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Kernal Mode Commands Added?

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Yes they exist. I dont know if there is any documentation but i would assume you use them like Delphi.


Here is an example i used posted by wanted quoted from neilsie95

**Note in order to use the kernel you must enable API calls in the options dialog in scar

[sCAR]program New;


function QueryPerformanceFrequency(out Frequency: Int64): LongBool; external 'QueryPerformanceFrequency@kernel32.dll stdcall';

function QueryPerformanceCounter(out Counter: Int64): LongBool; external 'QueryPerformanceCounter@kernel32.dll stdcall';


procedure MarkTime(var Time: Int64);


Freq: Int64;


if QueryPerformanceFrequency(Freq) then



Time := GetTickCount;



function TimeFromMark(Mark: Int64): Double;


Freq, Now: Int64;


if QueryPerformanceFrequency(Freq) then



Result := ((Now - Mark) / Freq) * 1000;



Result := (GetTickCount - Mark);




Time: Int64;



WriteLn('Straight from MarkTime took ' + FloatToStr(TimeFromMark(Time)) + ' ms.');


WriteLn('After another Wait(10) we are ' + FloatToStr(TimeFromMark(Time)) + ' ms away from the mark.');


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Thank you for your response! So how would I be able to send mousemovements, clicks, and keystrokes? lol, I am not an advanced scripter :/


btw I'm trying to get passed xtrap... it blocks all user32.dll Keystroke input

Edited by Paradoxium
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Well see that takes a custom driver made to emulate mouse hardware. Scar currently has quite a few mouse functions available though. you should also install OSI and check under the /Divi folder for the Mouse.scar file as it contains many mouse functions along with the mouse functions there is a file that has keyboard functions to. I dont believe SCAR has a silent mouse atm but i believe Freddy mentioned bringing it back in SCAR 4.0.

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Thank you for your response! So how would I be able to send mousemovements, clicks, and keystrokes? lol, I am not an advanced scripter :/


btw I'm trying to get passed xtrap... it blocks all user32.dll Keystroke input


Lol nothing gets past xtrap. I've tried many ways, and tried very hard on that. Fiesta uses it :P. Along with a bunch of games that do. I've tried PostMessage, every type of key sending I could conjure, and libraries. Bothered Freddy, and the forums with it, lol. The only way to get around it, is to use HOOKING, or DLL modifying, and all that wonderful stuff (has a slight clue but forgets). Once I discovered that, it was all in C++, or w/e languages. But was interesting to read about. Maybe if I was a master coder I could've ported the code to SCAR, but I digress.


But if you ever want to tackle C++ here's a nice website I read a couple chapters from, ... weeks ago.

Edited by LordJashin
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Lol nothing gets past xtrap. I've tried many ways, and tried very hard on that. Fiesta uses it :P. Along with a bunch of games that do. I've tried PostMessage, every type of key sending I could conjure, and libraries. Bothered Freddy, and the forums with it, lol. The only way to get around it, is to use HOOKING, or DLL modifying, and all that wonderful stuff (has a slight clue but forgets). Once I discovered that, it was all in C++, or w/e languages. But was interesting to read about. Maybe if I was a master coder I could've ported the code to SCAR, but I digress.


But if you ever want to tackle C++ here's a nice website I read a couple chapters from, ... weeks ago.


oh dear. Looks like Imma have to hack crossfire to create this farmbot lol -_-, but hey if I dont release it to public...it will never get patched!


If you have time... Would you be interested in turning my scar script into a C++ hook? It is really basic. Would probably take me a couple weeks to figure it all out but yeah you would be saving me a lot of time :D

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oh dear. Looks like Imma have to hack crossfire to create this farmbot lol -_-, but hey if I dont release it to public...it will never get patched!


If you have time... Would you be interested in turning my scar script into a C++ hook? It is really basic. Would probably take me a couple weeks to figure it all out but yeah you would be saving me a lot of time :D


Google is your best friend. Besides, you probably don't even know what a hook is right now :P

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