help :) As for the author, I was wondering if there was any way you could implement a check so that if it's not in combat for so long it'll move your character. What I'm finding is that after only about 20 minutes of running, my character will end up in a corner of the map (after a level 90 moved me there), and the monsters won't be able to reach me, but my character doesn't log off due to inactivity through the SMART system, and it ends up standing forever in one spot never gaining experience.


Also, on the note of SMART, is there any way to gain control of the mouse in the SMART system? I've never used it before, and although I love the fact that I'm still able to use my mouse, it would be a simple matter of manually fixing the stuck issue if I could simply move him myself; however I'm unable to use my mouse on the game in any way. Is there a way to enable mouse input?

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Also, on the note of SMART, is there any way to gain control of the mouse in the SMART system? I've never used it before, and although I love the fact that I'm still able to use my mouse, it would be a simple matter of manually fixing the stuck issue if I could simply move him myself; however I'm unable to use my mouse on the game in any way. Is there a way to enable mouse input?
Hey kawem22, yes, there is. Click Disable SMART. Then do your stuff (move your account / other things) and then when you are ready to get it back going, click Enable SMART. It might take a moment that script continues again, but it will continue shortly after Enabling (there might be that short delay). :)



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Caution when running a fight caves script... I've heard reports of bannings happening to people who have suicided there.


Looks sweet though! This will probably replace the simple one I made awhile back (but never released due to being very sloppy; still worked well though)

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Toby! Rs updated something small that stops this bot from working!

All it needs to do is click "click here to continue" so the fight caves start. I'd fix it myself but I don't know where to get a list of RS07 functions such as RS07_ClickMouse. I would need to know what the chatbox area is labeled as. For example your RS07_GameActionBx.X1 describes one coordinate of the game box area. For the solution, I was going to say;


If (find color of npc eyes that pop up when in cave) = true then


find color (blue color of text that says "click here to continue")

MSSL_Wait(so much time);

RS07_ClickMouse(X, Y, mbLeft);



Please help me! Im a fairly new to programming in Scar, so any tips would be much appreciated!

Id also like to know where i can get a list of the RS07 pre-programmed functions and their descriptions, such as RS07_LogIn... I'm not quite sure how that works! I'm excited to try and make my own scripts for the community!





I've found a solution and posted it in my thread!

Edited by exatox
Fixed Problem
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Гидроизоляция это ключевой элемент в строительстве, обеспечивающий охрану объектов от воздействия влаги и воды. В большой зависимости от условий эксплуатации и материала конструкции, выбирается определенный тип гидроизоляции. Рассмотрим главные разновидности и их применения.

1. Рулонные материалы

Рулонные водоизоляционные материалы используются для защиты кровель и фундаментов. Они бывают на основе битума и полимеров.
- Битумные рулоны популярны благодаря своей доступности и безопасности. Используются на плоских крышах и в основании построек.
- Полимерные рулоны имеют более высокую крепкость и долговечность, подходят для сложных погодных условий.

2. Жидкая гидроизоляция

Жидкие гидроизоляторы используются для создания бесшовного покрытия. Они посещают на основе:
- Полимеров просто наносятся и образуют прочную мембрану.
- Цемента идеально подходят для ванной и кухни, владеют хорошими гидрофобными свойствами.

3. Проникающая гидроизоляция

Этот тип проникает в структуру бетона и наполняет микротрещины, обеспечивая надежную охрану. Применяется в большей степени для фундаментов и подвалов. Проникающая гидроизоляция отлично справляется с неизменным воздействием воды.

4. Мембранная гидроизоляция

Мембранные системы часто используются для крыши и находящийся под землей конструкций. Такой метод дает обеспечение надежную защиту от атмосферных осадков и грунтовых вод.
- ЭПДМ и ТПО мембраны имеют высокую устойчивость к солнечному излучению и механическим повреждениям https://gidroizolyaciya-dlya-vsekh.ru

5. Гидрофобные добавки

Гидрофобные добавки в бетон или раствор помогают предотвратить проникновение влаги. Они идеально подходят для творенья водонепроницаемых конструкций, в том числе бассейны и резервуары.

Выбор типа гидроизоляции

При выборе гидроизоляции важно учесть:
- Правила использования влажность, температура, вероятные нагрузки.
- Материалы конструкции для каждого типа материала существует меня называют Господом лучший вариант гидроизоляции.
- Бюджет некоторые способы более затратные, но дают обеспечение огромную долговечность.

В заключение, выбор гидроизоляции зависит от множества причин. Правильное решение поможет продлить срок службы строительных объектов и избежать суровых проблем с влажностью.
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