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Found 22 results

  1. Start script at this spot in Lumbridge Swamp! This script will probably run well with any place with rats(NOT TESTED). Instructions: Start in Lumbridge Swamp near rats(like picture) Make sure Fatigue is 0% of course Leave script to kill! Features: Login if logged out from 5 minute idle MOD DETECTION! Choice of logging out if staff is spotted, or terminating script.(leaving character to stand there and do no actions until logout) XP Counter Camera spinning Note: to change what action is performed when staff crown is seen, go to line 84. (The two options are, 'logout' and 'terminate' or leave blank if you want no detection) LumbridgeSwampRatKiller.scar
  2. INSTRUCTIONS (for the best success rate) 1. Start in chicken coop compass set like in the picture. (This way it can actually kill the chickens in the hut too) 1½. This will probably work on other places too, just test it. 2. Turn off global chat. 3. Check that fatigue is at 0% 4. Done! FEATURES It just kills, no autologin, deathwalking, picking up items or anything like that. Maybe in future, but not for now. OTHER Thanks for Toby1, I built this based on your lumbridge castle killer, but there's really not that much code left from your original code. Thanks for the idea though! ChickenKiller.scar
  3. AmberGSFighter V0.2 AmberGSFighter fights giant spiders in the stronghold of security members or F2P, Its sole purpose is to get either attack, strength or defence to 99 as fast as possible. It can eat food when your HP dips below a given level & logout once you're forced into a random. Make sure you have the most up-to-date version of Scar & the OSI/UBeX includes, FILE>>INCLUDES MANAGER. Instructions 1. Open the script & go to line 15, It'll say hptoeat = 400; <- enter the HP you wish to eat at. 2. Go to line 18, READ & UNDERSTAND the types of food supported by this script, once you've decided which food you're going to be using enter it as shown on the script. 3. Start the script, when the SMART client pops up click the Disable SMART button & log into your account. 4. Go to the 3rd floor of the stronghold of security and click the Enable SMART button. 5. Sit back & relax. TIPS 1. Dont bot in anything you're not willing to lose. 2. If there's lots of people in the nearest room to the entrance then head to the room just north, it's a better spot in my opinion. 3. The script will log out once out of food or if it encounters a random, so get used to restocking and running back to the Giant spider location to maximise your XP. 4. The better the food the longer it'll run before logging out. V0.2 updates Uses a tele tab if placed in the first inventory slot before logging out. Better detection of the giant spiders. More human like. Fixed random detection. Cleaned the code up. Picture is to show the XP gained over many hours =] AmberGSFighterV0.2.scar
  4. Can a Script Writer Please Write These Script's, This is for the RSC Private server, RSCREVOLUTION. 1: A Script that Kill's Alkharid Warrior's at the Alkharid Square just a simple bot that will kill them. (Would be Really Awesome if the bot picked up herbs as well but i can live without that) 2: The Chicken Killing Script on here is already great may I add, But is there anyway It can be wrote so that it also pick's up the feathers? Or can someone teach me how to add that. I'm Gonna look into how to write scripts myself since I am pretty Computer Savvy, I have never botted before or had experience with it, But seems legit Since it is a private server
  5. My result from script RSCRevolution is a new popular RSC private server. This script hits dummys and drinks beer/wine to keep attack low(to keep getting XP from dummys) attacking dummys gets atk xp up without getting hits xp. What the script does: Hits dummy and drinks beers/wine How to run the script: Have 30 beer/wine in inventory. Start near a dummy with attack level to 0. Note: Theres no mod detection! so watch out! It does not go to bank to get more beers, however an inventory can last up to 20minutes. UltimateDummy.scar
  6. Map and compass should be as so BEFORE script is run and DURING COMPLETE script runtime Instructions: Start in the middle of Lumbridge Castle (like picture) Make sure Fatigue is 0% of course Leave script to kill! Features: Walkback from death Attacks NPCs at Lumbridge Castle: Goblin,Rat,Imp I ran this script for half an hour with no problems. Let me know how it works for you . LumbridgeCastleKiller.scar
