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  1. Power Miner Download + More info here: https://phgsosrs.createaforum.com/scripts/power-miner Needs the OSI2 include to run. (File -> Includes Manager -> OSI2) This is version 1.0 code: (please don't copy this into scar. Download the latest version via the links. This code may be out-of-date) {$DEFINE RS07} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} { Created by: BryceTheCoder } var topleftX, topleftY, botrightX, botrightY : Integer; topleft2X, topleft2Y, botright2X, botright2Y : Integer; xxColor, xxTol, oresMined, oreXp, pickSlot : Integer; searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy : Integer; cantFind : Integer; xxHue: Extended; xxSat: Extended; oreType, style : String; Form1_1: TForm; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Button1: TButton; ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; Edit1: TEdit; const TheComputerCatchesOnFire = false; tVer = 'v1.0'; procedure ShowStats; var xp : Integer; begin xp := oresMined * oreXp; ClearDebug; writeln('=================== [ Power Miner ] ==================='); writeln('You have mined: ' + IntToStr(oresMined) + ' ores!'); writeln('Which gained you: ' + IntToStr(xp) + ' exp!'); writeln('=================== [ created by BryceTheCoder ] ==================='); writeln(''); end; procedure StartButton(sender: TObject); begin oreType := ComboBox1.Text; style := ComboBox2.Text; pickSlot := StrToInt(Edit1.Text); Form1_1.Modalresult := mrOK; end; procedure CudntFind; begin inc(cantFind); if (cantFind > 50) then begin ClearDebug; writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('[Power Miner] Terminated the script because I cannot find any ores...'); writeln(''); writeln(''); TerminateScript; end; end; procedure Form1_1_Init; begin with Form1_1 do begin Form1_1 := CreateForm; Label1 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label2 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label3 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Label4 := TLabel.Create(Form1_1); Button1 := TButton.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox1 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); ComboBox2 := TComboBox.Create(Form1_1); Edit1 := TEdit.Create(Form1_1); with Form1_1 do begin Left := 527; Top := 129; BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]; BorderStyle := bsSingle; Caption := 'Created by: BryceTheCoder'; ClientHeight := 217; ClientWidth := 382; Color := clWindow; Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -11; Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; Font.Style := []; OldCreateOrder := False; PixelsPerInch := 96; end; with Label1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 8; Width := 319; Height := 49; Caption := 'Power Miner - ' + tVer; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -37; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 48; Top := 68; Width := 82; Height := 17; Caption := 'Ore to Mine:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label3 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 228; Top := 68; Width := 61; Height := 17; Caption := 'Playstyle:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Label4 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 32; Top := 142; Width := 110; Height := 17; Caption := 'Slot Pickaxe is in:'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; ParentFont := False; end; with Button1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 5; Top := 176; Width := 373; Height := 37; Caption := 'Start Bot!'; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -15; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := @StartButton; end; with ComboBox1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 20; Top := 87; Width := 137; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 1; Text := 'What ore to mine?'; Items.Add('Iron'); end; with ComboBox2 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 168; Top := 87; Width := 193; Height := 25; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'What playstyle?'; Items.Add('Extremely Focused'); Items.Add('Focused but I AFK sometimes'); Items.Add('I AFK a ton'); end; with Edit1 do begin Parent := Form1_1; Left := 144; Top := 139; Width := 25; Height := 23; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -13; Font.Name := 'Tempus Sans ITC'; Font.Style := []; ParentFont := False; TabOrder := 3; Text := '-1'; end; end; end; procedure Form1_1_SafeInit; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_Init', v); end; function Form1_1_ShowModal: Boolean; begin Result := Form1_1.ShowModal = mrOk; end; function Form1_1_SafeShowModal: Boolean; var v: TVariantArray; begin SetLength(v, 0); Result := ThreadSafeCall('Form1_1_ShowModal', v); end; procedure SetupOreColors; begin