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SCAR Divi 3.34 RC

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Since I won't be adding anything new anymore anyway, I've decided to go ahead and push 3.34 to RC. So at this point, bugfixes only, though I don't think there should be any (new) bugs.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Setup instructions: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?505-Downloading-SCAR-Divi-Prerelease



- TPAUnique and TIAUnique didn't always return a unique array
- Script could not be stopped when paused
- When pausing on a breakpoint the editor showed 2 icons in the gutter instead of 1
- Preprocessor had issues with single characters on a line or between directives
- The filetype filters for the save dialog on the debug and report boxes were broken

- TPAAppend now returns the index of the appended element
- TIAAppend now returns the index of the appended element
- RewriteFile, AppendFile and OpenFile now throw an error when a file can't be accessed
- SCAR now always uses a dot as decimal separator rather than the localized one

- function TPAEmpty(const TPA: TPointArray): Boolean;
- function TPAInsert(var TPA: TPointArray; const Index: Integer; const Point: TPoint): Integer;
- function TIAEmpty(const TIA: TIntArray): Boolean;
- function TIAMax(const TIA: TIntArray): Integer; (Alias for AMax)
- function TIAMaxEx(const TIA: TIntArray; out Index: Integer): Integer;
- function TIAMin(const TIA: TIntArray): Integer; (Alias for AMin)
- function TIAMinEx(const TIA: TIntArray; out Index: Integer): Integer;
- function TIAInsert(var TIA: TIntArray; const Index, Int: Integer): Integer;
- procedure OffsetTIA(var TIA: TIntArray; const Offset: Integer);
- TExtArray = array of Extended; (Alias for TExtendedArray)
- function TEAInTEA(const TEA1, TEA2: TExtArray): Boolean;
- function TEAEmpty(const TEA: TExtArray): Boolean;
- procedure TEAUnique(var TEA: TExtArray);
- function TEAToStr(const TEA: TIntArray): string;
- function StrToTEA(const Str: string): TExtArray;
- function TEAContains(const TEA: TExtArray; const Ext: Extended): Boolean;
- function TEAPos(const TEA: TExtArray; const Ext: Integer): Integer;
- function TEAPosEx(const TEA: TExtArray; const Ext: Extended; const From: Integer): Integer;
- function TEADelete(var TEA: TExtArray; const Index: Integer): Integer;
- function TEAAppend(var TEA: TExtArray; const Ext: Extended): Integer;
- TStrArray = array of string (Alias for TStringArray)
- function CountStr(const SubStr, Str: string): Integer;


Enjoy :)



Edited by Freddy
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- The filetype folders for the save dialog on the debug and report boxes were broken


I've never been able to figure this out, how do you set the file type for the Save dialog, and append an extension based on that type. Should I use another form element?


I remember there was a problem getting the full path after adding anything to it in the code ( not entirely sure ).

Edited by LordJashin
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