hello good afternoon I have been reading lately in the forum and today I got ready to comment, https://forums.scar-divi.com/topic/1451-duplicate-actions-on-half-of-screen/?tab=comments#comment-8085
I have read this post which is very similar to what I would need but I understand that this post is about a recording of mouse actions, to reproduce it in the Shared screen, what I need would be in real time, what would be the correct term and can be carried out with scar divi or should I look for another option.
In addition there is a program called eithermouse that allows you to have two mice on the same PC, the main thing is that when using the second one it cancels the first one and so on.
If possible, all the above mentioned possibilities that could be posed to execute this "either mouse" with scar divi with your secondary mouse.
Thank you very much in advance, I would appreciate any help and could make donations.
The attached image was taken from the internet by another site with a similar idea but executed in another way. It currently doesn't work in Win 10, I wouldn't know if I could put the link.