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AmberAKCooker V0.1 This script will withdraw, cook & bank any food using the range just north of the Al-Kahrid bank. Instructions 1. Start the script, wait for the SMART client to pop up, click the Disable SMART button and log into your account. 2. Go to the Al-Kahrid bank & place the food to be cooked in the first slot. 3. Make sure your 2nd bank slot has less than 28 items stacked in it, this is for the logout procedure. 4. Click the Enable SMART button when you're in the position shown below. You must make sure your 2nd item slot has an item in it with less than 28 items stacked in it, the reason for this being that after the script has cooked through your supplies the 2nd will become the first item and will be withdrawn & won't fill the bag, the script will detect that your bag isn't full and log out. I couldn't find any other way of doing this but it does work 100% AmberAKCookerV0.1.scar
This is the first script I've ever made, well, the first one I've ever finished (: Start it in Al Kharid Bank, have your food (can be anything) in the first slot of a bank tab or your bank and make sure it's visible as the first slot. Have your compass on north and your camera up most. For your video modus: Click Min and Fixed, then click Custom and click Software. Have fun! Greetings, Jojo program KharidCook; var x,y,ChoiceColor,CookedColor:Integer; var BankColor,RawLobColor,PanColor:Integer; var StoveColor,ChairColor,BankIcon:Integer; //-------------------------// procedure DeclareColors; begin BankColor := 10012657; //Color of Bank Booth CookedColor := 1596086; //Color of Cooked Lobster RawLobColor := 2046567; //Color of Raw Lobster PanColor := 1194595; //Color of Pan on mini-map StoveColor := 925118; //Color of the red flames out of the stove ChairColor := 1328747; //Color of the chair left of the most left bank booth BankIcon := 806245; //Color of the $ sign on the mini-map ChoiceColor := 4345687; //Color of the 'Cook All' select menu (right side of button) end; //-------------------------// Procedure BankTrue; begin If Findcolor(x,y,2765112,490,135,515,160) then else Wait(100); end; //-------------------------// Procedure Bankk; begin Wait(1500); FindColor(x,y,BankColor,114,58+Random(75)+Random(75),239,271); MoveWindMouse(x,y,Random(4),Random(4)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,False); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); MoveWindMouse(x,y+44,Random(6),Random(6)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); repeat BankTrue; until true; Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); MoveWindMouse(398,306,Random(7),Random(7)); GetMousePos(x,y); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); ClickMouse(x,y,True); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); end; //-------------------------// procedure ChangePos; begin MoveWindMouse(157,167,Random(10),Random(10)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure OpenBank; begin If FindColor(x,y,BankColor,114,58,239,271)=False then ChangePos; Wait(1000); Wait(Random(1000)); end; //-------------------------// procedure GetRaw; begin MoveWindMouse(53,104,Random(10),Random(10)); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,False); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); MoveWindMouse(x,y+108,Random(6),Random(6)); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure CloseBank; begin MoveWindMouse(488,33,Random(5),Random(5)); Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(600); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure ToStove; begin FindColor(x,y,PanColor,564,14,684,147); MoveWindMouse(x+Random(5),y+Random(10),Random(5),Random(5)); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure StartFire; begin MoveWindMouse(581,227,Random(7),Random(7)); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); GetMousePos(x,y); ClickMouse(x,y,True); FindColor(x,y,StoveColor,21,112,146,239); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); MoveWindMouse(x,y,Random(5),Random(5)); GetMousePos(x,y); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); ClickMouse(x,y,True); Repeat if (FindColor(x,y,ChoiceColor,380,420,395,435)=False) THEN Wait(100); until (FindColor(x,y,ChoiceColor,380,420,395,435)); MoveWindMouse(263,420,Random(20),Random(20)); GetMousePos(x,y); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure WaitFinish; begin Repeat Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(100); until (FindColor(x,y,CookedCOlor,691,435,715,453)=True); end; //-------------------------// procedure GoBack; begin FindColor(x,y,BankIcon,590,112,640,160); MoveWindMouse(x,y,Random(5),Random(5)); GetMousePos(x,y); Wait(500); Wait(Random(1000)); ClickMouse(x,y,True); end; //-------------------------// procedure Cycle; begin DeclareColors; OpenBank; Bankk; GetRaw; CloseBank; Wait(Random(1000)); Wait(500); ToStove; Wait(10000); Wait(Random(2000)); StartFire; WaitFinish; GoBack; Wait(10000); Wait(Random(2000)); end; {//-------------------------// procedure begin end; {//-------------------------// procedure begin end; //-------------------------// } begin Repeat Cycle; until false; end.