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OSI Logging System Revamp! TOSILog type, among other things

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With that issue with the multi lining I had put this on hold till I got that sorted out. But now its all done, so I continued, and finished the work on the logging system. So now it is closer to being perfect now.



- Multi Line support

- Autologging with OSILog variable. Custom (Folder Path, New Folder, Log Name, Log File type).

- Write full log to debug box

- Auto Screenshot Saving with OSILog variable. Custom (Folder Path, New Folder, Save Name)

- OSILog Client Only variable, if you want screenshots of only the client

- If log or screenshot name already exists appends - 1, or - 2, etc.

- New functions to AutoSave either a log or screenshot whenever you call the appropriate function.



New var OSILog: TOSILog;. OSILog variable.




type TOSILog

Contributors: LordJashin

Description: For All OSI's logging functions in Divi\Misc\Logging.scar

Date Created: October 16th, 2012. By LordJashin.

Last Modified: October 21st, 2012. By LordJashin.



type TOSILog = record

Script: TOSIScriptInfo;

Log: TStrArray;

AutoLog: Boolean;

AutoLogName: string;

AutoLogFolderPath: string;

AutoLogFileType: string;

AutoLogNewFolder: string;

AutoScreen: Boolean;

AutoScreenFolderPath: string;

AutoScreenClientOnly: Boolean;

AutoScreenName: string;

AutoScreenNewFolder: string;







New functions:


procedure OSI_SetupAutoLog(FolderPath, FileType, NewFolder, LogName: string);

procedure OSI_SetupAutoScreenSave(FolderPath, SaveName, NewFolder: string; ClientOnly: Boolean);

function OSI_AutoSaveScreen: Boolean;

function OSI_AutoSaveLog: Boolean;

procedure OSI_WriteLog;

function StrExplodeMulti(d: TStrArray; str: string): TStrArray;



OSI_WriteLog - Will write the whole log to the debug box;

OSI_SetupAutoLog - Sets up the variables in OSILog variable for Auto logging

OSI_SetupAutoScreenSave - Sets up the variables in OSILog variable for Auto Screenshot saving

OSI_AutoSaveScreen - Will auto save the screen for you, if Auto Screenshot saving is enabled

OSI_AutoSaveLog - Will auto save OSILog log for you, if Auto logging is enabled

StrExplodeMulti - Will explode a string by multiple Delimiters or separators into a TStrArray.


Updated Odd & Even for 3.36

Other type I added but doesn't do anything inside OSI yet:




type TOSIScriptInfo

Contributors: LordJashin

Description: Hold info for your script! Will be used in logging eventually

Date Created: October 16th, 2012. By LordJashin.

Last Modified: October 16th, 2012. By LordJashin.



type TOSIScriptInfo = record

Name, Version, Author, Description, Created, LastUpdated: string;




Here's an example using the latest features:



program TestingFeatures;

{$I OSI/OSI.scar}



ClientOnly = False; // Save screenshots of client only and not full desktop?


procedure SetupIncludes;


OSI_SetupAutoLog(LogsPath, 'txt', 'TestFolder', 'TestName');

OSI_SetupAutoScreenSave(LogsPath, 'TestFolder', 'TestName', ClientOnly);




procedure ScriptTerminate;










Testing file.


Possible features might add in future:

- Custom (auto logging/auto screenshot saving) times, dates, formats, etc.

- Custom formats for Screen shots (bmp, png, etc).

- Custom options for OSILog log's header

- Add OSI Script Info into the header


Possible features for OSI in future:

- More Exception handling & maybe more try..except..finally blocks

- logging of exceptions more, hopefully more information about exceptions too

Edited by LordJashin
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New error handling added:



procedure HandleOSIException;

Contributors: LordJashin

Description: Used in SetupOSI to handle any errors! OSIExceptionThrown is set

Date Created: October 21st, 2012. By LordJashin.

Last Modified: October 21st, 2012. By LordJashin.




OSIExceptionThrown: Boolean;


procedure HandleOSIException;


s: string;


s := ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam) + #13#10 +

'***WARNING***' + #13#10 +

'Failed to load! An Error has occurred!' + #13#10 +

'Try restarting SCAR Divi, SMART, or Re-installing OSI' + #13#10 +

'If problems persist post a thread on the forums at http://www.scar-divi.com' + #13#10 +

'Terminating Script!';


OSIExceptionThrown := True;







Used in SetupOSI function now:


[scar] except



if not OSIExceptionThrown then


IsOSISetup := True;

OSI_WriteAndLog('Successfully Setup!');




So if an error pops up, everything will terminate, and you will get a ShowMessage and writelns about it..



Now that I think about it. Could add some Forms, functionality, and build it in too. Create my own little record...then use it instead of showmessage. But its fine for now I guess. Create like a little help form lols.

Edited by LordJashin
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