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  1. Game: mini Tower Defence (mTD) Script: Gathers upgrade points by completing levels. - Basic version is only suitable for level 1 and gives 10 points per run. - Expert version will be made suitable for more levels and gives 22 points per level 1 run. Basic: [scar]//by MarkD program mTD_basic; var a : Integer; g : boolean; Procedure MnC(x,y : integer); begin MoveMouse(x,y); Wait(96); ClickMouse(x,y,false); Wait(96); end; Procedure InitM1; begin MnC(115,57); //mission select MnC(85,103); //select mission 1 MnC(434,423); //play end; begin ClearDebug; for a := 0 to 0 do //change to the required amount of runs begin InitM1; t := true; Wait(200); MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(66,145); //place first MnC(469,155); MnC(60,67); //place third MnC(515,418); //send start Wait(2800); //1-2 MnC(515,418); //send w2 Wait(4000); //2-3 MnC(515,418); //send w3 Wait(8000); //3-4 MnC(515,418); //send w4 Wait(10000); //4-5 MnC(515,418); //send w5 while g do //while level not completed begin if (GetColor(246,112) = 4934475) then begin MnC(343,316); //click go g := false; Wait(1000); //try again in 1s end; end; end; end.[/scar] Expert: [scar]//by MarkD, version 1.3 program mTD_expert; var a,MAX : Integer; g,u : boolean; Procedure MnC(mx,my : integer); begin MoveMouse(mx,my); Wait(88); ClickMouse(mx,my,false); Wait(88); end; Procedure Upg(nx,ny : integer); begin MnC(nx,ny); //select tower while u do //while insufficient money begin if (GetColor(531,304) = 14013909) then begin MnC(531,304); //upgrade tower u := false; Wait(100); //try again in .1s end; end; u := true; end; //M1 requires 1x "Initial Money" Procedure InitM1; begin MnC(115,57); //mission select MnC(85,103); //select mission 1 MnC(434,423); //play end; //M2 requires 4x "Intial Money", //4x "Tower Prices", 4x "Tower Damage" //and 3x "Money per Kill" Procedure InitM2; begin MnC(115,57); //mission select MnC(85,129); //select mission 2 MnC(434,423); //play end; //M3 requires 5x "Intial Money", //4x "Tower Prices", 5x "Tower Damage" //and 6x "Money per Kill" Procedure InitM3; begin MnC(115,57); //mission select MnC(85,162); //select mission 3 MnC(434,423); //play end; Procedure PlayM1; begin Wait(200); MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(66,145); //place first tower MnC(469,151); MnC(60,67); //place third tower MnC(515,418); //send start MnC(66,145); //select tower1 Wait(500); while u do //while insufficient money begin if (GetColor(531,304) = 14013909) then begin MnC(531,304); //upgrade! u := false; Wait(100); //try again in .1s end; end; MnC(515,418); //send w2 Wait(1300); //2-3 MnC(515,418); //send w3 Wait(6000); //3-4 MnC(515,418); //send w4 Wait(9500); //4-5 MnC(515,418); //send w5 while g do //while level not completed begin if (GetColor(246,112) = 4934475) then begin MnC(343,316); //click go g := false; Wait(1000); //try again in 1s end; end; end; Procedure PlayM2; begin Wait(200); MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(26,85); //place first tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(45,165); //place second tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(86,165); //place third tower MnC(26,85); //select tower1 MnC(531,304); //upgrade MnC(45,165); //select tower2 MnC(531,304); //upgrade MnC(86,165); //select tower3 MnC(531,304); //upgrade MnC(515,418); //send start MnC(515,418); //send w2 Wait(1000); //2-3 MnC(515,418); //send w3 Wait(2700); //3-4 MnC(515,418); //send w4 Wait(5500); //4-5 MnC(515,418); //send w5 Wait(6300); //5-6 MnC(515,418); //send w6 while u do //while insufficient money begin if (GetColor(531,304) = 14013909) then begin MnC(531,304); //upgrade tower 3 u := false; Wait(100); //try again in .1s end; end; while g do //while level not completed begin if (GetColor(246,112) = 4934475) then begin MnC(343,316); //click go g := false; Wait(1000); //try again in 1s end; end; end; Procedure PlayM3; begin Wait(200); MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(350,406); //place first tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(425,427); //place second tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(425,389); //place third tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(425,346); //place fourth tower MnC(468,151); //buy basic tower MnC(344,330); //place fifth tower MnC(350,406); //select tower1 MnC(531,304); //upgrade MnC(425,427); //select tower2 MnC(531,304); //upgrade MnC(515,418); //send start MnC(515,418); //send w2 //2-3 Upg(425,389); //upgrade tower3 MnC(515,418); //send w3 //3-4 Upg(425,346); //upgrade tower4 MnC(515,418); //send w4 //4-5 Upg(344,330); //upgrade tower5 MnC(515,418); //send w5 Wait(1000); //5-6 MnC(515,418); //send w6 //6-7 MnC(515,418); //send w7 Upg(344,330); //upgrade tower5 while g do //while level not completed begin if (GetColor(246,112) = 4934475) then begin MnC(343,316); //click go g := false; Wait(1000); //try again in 1s end; end; end; begin ClearDebug; MAX := 0; for a := 0 to MAX do begin InitM3; g := true; u := true; PlayM3; end; end.[/scar] How to use: - Start the game in your browser. - Drag the crosshair to the game. - Hit Play, choose either new game or continue - EXPERT ONLY: Buy the first "Initial Money" upgrade that comes for free - Hit F9 For more runs after each other, change ln 24. for a := 0 to [b]0[/b] do //replace the 0 between to and do with whatever amount you like, 0 will do one run Both versions are only verified with Scar Divi 3.35 in Firefox 14.0.1 and 15, on 1680x1050 resolution and with the Kongregate version of the game.
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