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Titan Rev51

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The way one uses units in titan has been seriously revised in this new revision. The new system uses library paths like Delphi, though witha slightly different implementation. Currently it is not possible to set global libraries, but tyou can define them in scripts. For units in a library (include), this is certainly advised.


If you place your library units in a folder lets say ...\SCAR Titan\Includes\MyLibrary\, you can now give them any random name (that isn't reserved). To load them your script will have to contain compiler directive: {$LIBRARY %INCLUDES%\MyLibrary}. This will load all .scar files in that path into the system. Then you can just use any include in that folder by adding it to the uses section.


The system also allows you to specify true relative paths. If you want to include the folder ...\SCAR Titan\Includes\MyLibrary\Sub\ as well, you could for example in a file ...\SCAR Titan\Includes\MyLibrary\Main.scar specify: {$LIBRARY .\Sub}


People who've used Titan before this revision should head over to the Tools menu and press "Associate Files And Variables". This will register 3 systemwide variables. %TITAN%, %TITANINCLUDE% and %TITANWORKSPACE%. %INCLUDES% is only available in compiler directives.

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Registering associations didn't work. Also with the new library stuff, do I have to include the other folders in my library compiling file(kronos.scar in this case) or do i just include all of the folders in the script?


Did you do a proper checkout from the repository? Also what do you mean by it didn't work? And you can do either one...


EDIT: It does not associate file extensions yet...

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