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September Report

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Starting this month I'm going to try to release a monthly report summarizing progress that has been made, stuff I'm working on, etc...



The first thing I'd like to point out is that the development of OSI is currently underway and it's looking good. You can follow updates about this project in the dedicated forum section.


SCAR Divi Manual

A few months ago I started a new SCAR manual project because ever since SCAR was created it has always lacked proper documentation. I've made several attempts in the past to fix this issue, but up until now this had never been successful. The new wiki-based manual however is coming along nicely and is already 3 time larger than the largest previous attempt. As of today the manual holds documentation for 320 functions and this number is still growing. So if you're curious about how a certain function works or you want to learn about new functions, check it out.


SCAR Divi 3.26

SCAR Divi 3.26 was released a week ago, this is another large milestone for the project as it contains a lot of new functionality and of course additional stability. SCAR Divi 3.26.01 is underway and should include a few small bugfixes and tweaks to improve performance.


SCAR Divi 3.27 Alpha

SCAR Divi 3.27 Alpha was released right after the final build of SCAR Divi 3.26 as usual with already a bunch of internal tweaks and such embedded. Of course all changes currently applied for the SCAR Divi 3.26.01 release are also present in this alpha build.


SCAR Specifications

As a trial project I am now writing up detailed specifications for upcoming versions of SCAR to give the scripters and users a better idea of what changes will be made and how they affect them. This also gives them the ability to discuss these changes and voice possible concerns about them. You can find the first released specification for SCAR Divi 3.30 here.


SCAR Titan

The final topic is SCAR Titan 4.00, recently a pre-alpha release of this new version of SCAR that has been waited for for several years has been released. Though this is a very early build and because of that is not without some bugs, it has proven to be a very powerful new scripting environment that will certainly offer a lot of possibilities in the future. Development of this product will resume this month alongside the development of SCAR Divi which will not be "discontinued" until at least the release of SCAR 5.



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