  7. Amber AIOFighter V1.0 Introducing Amberleafs all in one multi-combat Runescape script. Fights anything using a user custom set-up. Very random. Very accurate. Eats food. Buries bones (when it's in a good mood). SET-UP 1. Start the script, wait for SMART to pop up, stop the script when runescape has loaded. 2. Click the disable SMART button & enter your login details. 3. Use the Pick color tool in Scar (Ctrl + P) to select 3 colours from the enemy that you want to attack, take your time to choose good unique (as possible) colours, or use the pre-sets at the bottom. 4. Enter these 3 colours on line 12, 13 & 14 it should read const c1 = 6704416; c2 = 6441503; c3 = 7032865; your custom colours will fill the 3 consts. 5. Enter HP to eat at on line 16 & what food you're going to be using on line 18, leave slot 1 free if you're using bone bury. 6. Click the enable SMART button when in position. 7. Start the script. TIPS. Turn off XP pop ups, do this by right clicking the XP button (top right of the screen) and clicking 'Toggle XP pop up'. Take your time to find the colours of your target. Can also use range/mage just set it up before hand & adjust equipment. AmberAIOFighterV1.0.scar Version 1.0 updates. 25/03/12 Added the ability to eat. Added the bone bury procedure, enable it by taking away the comment marks on line 147 & 148. Default setup is for the alkarid warriors. Cleaned it up a tad. Goblins c1 = 4165514;//GBL1 c2 = 4033156;//GBL2 c3 = 3835001;//GBL3 Al-Kahrid warriors. c1 = 5194275;//AKW1 c2 = 8943180;//AKW2 c3 = 3353366;//AKW3 Red Spiders (3rd floor first room in the stronghold of security). c1 = 2897231;//RSPIDSH1 c2 = 1253182;//RSPIDSH2 c3 = 2568005;//RSPIDSH3 Zombies (2nd floor first room in the stronghold of security). c1 = 7436150;//ZMBE1 c2 = 8554631;//ZMBE2 c3 = 8093824;//ZMBE3 Skeletons (Varock east dungeon). c1 = 9081232;//SKL1 c2 = 1320256;//SKL2 c3 = 7106929;//SKL3 Red Spiders (Varock east dungeon). c1 = 5860297;//RSPID1 c2 = 4925570;//RSPID2 c3 = 4334451;//RSPID3
  8. PRSC ChickenKiller v1.03 Current Status: Broken at the moment, needs updating. [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.36 (not required, but highly recommended - better performance!) -MSSL version 0.99-3b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.03 -November 2nd, 2012. Features -Attacks chickens -Feather picking (optional) -Boneburying (optional, disabled by default) -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking chickens from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM or chatbox) To be added in next version... -Attacking improvement Have fun! -Jani PRSC ChickenKiller [1.00].scar PRSC ChickenKiller [1.01].scar PRSC ChickenKiller [1.02].scar PRSC ChickenKiller [1.03].scar
  9. I added some things to Toby1's code to prevent it form getting stuck after Runescape's most recent update. I don't know how to upload a file because I'm very new with Scar but here's the code! Just copy and paste it! Any tips/suggestions to improve the code is encouraged although I'm not sure how much time I will have with school. Warning: Does NOT support randoms although they are very rare. A Runescape ban could result in using this bot. program RS07_FightCaveFighter; {$DEFINE RS07} {$I MSSL\MSSL.scar} var X, Y: Integer; const USERNAME = ''; PASSWORD = ''; procedure EnterCave; begin Wait(2000 + Random(1700)); if (FindColorTol(X, Y, 10921906, RS07_GameActionBx.X1, RS07_GameActionBx.Y1, RS07_GameActionBx.X2, RS07_GameActionBx.Y2, 5)) then begin RS07_ClickMouse(X, Y, mbLeft); MSSL_Wait(800 + Random(3000)); end; end; begin MSSL_Setup; ClearDebug; // RS07_SetScreenBrightness(RS07_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_VERY_BRIGHT); ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorSpeed2Modifiers(0.28, 0.17); repeat RS07_AutoRetaliate; MSSL_Wait(500); // if not RS07_LoggedIn then // begin // RS07_LogIn(username, password); // MSSL_Wait(3000 + Random(43)); // RS07_SetCompassDir('S'); // end; if RS07_LoggedIn then begin EnterCave; MSSL_Wait(10000 + Random(5000)); end; if FindColorTol(x, y, 16711680, 81, 369, 480, 459, 2) then RS07_ClickMouse(300 + Random(15), 446 + Random(7), mbLeft); MSSL_Wait(600 + Random(500)); until False; end. You can change the waiting times if you know what you are doing! 1000 = 1 second Enjoy! Exatox's Fight Caves 1.0.scar
  10. Map and compass should be as so BEFORE script is run and DURING COMPLETE script runtime Instructions: Start in the middle of Lumbridge Castle (like picture) Make sure Fatigue is 0% of course Leave script to kill! Features: Walkback from death Attacks NPCs at Lumbridge Castle: Goblin,Rat,Imp Mod detection Whats the difference between the RSCRevolution version of this? I had to change the 'CheckIfDead' function to work with RSCEmulation Replica. Also some coordinates are changed to work with RSCEmulation Replica client. Will I make any more RSCEmulation Replica scripts? No probably not, I will stick to RSCRevolution. I only modified this script because I saw alot of players on RSCEmulation Replica so decided this might get some new guys to forum. LumbridgeCastleKiller_RSCE.scar
