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SCAR Divi 3.33 RC

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SCAR Divi 3.33 RC, code freeze is in place. If any more critical bugs are found, I'll patch them up before I release the final build on either Saturday or Sunday.


Regular: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar/

Portable: http://svn.scar-divi.com/scar_portable/


Setup instructions: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?505-Downloading-SCAR-Divi-Prerelease



- Memory leak in client system
- Bug in client system with multi-monitor setups
- FindColorSkipCoords(Tolerance) failed when a TPA with duplicate coordinates was entered
- Types were not exported correctly from plugins
- Functions updated/improved and ported to new framework:
   * FindColorSkipBox(Array)(Tolerance)
   * FindColorSpiral(Tolerance)
   * FindColorsSpiralTolerance
   * FindColorSpiral2
- ScriptFile and TimeRunning did not function correctly when used with ThreadSafeCall
- LoadDebugBitmap always returned False
- FindColorSpiral2 was off by a few pixels

- Improved firewall system + now powered by SQLite3 rather than XML
- New library system
- Legacy libraries now support OnLoadLib and OnUnloadLib callbacks
- Legacy libraries once again receive all previously included functions though SetFunctions except for those removed from SCAR
- BitmapAssigned, CreateBitmap, GetBitmapSize, ResizeBitmap and FreeBitmap now export to legacy libraries

- procedure SortTPAByRow(var TPA: TPointArray);
- procedure TPAExtractCircle(var TPA: TPointArray; const Center: TPoint; const Radius: Extended);
- procedure TPAFilterCircle(var TPA: TPointArray; const Center: TPoint; const Radius: Extended);
- Firewall rules editor
- function CreateBitmap(const Width, Height, Color: Integer): Integer;
- function FindColorsSpiral(const X, Y: Integer; out Points: TPointArray; const Color, XS, YS, XE, YE: Integer): Boolean;
- function TPACenter(const TPA: TPointArray): TPoint;

- FindColorComp
- TColorComp
- MakeScreenPath
- BitmapFromMem


Happy testing! :)



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SCAR 3.33 is sexy because Appa works, and Freddy's scar is now in triple 3 edition. Freddy made the firewall look really good, and some other useful things.


- Legacy libraries now support OnLoadLib and OnUnloadLib callbacks

Freddy does this mean we can do {$L Library.dll} then like {$Unload Library.dll} or {$U}


Nice library in ur sig Janilabo, very useful. When did you make that?

Edited by LordJashin
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Freddy does this mean we can do {$L Library.dll} then like {$Unload Library.dll} or {$U}


No, that would mean the library is unloaded before the script runs, because compiler directives are processed before the script runs. OnUnloadLib gets called when SCAR unloads the library, which makes it possible for you to free resources that might still be loaded in the memory.

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