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SCAR Divi 3.31 RC

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So the RC wasn't released as fast as I'd hoped (blame the SQLite3 support and my busy schedule :)), but here it is. Since beta I've added a few more SQLite3 functions and while typing this I just realized I forgot to switch my project to the RC version, so it still says beta, just trust me on this, it's RC, just don't see the point in recompiling everything just to change the title :). So let me know if you encounter any bugs, I'll be documenting more of the SQLite api soon and there should be more SQLite functions in future releases as well, the current ones (now also including transactions), should be sufficient for most purposes.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Setup instructions: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?505-Downloading-SCAR-Divi-Prerelease



- Small bug in loading toolbars/docks
- ReadLn didn't return the result
- Bug in the settingsmanager caused issues when changing the editor format
- CallProc didn't return the proper result
- Local variables were bugged in code completion
- Bitmap updater tool had some issues with converting the b format

- New interface for script engine
- Improved compile/running time measurement
- Vastly improved speed for displaying variable content while debugging
- Updated bitmap encoding

- function FileAge(const Path: string): TDateTime;
- function ScriptFile: AnsiString;
- function Base64ToStr(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function StrToBase64(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function HexToStr(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function StrToHex(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function ZLibCompress(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function ZLibDecompress(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- function WorkspacePath: AnsiString;
- function SQLOpen(const Path: string; const CreateIfNotFound: Boolean): Integer;
- function SQLFree(const DBIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- function SQLAssigned(const DBIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- function SQLLastID(const DBIndex: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SQLStart(const DBIndex: Integer; const TransactionType: TSQLTransactionType);
- procedure SQLCommit(const DBIndex: Integer);
- procedure SQLRollback(const DBIndex: Integer);
- procedure SQLQuery(const DBIndex: Integer; const Query: string);
- function SQLQueryEx(const DBIndex: Integer; const Query: string): Integer;
- function SQLQueryFree(const QueryIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- function SQLQueryAssigned(const QueryIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- function SQLQueryStep(const QueryIndex: Integer): Integer;
- function SQLQueryReset(const QueryIndex: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SQLBindStr(const QueryIndex, ParamIndex: Integer; const Str: string);
- procedure SQLBindInt(const QueryIndex, ParamIndex: Integer; const Int: Integer);
- procedure SQLBindInt64(const QueryIndex, ParamIndex: Integer; const Int: Int64);
- procedure SQLBindByte(const QueryIndex, ParamIndex: Integer; const _Byte: Byte);
- procedure SQLBindBool(const QueryIndex, ParamIndex: Integer; const Bool: Boolean);
- function SQLColumnStr(const QueryIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer): string;
- function SQLColumnInt(const QueryIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer): Integer;
- function SQLColumnInt64(const QueryIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer): Int64;
- function SQLColumnByte(const QueryIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer): Byte;
- function SQLColumnBool(const QueryIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer): Boolean;

- BitmapFromString2


Enjoy :)



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