  11. This script basically fights for you in the Fight Cave in TzHaar City, I wrote this script because I wanted to gain combat XP, and what came first to mind was minigames. You cannot get randoms here. (although you can get randoms outside the cave), this makes randoms rarer then usual. Anyways this is my first SCAR script and my first released SCAR script Run it outside the cave in TzHaar City. Thanks to Janilabo for helping me a bit Version: SMART3 recommended! RS07_FightCaveFighter.scar FightCaveFighter SMART2.scar FightCaveFighter SMART3.scar
  12. [OSRS07] Goblin Fighter Designed to fight goblins around or in the hut near lumbridge but I'm sure it'll work in other areas. You'll need the newest version of Scar & the include OSI to run this script. The script can train either melee, ranged or magic just equip your choice of gear & set your brightness to the 2nd 'notch' before starting (as shown below). Also never forget to drag the target from the scar divi toolbar onto the OSRS07 client, not the entire browser window. F12 stop the script. Enjoy! OSRS07 - Goblin Fighter v0.1.scar
  13. PRSC MultiFighter v1.27 Current Status: Works! [Mar. 11, 2013] NOTES -Target the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38 -MSSL version 1.00-10 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.27 -Released January 26th, 2013. Features -Kills these NPC types [NPC_TYPE <= remember to set this constant!]: 0: Chickens 1: Cows 2: Rats (Level 8 / 13) 3: Goblins (Level 7) 4: Jailguards 5: Guards (Level 28) 6: Hobgoblins 7: Warriors (Level 18) [Al-Kharid] 8: Pirates (Level 27) 9: Skeletons (Level 21 / 25 / 31) 10: Zombies (All) 11: Darkwizards (Both) 12: Ghosts (All) 13: Dwarfs -Relogging (optional, will warn if you keep the USERNAME & PASSWORD fields empty ['']). -Retreats from combat and eats food with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) --ALARMS when you run out of food! -Idle warning (when script hasn't been in COMBAT for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking NPCs from screen (optional) -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when Staff Member is writing to chatbox) --Performs your desired action when Staff Member has been detected! -Optional Player Detection (scans for players from FULL minimap or from chosen distance) --Performs your desired action when player has been detected! -Basic statusbar report for Gained XP & XP / Hour Rate. To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -New way to eat - supporting all kinds of foods. Have fun! -Jani [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.0.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.01.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.02.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.03.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.04.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.05.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.06.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.07.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.08.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.09.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.10.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.11.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.12.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.13.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.14.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.15.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.16.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.17.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.18.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.19.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.20.scar Radius Debugger.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.21.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.22.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.23.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.24.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.25.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.26.scar [PRSC] MultiFighter v1.27.scar
