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TCP functions

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Hello, i have two computers connected through an ethernet cable. Can i use the tcp functions to send a string from one computer to another? i tried tcpconnect(',1000,1000) and i get Socket Error # 10061

Connection refused . that is the ip of the other computer. I tried another port, same result. But i can ping from cmd the other computer. These functions are not working with ips? Is some program which must be run on target computer to do this? Please tell me how can i connect and send a message to other computer using scar.

Edited by alin2012
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SCAR can use TCP functions only to connect to a server. As SCAR does not currently support multi-threading, no server functions are available, as it would only be able to handle 1 connection at a time "efficiently". If you want to use TCP functions to communicate between SCAR instances, you'll need to write a server in another language like Delphi or Java to act as intermediary.

Edited by Freddy
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