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SCAR Divi 3.36 Final

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SCAR Divi 3.36.00 has been released, this release brings a few bugfixes, new functions and some improvements to the IDE.


Downloads: http://www.scar-divi.com/index.php?page=download



- The TEA functions were cut out of the engine
- InputQuery threw an access violation
- [#120] Some specific functions did not show up in the function list

- function FindColorsTPA(out X, Y: Integer; const Colors: TIntArray; const TPA: TPointArray): Boolean;
- function FindColorsTPATol(out X, Y: Integer; const Colors: TIntArray; const TPA: TPointArray; const Tol: Integer): Boolean;
- function FindColorsTPAEx(out Points: TPointArray; const Colors: TIntArray; const TPA: TPointArray): Boolean;
- function FindColorsTPATolEx(out Points: TPointArray; const Colors: TIntArray; const TPA: TPointArray; const Tol: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetActiveWindow: Hwnd;
- procedure InvertTPA(var TPA: TPointArray);
- function Odd(const Value: Int64): Boolean;
- function Even(const Value: Int64): Boolean;
- Color Tools with the ability to store colors, name them and more... (Replaces color history)

- procedure MoveMouseEx(const X, Y, MouseSpeed: Integer);
- InvertTPA => ReverseTPA
- InvertTIA => ReverseTIA
- InvertATPA => ReverseATPA
- Default mousespeed changed from 25 to 20
- Huge performance improvements for TPAUnique, TPAFilterPoints, TPAInTPA, TIAUnique, TIAInTIA, TEAUnique and TEAInTEA
- Tweaked ReverseTPA, ReverseATPA and ReverseTIA
- Holding Ctrl while picking a color lets you pick another one
- You can now change the order of open script tabs by dragging them





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