if (oreType = 'Iron') then begin oreXp := 35; xxColor := 2042181; xxTol := 9; xxHue := 0.08; xxSat := 0.27; end; end; function btc_InRangeE(value, minimum, maximum: Extended): Boolean; begin Result := ((value >= minimum) and (value <= maximum)); end; function btc_PercentToValue(percent, source: Extended): Extended; begin if (percent <> 0) then Result := ((Extended(percent) / 100) * Extended(source)) else Result := 0.0; end; function btc_CountPixelsBx(area: TBox): Integer; begin if ((area.X1 > area.X2) or (area.Y1 > area.Y2)) then Result := -1 else Result := Integer(((area.X2 - area.X1) + 1) * ((area.Y2 - area.Y1) + 1)); end; procedure btc_Sleep(MS: Integer); var t: Integer; k: Byte; begin t := GetSystemTime; k := CharToVKey('s'); repeat try if (GetCurrentKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and GetCurrentKeyState(VK_MENU) and GetCurrentKeyState(k)) then TerminateScript; except end; Wait(0); until ((GetSystemTime - t) > MS); end; function btc_TIAMatch(TIA1, TIA2: TIntArray): Integer; var i, m: Integer; begin Result := 0; m := Min(High(TIA1), High(TIA2)); for i := 0 to m do if (TIA1[i] = TIA2[i]) then Inc(Result); end; function btc_AnimationPercentEx(XS, YS, XE, YE, minTime, maxTime: Integer; minPixelShiftPercent: Extended): Boolean; var bx: TBox; m, l, r: Integer; p: TPointArray; a, b: TIntArray; begin if btc_InRangeE(minPixelShiftPercent, 0, 100) then begin bx := Box(XS, YS, XE, YE); r := Round(btc_PercentToValue(minPixelShiftPercent, btc_CountPixelsBx(bx))); p := TPAFromBox(bx); b := GetColors(p); l := Length(b); btc_Sleep(minTime); m := GetSystemTime; repeat a := GetColors(p); Result := ((l - btc_TIAMatch(b, a)) >= r); SetLength(a, 0); btc_Sleep(0); until (Result or ((GetSystemTime - m) >= maxTime)); SetLength(p, 0); SetLength(b, 0); end else Result := False; end; function isAnimating(): Boolean; begin //btc_AnimationPercentEx(239, 162, 254, 176, 250, 1000, 42.0); Result := btc_AnimationPercentEx(250, 153, 269, 181, 250, 600, 25.0); end; procedure SetupConfig; begin Mouse(675,482,8,8,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(572,227,13,13,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(704,306,4,4,true); waitRR(70,100); Mouse(644,187,7,7,true); end; procedure SetupSearch1; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; wait(1000); Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleftX, topleftY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 1]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botrightX, botrightY); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure SetupSearch2; var del : LongInt; begin ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the top-left of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, topleft2X, topleft2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); ClearDebug; Writeln('[Search Area 2]'); Writeln('>>> Please click the bottom-right of the search area <<<'); PickColor(del, botright2X, botright2Y); ClearDebug; wait(1000); end; procedure MineOre; var x,y : Integer; begin cantFind := 0; if (random(11) = 1) then begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,false); waitRR(35,100); ChooseOption('Mine'); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end else begin GetMousePos(x,y); Mouse(x,y,0,0,true); if (random(4) = 1) then begin MMouse(377,219,300,300); end; end; writeln('[Power Miner] Found ore.'); waitRR(1500, 1900); if random(33) = 1 then begin MouseBox(563, 172, 589, 200, ClickLeft);//stats MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); waitRR(1, 999); if random(4) = 1 then begin MouseBox(680, 210, 732, 235, MoveTo); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(999, 2345); end else begin waitRR(999, 9999); end; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end else begin if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin if random(5) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; if (style = 'Focused but I AFK sometimes') then begin if random(10) = 1 then begin MMouse(-50,-50,40,40); waitRR(1234, 10000); end; end; end; end; procedure AlterSearchArea; begin if (topleft2X = 0) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; exit; end; if (searchLx = topleftX) then begin searchLx := topleft2X; searchLy := topleft2Y; searchRx := botright2X; searchRy := botright2Y; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area2 now.'); exit; end; if (searchLx = topleft2X) then begin searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; writeln('[Power Miner] Looking in area1 now.'); exit; end; end; procedure FindOre; var x,y: Integer; begin if not(isAnimating()) then begin AlterSearchArea; ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(xxHue, xxSat); if FindColorTol(x, y, xxColor, searchLx, searchLy, searchRx, searchRy, xxTol) then begin