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Angry Birds Hunter BOT

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Firstly Hi;

I was bored and i wrote this script.


This bot (or aimbot w/e) works with this game. Click HERE! and you should use select client button(Getting client position with findcolor is so bad i think.). Then run it and you will won




program AngryBirdsHunting;



w,h :Integer;

Menu_Y: Integer;

Target: Array [1..5] of Integer;

Target_X, Target_Y: Integer;

i :Integer;






Menu_Y := h - (h div 3);



Target[1] := 12164698; // Blue Bird

Target[2] := 2492104; // Red Bird

Target[3] := 6002953; // Green Bird

Target[4] := 2777005; // Black Bird

Target[5] := 2943481; // Yellow Bird



for i := 1 to High(Target) do


if FindColor(Target_X,Target_Y,Target,5,5,w,Menu_Y) then



until false;






PS: You should click "NEXT" button after level.

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Nice script, Dicaste. :) You should change "for i := 1 to High(Target) do" to "for i := 1 to Length(Target) do", because right now your code ignores the yellow bird.

See, the loop goes from 1 to 4. High(Target) = 4.


If you are interested, your code can be shortened a lot:


[scar]program AngryBirdsHunting;



i, w, h, bH, Menu_Y, Target_X, Target_Y: Integer;

Target: TIntArray;



GetClientDimensions(w, h);

Menu_Y := (h - (h div 3));

// Birds: Blue Red Green Black Yellow

Target := [12164698, 2492104, 6002953, 2777005, 2943481];

bH := High(Target);


for i := 0 to bH do

if FindColor(Target_X, Target_Y, Target, 5, 5, w, Menu_Y) then

ClickMouse(Target_X, Target_Y, True);

until False;




Edited by Janilabo
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Firstly Hi;

I was bored and i wrote this script.


This bot (or aimbot w/e) works with this game. Click HERE! and you should use select client button(Getting client position with findcolor is so bad i think.). Then run it and you will won




program AngryBirdsHunting;



w,h :Integer;

Menu_Y: Integer;

Target: Array [1..5] of Integer;

Target_X, Target_Y: Integer;

i :Integer;






Menu_Y := h - (h div 3);



Target[1] := 12164698; // Blue Bird

Target[2] := 2492104; // Red Bird

Target[3] := 6002953; // Green Bird

Target[4] := 2777005; // Black Bird

Target[5] := 2943481; // Yellow Bird



for i := 1 to High(Target) do


if FindColor(Target_X,Target_Y,Target,5,5,w,Menu_Y) then



until false;






PS: You should click "NEXT" button after level.


Thanks too much. I dont know the "lenght" function. :D Thanks again

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Yeah, Length() will give the length of an array, whereas High() will give the highest index of an array. :)

You can also use High for that loop, you just need to add +1 to it.. Like this:


[scar]for i := 1 to (High(Target) + 1) do[/scar]

(High + 1 = length of an array)



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Yeah, Length() will give the length of an array, whereas High() will give the highest index of an array. :)

You can also use High for that loop, you just need to add +1 to it.. Like this:


[scar]for i := 1 to (High(Target) + 1) do[/scar]

(High + 1 = length of an array)




I get right now. Thanks for help.

Edited by Dicaste
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