  14. PRSC ChickenFighter v1.00 Current Status: Works! [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.37(+) (Click HERE for SCAR Divi 3.37 RC - you can also find instructions for setting up the prerelease there) -MSSL version 0.99-7b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.00 -November 13th, 2012. Features -Kills chickens -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking chickens from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM) To be added in next version... -Improvement for NPC detection. Have fun! -Jani [PRSC] ChickenFighter v1.0.scar
  15. PRSC AFK v1.06 Current Status: Works! [Mar. 9, 2013] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38 -MSSL version 1.00-8 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.06 -Released December 15th, 2012. Features -"Basic" AFK training script. -Idle warning (when you haven't moved for 5 minutes) -Alarms with low HP -Alarms with 100% fatigue -Relogin (if you leave USERNAME/PASSWORD fields empty, script will alarm when character logs out, so you can then manually login) -Staff member detection (when Staff Member is writing to chatbox) --Performs your desired action when Staff Member has been detected! -Player detection --Performs your desired action when player has been detected! -Keeps reporting gained exps and exp / hour rate to debug box (just make sure you can see the Debug box) To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -Logical improvements (the way the script works in general..) Have fun! -Jani [PRSC] AFK v1.00.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.01.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.02.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.03.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.04.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.05.scar [PRSC] AFK v1.06.scar
  16. Karajama skele fighter V0.2 Head to the level25 skeletons in the karajama volcano dungeon and start the script facing roughly NE, don't face it SE or it'll try collecting the fire rune that's beside the lesser demons. It'll collect bones and bury them/collects all types of runes/drops junk items. You'll need to place this .wav file in your C:\ directory in order for the fatigue alarm to work correctly, if your directory is a different letter then you can adjust this on line 29 PlaySound('c:\siren.wav'); I've hosted it here you'll have to rename it to siren.wav sorry. http://upit.cc/f/62695f6e.wav V0.2 updates. Better detection of runes Faster skeleton detection Bone bury is off as default remove comment marks from the bottom to enable, it slows you down if you're after combat exp. Let me know how you get on with this. [sCAR]//AmberRSCSkeleFighter {.include OSI\OSI.scar} var xp: Integer; procedure ScriptTerminate; begin FreeOSI; end; procedure FindTarget; var x, y: Integer; begin If FindColor(x, y, 16447223, 0, 0, 509, 327) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(10); Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, False); end; end; procedure Atttack; var x, y: Integer; begin If FindColor(x, y, 65280, 23, 28, 490, 301) then begin MMouse(x, y, 1, 1); GetMousePos(x, y); Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, false); Wait(4500); xp := xp + 250; Writeln('XP so far...'); Writeln(xp); end else begin MMouse(456, 149, 15, 15); end; end; procedure InCombat; var x, y: Integer; Bmp: TSCARBitmap; begin repeat If FindColor(x, y, 16777215, 57, 21, 126, 32) then begin If FindColor(x, y, 16447223, 0, 0, 509, 327) then begin If FindColors(x, y, [11839904, 10787216, 9602946, 11050646, 11905698], 12, 41, 509, 327) then begin Bmp := TSCARBitmap.Create('deNpjZ2Bi+D/BAQ0xMDDAGchsAM9CEiA='); MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(100); Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, False); If FindBitmap(x, y, Bmp, 12, 41, 509, 327) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0) GetMousePos(x, y); Wait(3500); Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, True); Wait(3500); end; end; end; end; If GetKeyState(VK_F12) then begin TerminateScript; end; until (FindColor(x, y, 16777215, 57, 21, 126, 32) = False); Wait(500); end; procedure LootBones; var x, y: Integer; begin If FindColorSpiral(RandomRange(234, 122), RandomRange(282, 166), x, y, 16579836, 23, 28, 490, 301) then begin Writeln('Finding loot...'); repeat Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, False); If FindColor(x, y, 4231423, 23, 28, 490, 301) then begin Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, True); Wait(3500); end; until (FindColor(x, y, 4231423, 23, 28, 490, 301) = False); end; end; procedure BuryBones; var x, y: Integer; begin MMouse(498, 19, 3, 3); Wait(350); repeat If FindColor(x, y, 16775143, 267, 36, 504, 236) then begin Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, True); Wait(250); end; until (FindColor(x, y, 16775143, 267, 36, 504, 236) = False); repeat If FindColors(x, y, [532561, 14342891, 2245762, 12303305, 6974066],267, 36, 504, 236) then begin Mouse(x, y, 0, 0, False); Wait(100); Mouse(x, y+45, 0, 0, True); Wait(100); MMouse(498, 19, 3, 3); Wait(350); end else Break; until true; MMouse(255, 184, 0, 0); Wait(200); end; procedure Alarm; var x, y: Integer; begin If FindColor(x, y, 65280, 242, 250, 300, 321) then begin PlaySound('c:\siren.wav'); Wait(1000); TerminateScript; end; end; begin SetupOSI; MouseSpeed := 25; repeat Alarm; FindTarget; Atttack; InCombat; //LootBones; //BuryBones; until GetKeyState(VK_F12); end. [/sCAR]
