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ClickMouseBox in 3.40?

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You could simply read the mouse position after calling mousebox and click at that position?


procedure ClickMouseBoxEx(const Box: TBox; const MouseSpeed: LongInt);
 MousePos: TPoint;
 MoveMouseBoxEx(Box, MouseSpeed);
 GetMousePos(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y);
 ClickMouse(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y, mbLeft);

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Not sure on what you are trying to do.


ClickMouseBoxEx would click somewhere in a rectangular area. If you want to click on an exact position ClickMouse will do everything you need. It is difficult to know what you are doing without seeing what you are working with.


Often I will randomize the found point a bit (which is what you are trying to do here?) but how much to randomize depends entirely on the item you are clicking on: Too much randomization you'll miss the target. Not enough it looks very bot like. There is no hard and fast rule here.


If I wanted to click somewhere within 10 pixels of the found point I would simply do something like this.


 P: TPoint;
// Left some out here cuz I'm too lazy to type...
 if FindBitmapTol(P.X, P.Y, ... then
   P := Point(RandomRange(P.X - 10, P.X + 10), RandomRange(P.Y - 10, P.Y + 10));
   MoveMouse(P.X, P.Y);
   ClickMouse(P.X, P.Y, mbLeft);
// more left out here
// and here

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I was trying to convey you can duplicate the functionality of ClickMouseBox exactly by doing the following:


- Use MoveMouseBox (moves mouse to a random location inside the specified box)

- Read the current mouse position using GetMousePos (to find out where MoveMouseBox moved the mouse to)

- Click the mouse at that location using ClickMouse


program New;

 B: TBox;
 P: TPoint;

 B := Box(100, 100, 200, 200);
 GetMousePos(P.X, P.Y);
 ClickMouse(P.X, P.Y, mbLeft);

Edited by Bixby Sayz
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