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SCAR Divi 3.37.02 Final

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Freddy has written a plugin to provide this functionality:



It implements the following functions:

[sCAR]procedure Run(const Path: AnsiString);

procedure RunEx(const Path, Params: AnsiString);

function DeleteFile(const Path: AnsiString): Boolean;[/sCAR]


Place the ShellUtils.dll in your SCAR Libraries folder, then you can do something like this:


[sCAR]program New;


{$L ShellUtils.dll}





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Hey Freddy,


can you write a run function like in AutoIt ? for example: Run(notepad.exe);


I can and I have, but it's not included in SCAR for security reasons. You can get it in library form and include it with your script. http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_shellutils/bin/ShellUtils.dll

The functions are named Run and RunEx.


EDIT: Bixby wins this round :P

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