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Twix mafia

Read part of file

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Hi im trying to make a script that reads a part of a file and outputting it in a text field. You guys once helped me with reading part of a homepage and outputting it in the Debug in scar - so I tryed to make something like it - but I do not seem to have enough knowledge to rewrite it.

This is the file one of you made for me:

 client: Integer;

procedure ScriptTerminate;

function ExchangeRate(exchange: string): Extended;
 exchange := Trim(exchange);
 case (exchange <> '') of
     Result := StrToFloatDef(Between('<span id=''last_price''>', '</span>', GetHTTPPage(client, 'http://bitcoinity.org/markets/mtgox/' + exchange)), -1); 
   until (Result > -1);    
   False: Result := -1;

function CalculateCurrencyRate(amount: Extended; fromCurrency, toCurrency: string): Extended;
 data: string;  
 tmp: Extended;
 fromCurrency := Trim(fromCurrency);
 toCurrency := Trim(toCurrency);
 case ((fromCurrency <> '') and (toCurrency <> '')) of
     data := GetHTTPPage(client, 'http://www.x-rates.com/calculator/?from=' + fromCurrency + '&to=' + toCurrency + '&amount=' + FloatToStr(amount));
     Result := StrToFloatDef(Between('<span class="ccOutputRslt">', '<span class="ccOutputTrail">', data), -1);  
     if (Result > -1) then  
       tmp := StrToFloatDef(FloatToStr(Result) + Between('<span class="ccOutputTrail">', '</span><span class="ccOutputCode">', data), -1);
       if (tmp > -1) then
         Result := tmp;  
     data := '';
   until (Result > -1);    
   False: Result := -1;      

 t: Integer;
 a, b, c, d, e, f: Extended;

 client := InitializeHTTPClient(True, True);         
 t := GetSystemTime;              
 a := ExchangeRate('EUR');
 b := CalculateCurrencyRate(1, 'EUR', 'USD');
 c := (a * b); //Mtgox EUR i USD      
 d := ExchangeRate('USD');   
 e := (d - c); //difference. Skal være højre end f
 f := ((1/0.994)*(c-(0.994*c))); //Fees. Skal være mindre end e. 
 if (e>f) then begin
   WriteLn('Forskellen er større end fees');     
 if not  (e>f) then begin


I tryed to use the openfile and readfilestring commands (that is described in the WIKI), but i could only output everything or x characters from the start. thats why I tryed to use the "GetHTTPPage" to read my txt file on my harddisk - i THINK it worked, but the script is too advanced for me to rewrite it to something that works all the way.

So could I get some help to read part of a file?

And how do I make Scar write it? not inside Scar but eg. on a homepage where I have clicked on the writing field? The fact that I don't know the "new" way to output text is one thing - but the big problem is that I dont know how to make scar output the string it just found in a file - As I remember from last time i tryed - I could not make it output a string - so thats part 2 of my question.

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If you're storing a dataset in a file for SCAR to work with, it might be more convenient to switch to an SQLite database instead. As for getting a specific part of the file... SCAR does not currently support random access or seeking, so you'll have to read the entire file and parse the data you need from it.

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Can't I do like with the website, where it reads the data between two unic statements?


Like if I have a .txt file (or a .html file) with:

*category*Read this*category2*

*headline*Read this nr. 2*headline2*


and then make Scar scan the file and output "Read this" when asked for the text between *category* and *category2*, just like with the website?

Because I am having a hard time figuring out exactly how to use SQlite and use it in Scar.

Edited by Twix mafia
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I somehow can't make anything work - this is my best shot at it:

 f: Integer;

function Rate(s: string): Extended;
 f := OpenFile('C:\Users\HP\Desktop\' + 'Test.txt', False);
 ReadFileString(f, s, FileSize(f));        
 WriteLn('I read this in the file between *cat* and *cat2*: ' + FloatToStr(Rate('*cat*')));    


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