  17. PRSC CowFighter v1.02 Current Status: Works! [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.37(+) (Click HERE for SCAR Divi 3.37 RC - you can also find instructions for setting up the prerelease there) -MSSL version 0.99-7b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.02 -Released November 13th, 2012. Features -Kills cows -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking cows from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM) To be added/improved in next version... -Attacking & NPC Detection improvements. Have fun! -Jani [PRSC] CowFighter v1.0.scar [PRSC] CowFighter v1.01.scar [PRSC] CowFighter v1.02.scar
  18. PRSC CowKiller v1.03 Current Status: Broken at the moment, needs updating. [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.36 (not required, but highly recommended - better performance!) -MSSL version 0.99-1b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.03 -November 2nd, 2012. Features -Attacks cows -Boneburying (optional, disabled by default) -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking cows from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM or chatbox) To be added/improved in next version... -Attacking improvement Have fun! -Jani PRSC CowKiller [v1.00].zip PRSC CowKiller [1.01].scar PRSC CowKiller [1.02].scar PRSC CowKiller [1.03].scar
  19. PRSC RatFighter v1.00 Current Status: Works! [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager[/url]. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.37(+) (Click HERE for SCAR Divi 3.37 RC - you can also find instructions for setting up the prerelease there) -MSSL version 0.99-7b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.00 -November 12th, 2012. Features -Kills rats levels 8 / 13 - ignores level 2 rats. -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking rats from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM) To be added/improved in next version... -Improvements on NPC detection. Have fun! -Jani [PRSC] RatFighter v1.0.scar
  20. PRSC GuardKiller v1.02 Current Status: Broken at the moment, needs updating. [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.36 (not required, but highly recommended - better performance!) -MSSL version 0.99-2b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.02 -November 2nd, 2012. Features -Attacks (normal) guards -Boneburying (optional, disabled by default) -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking cows from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM or chatbox) To be added/improved in next version... -Attacking improvement Have fun! -Jani PRSC GuardKiller [1.00].scar PRSC GuardKiller [1.01].scar PRSC GuardKiller [1.02].scar
  21. PRSC RatKiller v1.05 Current Status: Broken at the moment, needs updating. [Nov. 13, 2012] Script works with WEBCLIENT - the standalone client is a little problematic. NOTES -Target the ONLY the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. So, make sure it doesn't capture the whole window (if you are using Project RSC Launcher) -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager[/url]. Build Information -Version 1.05 -November 2nd, 2012. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.36 (not required, but highly recommended - better performance!) -MSSL version 0.99-3b (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Features -Attacks rats levels 8 / 13 - ignores level 2 rats. -Boneburying (optional, disabled by default) -Relogging -Eats & runs out of combat with low HP (Meat and ALL fishes are supported) -Idle warning (when script hasn't attacked anything for certain amount of time in milliseconds [iDLE_WARN]) -Camera rotation for looking rats from screen -Alarms with 100% fatigue! -Staff member detection (when messages are sent to you through PM or chatbox) To be added/improved in next version... -Attacking improvement Have fun! -Jani PRSC RatKiller [v1].zip PRSC RatKiller [v1.01].zip PRSC RatKiller [v1.02].zip PRSC RatKiller [v1.03].zip PRSC RatKiller [1.04].scar PRSC RatKiller [1.05].scar
  22. Another Iccy Bot: Download -> http://IccyBot.weebly.com
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