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SCAR Divi 3.26 Alpha

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SCAR Divi 3.26 Alpha has been released!


At this point there have been no major changes. All bugfixes from 3.25 minor releases are merged into it and the release comes with new toolbars, menus and docks.



- Increase indenting now has the shortcut Shift+Ctrl+I
- Decrease indenting now has the shortcut Shift+Ctrl+U
- Added Pick Bitmap to the Tools menu
- Added additional icons for menus
- New menus, toolbars and dockpanels
- The current client transparancy is now displayed in the edit box

- function TPABounds(const TPA: TPointArray): TBox; (Alias: GetTPABounds)
- procedure TPARemoveDupl(var TPA: TPointArray);
- procedure TPADimensions(const TPA: TPointArray; out Width, Height: Integer);
- function TPAArea(const TPA: TPointArray): Integer;
- function TPADensity(const TPA: TPointArray): Extended;
- procedure TPASortEx(var TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint);
- procedure TPASort(var TPA: TPointArray);
- procedure TPARemove(var TPA: TPointArray; const Index: Integer);
- function TPAMiddle(const TPA: TPointArray): TPoint; (Alias: MiddleTPA)
- function TPAMiddleEx(const TPA: TPointArray; out x, y: Integer): Boolean; (Alias: TPAMiddleEx)
- procedure TPAInvert(var TPA: TPointArray); (Alias: InvertTPA)
- function TPACombine(const TPA1, TPA2: TPointArray): TPointArray; (Alias: CombineTPA)
- function TPARandom(const Count, XRange, YRange: Integer): TPointArray;
- procedure TPARemovePointEx(var TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint; const All: Boolean);
- procedure TPARemovePoint(var TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint);
- procedure TPASpread(const TPA: TPointArray; out XSpread, YSpread: Extended);
- function TPAChain(const TPA: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
- function TPAChainEx(const TPA: TPointArray; const XMax, YMax: Integer): T2DPointArray;
- function TPAGroup(const TPA: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
- function TPAGroupEx(const TPA: TPointArray; const XMax, YMax: Integer): T2DPointArray;
- procedure ATPASortBySize(var ATPA: T2DPointArray);


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Happy testing ;)


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