Hi everyone,
I've been trying to learn SCAR to macro in a game.
The sequence of actions that I need performed is as follows:
1. Leading a mouse within the boundary of an intractable object
My solution: MoveMouseBox command while specifying the box within the object
2. Right clicking in this randomized spot on the object to bring up an interaction menu (opens near where you clicked)
My solution: This is where I am stuck, I don't know how to make a mouse perform a right click on a random coordinate that it moves to from 1.
3. Selecting (mousing over) an option from the interaction menu and clicking it
My solution: Since the menu button I want clicked doesn't change I could use the bitmap strategy to recognize the option
4. Repeating the entire process after a certain wait time
My solution: Repeat function
I'm using SCAR Divi 3.41
Thanks to whoever helps me with writing this script and teaching me.