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OSRS07 - Wood Cutter & fletcher v0.5 Cuts normal trees & makes them into either arrow shafts, short bows or long bows anywhere, equip a hatchet of choice and have a fletching knife in your bag (as shown below) & start the script in an area that's populated with a lot of trees, eg. west of barbarian village at the evergreen trees. Now uses OSI, MSSL & SMART, download or update these includes from the includes manager which can be found by going to File>>Includes manager. From line 71 to 76 you'll find... [sCAR]Mouse(Arrowx, Arrowy, 3, 3, false); //make shafts //Mouse(Lbowx, Lbowy, 3, 3, false); //make long bows //Mouse(Sbowx, Sbowy, 3, 3, false); //make short bows //Mouse(Cbowx, Cbowy, 3, 3, false); //make cross bows Wait(250); Mouse(Arrowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 //Mouse(Lbowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 //Mouse(Sbowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 //Mouse(Cbowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99[/sCAR] Adjust the comment marks // to make the script fletch either arrow shafts, long bows, short bows or cross bows. [sCAR]//OSRS07 - Wood Cutter & fletcher v0.5 //Amberleaf //Instructions & more scripts can be found at {$DEFINE RS07} // V - Bright Settings {$DEFINE SMART} // Comment out to use normal browser {$DEFINE OSI_RS07_Color_Anti_Randoms} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} {$I MSSL\MSSL.scar} const tree = 2317649; tree1 = 2910814; tree2 = 2447955; tree3 = 3632738; tree4 = 4094833; //what to make? replace the constants on line 221 and 223 with the x & y of your choice. Arrowx = 78; Arrowy = 405; Sbowx = 200; Sbowy = 405; Lbowx = 327; Lbowy = 405; Cbowx = 442; Cbowy = 405; procedure DeclarePlayers; begin RS07_LogIn('username', 'password'); end; procedure ScriptTerminate; begin MSSL_Unsetup; FreeOSI; end; procedure SpinCam; begin PressVKeyEx(VK_LEFT or VK_RIGHT, 25 + Random(1000)); end; function RCDrop: Integer; begin if InvFull(true) then begin DropAllExclude([0, 1], True); end; end; function GetFletching: Integer; var x, y: Integer; begin if InvFull(true) then begin Wait(50); Mouse(579, 229, 0, 0, True); Wait(350); If FindColorTol(x, y, 3568276, 556, 209, 732, 462, 32) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); //mouse over log Wait(100); Mouse(x, y, 1, 1, True); //left click Wait(150); //Mouse(Arrowx, Arrowy, 3, 3, false); //make shafts Mouse(Lbowx, Lbowy, 3, 3, false); //make long bows //Mouse(Sbowx, Sbowy, 3, 3, false); //make short bows Wait(550); //Mouse(Arrowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 Mouse(Lbowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 //Mouse(Sbowx, 475, 1, 1, True); //custom ammount 99 Wait(1250); TypeText('99'); Wait(1250); PressVKey(VK_RETURN); Wait(RandomRange(10000, 12000)); MMouse(258, 173, 40, 40); Wait(RandomRange(10000, 12000)); MMouse(258, 173, 40, 40); Wait(RandomRange(10000, 12000)); MMouse(258, 173, 40, 40); Wait(RandomRange(18000, 23500)); end; end; end; procedure GetChopping; var x, y, x1, y1: Integer; c: TPoint; begin c := BoxCenter(RS07_GameActionBx); If MSSL_FindColorSpiralTolCS(227, 159, x, y, 5808532, 1, 1, 510, 334, 3, MSSL_ColorSettings(2, 0, 0.11, 1.06)) then begin MMouse(x, y, 0, 0); Wait(50); WriteLn('found a tree...'); GetMousePos(x1, y1); MMouse(x, y, 10, 5); If FindColorTol(x, y, 14474496, 12, 12, 90, 19, 99) then begin Mouse(x1, y1, 0, 0, True); repeat Wait(50+ Random(100)); GetMousePos(x, y); Wait(50+ Random(100)); MMouse(x, y, 145, 145); GetFletching; //disable this if you don't want to fletch the logs RCDrop; //disable this if you're making arrow shafts or don't want to drop WaitRR(990, 2999); If GetKeyState(VK_F12) then begin TerminateScript; end; //search for randoms here would be awesome. WIP until (FindColorTol(x, y, 14474496, 12, 12, 90, 19, 99) = False); //MMouse(x + Random(100), y - Random(100), 0, 0); //Wait(RandomRange(MINWAITTIME, MAXWAITTIME)); // adjust this time for faster/slower switching speed between trees. FindColorsSpiralTol(227, 159, x, y, [tree, tree1, tree2, tree3, tree4], 1, 1, 510, 334, 14); end else ; If FindColorTol(x, y, 14474496, 12, 12, 90, 19, 99) = False then begin GetMousePos(x, y); MMouse(x, y, 45, 90); Wait(50 + Random(100)); MMouse(x, y, 90, 45); Wait(50 + Random(100)); MMouse(x, y, 30, 30); Wait(50 + Random(100)); end; If GetKeyState(VK_F12) then begin TerminateScript; end; end; end; begin SetUpOSI; MSSL_Setup; DeclarePlayers; Login; SetCompassAngleAndHeight(Dir_North, True); RS07_SetMoveSpeed(1); repeat GetChopping; If Random(30) = 1 then begin SpinCam; //remove comment marks to enable random camera spins. end; until GetKeyState(VK_F12); end. [/sCAR] older versions below. OSRS07 - Wood Cutter v0.3.scar OSRS07 - Wood Cutter v0.2.scar
