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phönix bm bot 3.5 problem

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Line 372: [Hint] (372:10): Variable 'Result' never used in script C:\Users\Thomas\Downloads\phoenix bmbot 3.5_neu.scar

Line 411: [Error] (411:1): Unknown identifier 'typekeys' in script C:\Users\Thomas\Downloads\phoenix bmbot 3.5_neu.scar


Bekomme diese Error Meldung wenn ich den Bot starte, kann mir da jemand helfen???

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Hello this is my problem when i start it.... i get this messages below here and many more ''never jused'' things, i downloaded the latest scar

but stil the same problem....



Compiler Hint 372 Variable 'Result' never jused

Compiler Hint 1444 'S' never jused


'MONSTERMODUS' never jused


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