MMouse(x, y, 3, 3); waitRR(30,100); if UpTextContains('Mine') then begin MineOre; waitRR(123, 456); end else begin CudntFind; FindOre; end; end else begin CudntFind; end; end else begin if random(25) = 1 then begin GetMousePos(x,y); MMouse(x,y,155,155); waitRR(123, 1234); end; if (style = 'I AFK a ton') then begin waitRR(123, 7777); end; if (style = 'Extremely Focused') then begin waitRR(123, 456); end; end; end; procedure ClosedForm; begin ShowMessage('Bot terminated!'); TerminateScript; ClearDebug; end; procedure StartForm; begin Form1_1_SafeInit; if Form1_1_SafeShowModal then begin FreeForm(Form1_1); end else begin ClosedForm; FreeForm(Form1_1); end; end; procedure SetupEverything; begin SetupOSI; SetupOreColors; //SetupConfig; SetupSearch1; SetupSearch2; searchLx := topleftX; searchLy := topleftY; searchRx := botrightX; searchRy := botrightY; MouseBox(631, 174, 655, 198, ClickLeft);//inv end; function TempInvFull: Boolean; var x,y : Integer; begin ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(0.06, 0.14); if FindColorTol(x, y, 4086127, 691, 434, 720, 457, 8) then begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end; procedure ShiftDropAll; var i : Integer; itms : TIntegerArray; begin writeln('[Power Miner] Dropping all ores.'); itms := GetDropPattern(random(6)); VKeyDown(16); for i := 0 to 27 do begin if (itms[i] = pickSlot) then Continue; MouseBox(GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y1, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).X2, GetInvSlotBounds(itms[i]).Y2, ClickLeft); end; VKeyUp(16); end; procedure Bot; begin repeat FindOre; until TempInvFull; oresMined := oresMined + 28; writeln('[Power Miner] Inventory is full.'); ShiftDropAll; ShowStats; end; begin StartForm; SetupEverything; oresMined := 0; writeln('[Power Miner] Started at ' + TimeToStr(Time)); repeat Bot; until TheComputerCatchesOnFire; end.
  2. SimplePowerMiner - Test Stage It's a SimplePowerMiner that will theoreticaly work wherever there is ORE spesefied by the color you set. I've only tested it 3-4 places but should work just fine. Never been tested using OSI, but should work fine There might come some updates to this script, but it's hard to develop for OSI, without getting OSI to work properly for me. {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Note: Ive never had it running more than 5-6 hours. Reason: No AntiRandom. So || you need to do that part you'r self. The bot is VERY basic. || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Note 2: I do NOT use OSI in my script, i used my own include, because || OSI does NOT work (perfectly) for me. But with implemented OSI for you guys. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} program SimplePowerMiner; {$DEFINE RS2} //{$DEFINE SMART} //Remove "//" to use SMART, if you'r smart. {$DEFINE OSI_Color_Anti_Randoms} {$I OSI\OSI.scar} {$I OSI\RS2\Misc\Anti-Ban.scar} procedure ScriptTerminate; begin FreeOSI; end; procedure print(text:string); begin WriteLn('>>> ' + text); end; var x,y:Integer; const color = 2570337; //This is a perfect IRON-color. timer = 3000; //Works from 40-80 mining at Al Kharid - Iron. {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure InitPlayer; || Description: Startup fixes: Face North .::. Angle MAX .::. Set InventoryTab. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure InitPlayer; begin SetGameTab(Tab_Inv); SetAngle(True); MakeCompass(Dir_North); end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure AntiBan; || doesn't do shit atm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure AntiBan; begin (* nothing *) end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure ClickTarget; || Description: Click The target, found by FindTarget. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure ClickTarget; begin if InvFull Then DropAll; if IsUpTextMulti(['Mine', 'ine','Min']) then begin GetMousePos(x, y); Mouse(x, y, 1, 1, True); Wait(timer + Random(1200)); end; end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || procedure FindTarget; || Description: Find a target color: Eg. a rock. Spesefied by color. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} procedure FindTarget; var TPA: TPointArray; TP: TPoint; begin ColorToleranceSpeed(2); SetColorspeed2Modifiers(0.14, 0.70); if FindColorsTolerance(TPA, color, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2, 6) then begin TP := TPA[Random(Length(TPA))]; MMouse(TP.x, TP.y,1,1); Wait(100 + Random(200)); end; end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || MainLoop || Description: Runs the script, until stopped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} begin SetupOSI; InitPlayer; repeat FindTarget; ClickTarget; if Random(15) = 1 Then AntiBan; until False; end.
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