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SCAR Divi 3.37 Final

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SCAR Divi 3.37.00 has been released! I dumped 3.36 on you guys only just over 2 weeks ago, but this release features a big amount of bugfixes, tweaks and new stuff. Even though 3.36 was developed in 2 months, the changes in this new release are at least 4 times as extensive.


Downloads: http://www.scar-divi.com/index.php?page=download



- [#127] Double clicking on a form element in the form designer will no longer assign an event internally
- [#136] SCAR process sometimes did not terminate
- Some selection features in color tools did not work properly
- Dragging color tools items from/to stored colors sometimes lagged or froze SCAR
- Small memory leak when loading png images
- [#133] The new FindColor(s)SpiralTol(Ex) and FindColor(s)TPATol(Ex) functions did not return the correct results
- [#139] Menu in DTM editor was detachable
- GetCurrentKeyState and GetToggleKeyState did not function correctly for TSCARWindowClient
- [#142] Some system colors were imported incorrectly
- [#143] Several dialog functions were malfunctioning
- TSCARBitmap.DC changed when TSCARBitmap.Flip() ot TSCARBitmap.Rotate() were called
- TSCARBitmap.LoadFromStr set the entire bitmap to transparant
- Error in firewall config when adding a rule
- Picked colors were added in reverse to the list
- [#152] Switching tabs in form designer didn't update the property editor
- Successfully executed/stopped execution was printed out before ScriptTerminate was called

- Rename button in color tools rightclick menu
- procedure TPAEdge(var TPA: TPointArray);
- Capture Client button in DTM editor Edit menu
- TTPAArtifacts = set of (taXAxis, taYAxis)
- function BmpFromTPA(const TPA: TPointArray; const FgCol, BgCol: Integer): TSCARBitmap;
- function BmpFromTPAEx(const TPA: TPointArray; const FgCol, BgCol, AfCol: Integer; const Scale: Single; const Artifacts: TTPAArtifacts): TSCARBitmap;
- function TSCARBitmap.GetPixels(const TPA: TPointArray): TIntArray;
- procedure TSCARBitmap.SetPixels(const TPA: TPointArray; const Color: Integer);
- procedure TSCARBitmap.Skew(const Horiz, Vert: Single);
- function LibsPath: string;
- function ScriptsPath: string;
- procedure TSCARBitmap.RotateEx(const Angle: Extended; const Resize: Boolean);
- procedure TSCARBitmap.SkewEx(const Horiz, Vert: Single; const Resize: Boolean);
- function StrToPoint(const Str: string): TPoint;
- function StrToPointDef(const Str: string; const Default: TPoint): TPoint;
- function PointToStr(const Point: TPoint): string;
- function StrToBox(const Str: string): TBox;
- function StrToBoxDef(const Str: string; const Default: TBox): TBox;
- procedure ExpandBox(var Box: TBox; const SizeChange: Integer);
- procedure OffsetBox(var Box: TBox; const XOffset, YOffset: Integer);
- function TPAEquals(const TPA1, TPA2: TPointArray): Boolean;
- function TIAEquals(const TIA1, TIA2: TIntArray): Boolean;
- function TEAEquals(const TEA1, TEA2: TExtArray): Boolean;
- Added all DateUtils routines: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/XE2/en/System.DateUtils#Routines
- function BoxCenter(const Box: TBox): TPoint;
- procedure TPADistToPoint(const TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint; out MinDist, MaxDist: Extended);
- procedure TPADistToPointEx(const TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint; out MinDist, MaxDist: Extended; out MinPoint, MaxPoint: TPoint);
- Option to toggle template completion
- TSCARWindowClient.Scancodes

- TSCARBitmap's SaveToBmp, SaveToJpeg and SaveToPng now creates the target folder if it does not exist
- It is now possible to ctrl+click to add an item to the selection in color tools
- Huge performance improvements for all TPAFilterX and TPAExtractX functions
- Huge performance improvements for TPAIntersect and TIAIntersect
- CreateMessageDialog tied into resource manager for forms
- Added thread-safety for CreateMessageDialog, MessageDlg, MessageDlgPos, TaskMessageDlg, TaskMessageDlgPos, ShowMessage,
    ShowMessageFmt, ShowMessagePos, InputBox and InputQuery
- Removed the HelpCtx parameter from MessageDlg, MessageDlgPos, TaskMessageDlg and TaskMessageDlgPos
- ImageBox/InputBox in Target Client renamed to ImageArea/InputArea for consistency
- More accurate rotation algorithm for TSCARBitmap.Rotate()
- The databox in the color picker is now wider to accommodate the large coordinates on modern screens
- Moved color squares in the color picker's databox to the left to be consistent with the datapicker
- Color picker magnifier now has red corners around the center pixel, the bitmap picker has been adjusted accordingly
- The databox in the color picker now repositions around your cursor when it reaches the edges of the monitor your cursor is currently on
- function Distance(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Extended; (now returns extended)
- Editing the name of items in color tools is no longer possible through clicking
- The delete key now allows you to delete items from color tools as well
- You can now group colors (and groups) together into groups in the color tools
- Tabs in the form designer are now draggable
- When a script is forcefully terminated, ScriptTerminate is no longer called
- SCAR will restart after 3 error dialogs in 1 minute
- Exceptions in a ThreadSafeCall will no longer crash SCAR





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Woooooooo, da best stuff right here! Shoop da woop!

That's one hell of a change log!


Also I love how SMALL SCAR is to download now! Only 7mb versus 15mb a couple versions ago!


Does anyone know how to invert a color with SCAR?




Trying to make the Font's color for the RS2 Setup Script text to be the opposite of the background color....

just to try it out...

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Also I love how SMALL SCAR is to download now! Only 7mb versus 15mb a couple versions ago!

It's smaller than before, yes, but it never reached 8MB...


Does anyone know how to invert a color with SCAR?


There's no funciton for it, but you can just subtract the RGB components of a color from 255, that should give you the components of the inverted color.

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It's smaller than before, yes, but it never reached 8MB...




There's no funciton for it, but you can just subtract the RGB components of a color from 255, that should give you the components of the inverted color.


Too bad you didn't post that earlier, because I was searching for it and found it :D. Now everything works good! Yayz looks cool now:


That color picker can change the background of the form...



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Also I love how SMALL SCAR is to download now! Only 7mb versus 15mb a couple versions ago!
Do you actually pay attention to the file size these days? I mean, with these connection speeds we have now (compared to the old days of SCAR - 2003)? We have much more Hard Drive space in use aswell..


Wouldn't be a problem to me if SCAR would be 100mb, as long as its worth it (and that it isn't a problem for Freddy to host, of course)... :D

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