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SCAR Divi 3.38 Alpha

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I bet you didn't see this coming? ;)


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Setup instructions: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?505-Downloading-SCAR-Divi-Prerelease



- procedure ReplaceColors(const Bmp: TSCARBitmap; const Colors: TIntArray; const NewColor: Integer);
- procedure ReplaceColorsTol(const Bmp: TSCARBitmap; const Colors: TIntArray; const NewColor, Tol: Integer);
- function RandomTIA(const Count, Range: Integer): TIntArray;
- function RandomTIAEx(const Count, Range: Integer; const AllowDuplicates: Boolean): TIntArray;
- procedure OffsetTEA(var TEA: TExtArray; const Offset: Extended);
- function TEAInsert(var TEA: TExtArray; const Index: Integer; const Ext: Extended): Integer;
- function InvertColor(const Color: Integer): Integer;
- TSCARBitmap.Invert
- function SpiralPoint(const Pos: Cardinal): TPoint;
- function SpiralPointEx(const Pos: Cardinal; const Origin: TPoint): TPoint;
- function SpiralPos(const Pt: TPoint): Cardinal;
- function SpiralPosEx(const Pt, Origin: TPoint): Cardinal;
- procedure SortTPASpiral(var TPA: TPointArray);
- procedure SortTPASpiralEx(var TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint);
- function CopyTIA(const TIA: TIntArray): TIntArray;
- function CopyTIAEx(const TIA: TIntArray; const Index, Count: Integer): TIntArray;
- function ATPADelete(var ATPA: T2DPointArray; const Index: Integer): TPointArray;
- function ATIADelete(var ATIA: T2DIntArray; const Index: Integer): TIntArray;
- function ATPAContains(const ATPA: T2DPointArray; const TPA: TPointArray): Boolean;
- function ATIAContains(const ATIA: T2DIntArray; const TIA: TIntArray): Boolean;
- function PermuteTPA(const TPA: TPointArray): T2DPointArray;
- function PermuteTIA(const TIA: TIntArray): T2DIntArray;
- procedure TIAFreq(const TIA: TIntArray; out Values, Frequencies: TIntArray);
- procedure TIARelFreq(const TIA: TIntArray; out Values: TIntArray; out Frequencies: TExtArray);
- procedure TPAFreq(const TPA: TPointArray; out Values: TPointArray; out Frequencies: TIntArray);
- procedure TPARelFreq(const TPA: TPointArray; out Values: TPointArray; out Frequencies: TExtArray);

- TPAMiddle => TPAMean
- SortATPAByMiddle => SortATPAByMean
- SortATPAByMiddleEx => SortATPAByMeanEx

- procedure TPASort(var TPA: TPointArray); (alias: SortTPA)
- procedure TPASortEx(var TPA: TPointArray; const Point: TPoint); (alias: SortTPAEx)
- function AMax(const TIA: TIntArray): Integer; (alias: TIAMax)
- function AMin(const TIA: TIntArray): Integer; (alias: TIAMin)
- function TPAMiddleEx(const TPA: TPointArray; out x, y: Integer): Boolean;


Enjoy :)



Edited by Freddy
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