UB Ultimate Willow Chopper! By: ShadowRecon Features: *Banks Willows *Cuts Willows *Breaks *GUI Set Up *Anti-Ban *Easy Script Updating [Thought about making it Automatic but decided against it] Options: *Multi User Support *Take Breaks? *Break When *Break How Long *Hatchet Wielded Or Inventory? *Randomly AFK Anti-Ban: *Random Waits *Checks Stats Randomly *Auto-Responder *Randomly AFK *Auto Responder Setup 1. Place Char In Draynor Village Bank < Only Supports Draynor for now. 2. Extract Script Folder To Your Script's Folder 3. Open Script 4. Play Script, Fill Out GUI 5. Press Start Script Notes: *None as of now. [ATTACH=CONFIG]333[/ATTACH] Change Log: 1.0 Old code has been ditched and been rewritten from scratch. -Faster Tree Finding -Auto Responder -Faster Detection Of Dead Tree -Bug With Breaks Was Fixed -Added A More Detailed Progress Report -AutoUpdating added!! woot! >> Old Code Log << 3.0 Changed a lot of methods for detecting trees/finding trees -Removed Talking/Responding -Now saves/loads player data 1.2 Fixed Auto-Talking Function - More Random And Added Option To Disable - Select AFK at random to auto talk 1.2 Fixed Clicking on tree with guard in it problem. 1.1 Update Stump Detection Added More Anti-Ban -Auto talker -Skill Checker -Changed Bank Method 1.0 Updated Finding Tree Method. [/Code] UB Willow Pro!
Yew Chopper! By: ShadowRecon. Locations: Camelot Edgeville Setup: Place Char At Selected Location's Bank Fill Out GUI Press Start Button On GUI Notes: Camelot is still beta. This was released do to loss of interest in this type of script. Depending on the feedback i may release the rest of my scripts. Please Report Problems Here! Cannot find the script... lost it on my computer and the download on scar has disappeared =/ Working on a new script!
OSRS07 - Maple Cutter and banker v0.4 1/4/13 Cuts and banks maple logs from the spot just north of the Seers village bank, also collects birds nests when they're dropped. Requirements The MSSL & OSI includes, which can be obtained by going to FILE>>Includes manager & by downloading or updating them. Any hatchet in slot 0 (top left inventory slot). Level 45 woodcutting to cut maples Tips Enter your log in details and pin in to the script for quick log in. Better hatchet = faster cutting & more logs. May still need to be babysat as it can't avoid randoms. Get level 45 mage to teleport back to Camelot or some Camelot teletabs if you're ever caught out by a random. A few hatchets in the bank in-case you're caught out by an Ent and it breaks the hatchet. Big thanks goes out to Jani for his awesomeness <3 Enjoy. OSRS07 - Maple Cutter and banker v0.4.scar older version below OSRS07 - Maple Cutter and banker v0.3.scar OSRS07 - Maple Cutter and banker v0.2.scar
PRSC PowerCut v1.00 Current Status: Works! [Mar. 9, 2013] NOTES -Target the Project RSC APPLET area with SCAR Divi's crosshair. -Latest version of MSSL can be downloaded from SCAR Divi's Includes Manager. Requirements -SCAR Divi version 3.38(+) - Click HERE to download SCAR Divi 3.38 -MSSL version 1.00-8 (NOTE: Update to LATEST with SCAR Divi's Includes Manager!) Build Information -Version 1.00 -Released January 4th, 2013. Features -Powercuts normal trees -Relogging (optional, will warn if you keep the USERNAME & PASSWORD fields empty ['']). -Staff member detection (when Staff Member is writing to chatbox) To be added/improved/fixed in next versions... -Small tweaks here and there. Happy macroing, -Jani [PRSC] PowerCut v1.00.scar
[OSRS07] Willow chopper and banker v0.94 5/4/13 Chops and banks willows at the spot by the bank in Draynor using SMART so you can do other 'things' while it bots. Set your brightness to the MAXIMUM as shown below. This script uses OSI, MSSL & SMART you can obtain these includes by heading to FILE>>INCLUDES MANAGER and download or update them, SMART comes with OSI. If you're below level15 combat level you'll be attacked by level7 dark wizzards, you can still run the script but you'll have to start it further south to not be constantly attacked by them. Enter your details into the script where shown if you want it to login. Leave your hatchet/axe of choice in slot 0 (top left slot). Start by the trees just south of the bank once you're all set. Enjoy. OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker 0.94.scar older versions below. OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.93.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.92.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.9.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.8.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.7.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.6.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.5.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.4.scar OSRS07 - Willow Cutter and banker v0.3
Please Delete. I Do not want to leave any bots that i am currently not going to ever work on, so i dont basically flood the "scripts" category. Sorry:(
IvyChopper Pro! Download Link Here: Get IvyChopper Pro! Proggys i did and tested: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Ran for: 4 hours, 32 minutes, 14 seconds ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Ran for: 2 hours, 49 minutes, 44 seconds ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Ran for: 5 hours, 20 minutes, 39 seconds ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Ran for: 7 hours, 2 minutes, 14 seconds ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EASY and SIMPLE GUI: [ATTACH=CONFIG]242[/ATTACH]