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SCAR Divi 3.39 Alpha

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Lol, that previous changelog looks sad... Just pushed an update, here's the changelog up to now:


- Target Client showed copies of it's rows
- TPAFromBox accepted invalid boxes
- TSCARBitmap.Resize, TSCARBitmap.Rotate(Ex) and TSCARBitmap.Skew(Ex) disabled AlphaBlend
- [#197] GetFiles and GetFolders did not behave correctly

- TSCARBitmap.ResizeEx
- procedure AddPostFile(const iHttp: Integer; const FieldName, FileName, ContentType: string);

I finished ResizeEx today, which resizes an image using a resampler, which essentially allows it to create anti-aliased resized images. Also the AddPostFile, to upload files through Http. (This function will probably be renamed once the Http API is overhauled)

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