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tolerance range?

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Color similarity is "a bit" more advanced than that, I can go through the default method in SCAR (known as CTS1) for you.

- This is what's by default used in find color and find bitmap methods.


The value you have there is a (numeric) representation of a RGB color.

 ColorToRGB(100000, R,G,B);  

So your example value of 100000 = R: 160, G: 134, B: 1


From the beginning now knowing that:

SCAR convert the representation of the color to R, G and B values by doing some bitshifting (separating the 3 first bytes from the 4 byte long number), as so:

procedure ColorToRGB(Color:Integer; out R,G,B:Integer);
 R := color and $FF;
 G := color shr 8 and $FF;
 B := color shr 16 and $FF;


Then it compares the color using a function which computes the euclidean distance between the two colors:


function ColorSimilarity(Color1, Color2:Integer): Extended;
 R1,B1,G1, R2,G2,B2: Integer;
 ColorToRGB(Color1, R1,G1,B1);
 ColorToRGB(Color2, R2,G2,B2); 
 Result := Sqrt( Sqr(R1-R2) + Sqr(G1-G2) + Sqr(B1-B2) );


That means the max tolerance used between two colors when using CTS1 (the formula shown above) is 442 (441,673)



`Tolerance` measured this way yields an "exponential-ish growth" in the number of similar colors (up to values):

1 tolerance: ~7 colors
2 tolerance: ~33 colors
3 tolerance: ~123 colors
4 tolerance: ~257 colors
8 tolerance: ~2109 colors
16 tolerance: ~17077 colors

Side note: The number of colors in RGB-color space is (256^3) = 16777216 (0 to 16777215)




Based on your example color of 100000, using that with this formula and 1 tolerance that would give you the following values:

`(99999, 99744, 34464, 100000, 165536, 100256, 100001)`


Which is equal to the RGB colors:

--------(159,134,1) (160,133,1)

(160,134,0) (160,134,1) (160,134,2)

--------(160,135,1) (161,134,1)




Read: http://wiki.scar-divi.com/Tolerance

I hope this helps, tho if you have any more questions, just ask! :-)

Edited by slacky
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wow, that explains a lot of things.

i have another question too, not the same as above, but related to colors.

is there something in scar 3.22 that can change the search pattern of colors/bitmaps?

i want to find a color(pixel2) around a colored pixel(pixel1). there are many moving pixels(pixel2) there and i want to click the closest one(pixel2). is this possible?

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wow, that explains a lot of things.

i have another question too, not the same as above, but related to colors.

is there something in scar 3.22 that can change the search pattern of colors/bitmaps?

i want to find a color(pixel2) around a colored pixel(pixel1). there are many moving pixels(pixel2) there and i want to click the closest one(pixel2). is this possible?

I don't use, nor do I have experience with older scar-versions.


There is generally no support to get here for prehistoric SCAR-versions. Update you SCAR to the latest and people here can actually help.. rather then using a version of SCAR which belongs in a museum.

Edited by slacky
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